Return of the War God

Chapter 1007: : Last cut

Floating cloud, unblocker

For his own strength, Gan Gang has never had any doubts, so every battle is a kind of enjoyment for him, enjoying the blood splashing and the wonderful feeling of passing through the flesh when the eight-foot long knife slashes through the powerful opponent!

This is a swordsman who was born for war, who naturally likes to kill and fight, and never stops.


The dark red sword light formed tens of thousands of feet of sword light to practice horizontally cutting the void, fierce, fierce, and pressing like the sky!

The first sword that Gan Gang slashed demonstrated his strength. A single pass was clean and neat, enough to easily cut several cultivators at the later stage of the Earth Soul Realm in half!

Obviously, in the previous extreme survival battle, he obviously had reservations, and he did not show all his strength.


Seeing no movement from the elegant minister, only a clear sword groan was heard, the Yangwu Sword had appeared in his hand, and it was cut out like a sword, the posture was perfect.

The brilliant sword light was born, bright like moonlight and flowing water, as if coming from outside the sky, like the light of the beginning of heaven and earth!


A sonorous sound pierced, it was the collision of the blade and the blade, endless sparks shot into the void, the blade light and the blade light slashed into one place, it was like two stars colliding, bursting out endless blade energy and sword energy !

The sword qi ran wildly, cutting across nine heavens and ten earth, and the void was all shattered by it!

Sword Qi roared, flying across the sky, sun and moon, slashing all directions like dragons!

The two figures retreated, and a terrifying counter-shock wave splashed into the void, engulfing endless sword aura and sword aura, and filled the arena. Fortunately, it was resisted by the Yuanli light film, otherwise the arena would be There are many heads flying up, and blood is spilled in six directions!

Under the violent collision of the first blow, the two seem to be evenly divided, and no one can help each other.

Above the throne, Ye Wuque's bright eyes flickered, and the corner of his mouth outlines an arc, and only he knows that the style minister has actually been merciful.

It seems that Lao Feng was indeed aroused, and he finally met a powerful swordsman, so he naturally wanted to enjoy it.

"Hahahaha! Good! Good! Can withstand 70% of my strength and survive a single cut, you are the first one, it seems that I can chop up today!"

A frantic laughter sounded from the fiery light of the sword. The eight-foot long sword slashed through the void, poking out from the light, with a wave of madness and fierceness, and Gan Gang shot again!

As he said, the power of this second sword is 30% stronger than the first one!

Therefore, where the eight-foot long sword passed, the void directly collapsed and cracked, and the dark red sword burned with blood-like light like a blood flame. It was a more terrifying force formed by compressing the sword energy to the extreme!

"Blade Sha?"

The peerless minister in white clothes stood holding a sword, and when he saw the dry sword, his clear eyes suddenly brightened, as if he was happy to see the hunt.

In the next moment, the four-foot-long body of the Yangwu Sword also burst out with unparalleled light, and it also burned out a bright flame like the sun, which was indeed the sword!

Jingle bells!

On the battle platform, the two figures clashed fiercely and constantly collided. This time, it was no longer the sword aura and the sword aura, but the more terrifying sword and sword evil ten times, the destructive power and lethality also exceeded ten times!

Therefore, after dozens of breaths, countless knife marks and sword marks appeared on the ground of the entire battle platform, which were three fingers thick!

You must know that the casting material of this battle platform is extremely strong, which can stand for countless years of wind and rain, but at this moment, it is so fragile under the sword of dry and elegant style.

"Haha! Happy! Take me ten more!"

Gan Gang's laughter has never been heard since the beginning of the battle, and his laughter is getting crazier and more excited, as if he has found the most important meaning in life.

In this way, the sword evil and the sword evil are horizontal and horizontal, the sword light and the sword light are whizzing, the world is trembling, and a cultivator of Dragonbone County who is watching the battle has forgotten to speak, just staring at the battle with his eyes wide open. I don't want to miss the wonderful battle on stage.

At this moment, except for Ye Wuque, the other super geniuses all had their eyes flickering, staring at the two people fighting on the platform, their expressions became solemn and stern, including the wild and invincible Su Yinxiu.

Obviously, whether it is the strength of the Qian Gang or the style ministers, they have reached the point where they are extremely dignified.

Of course, there is one other exception, that is, Magic King Kong Wan Ziliang.

Different from others, Wan Ziliang also stared at the handsome ministers and dry gangs of the war, but his face was full of desire and heat. Even his tall and majestic body was trembling slightly, but not afraid. Is excited.


The sound of a huge sword strike rang out, and an unimaginable rush of weather exploded, and directly tore a huge gap in the battle platform. Between the endless sword light and the sword light, a figure retreated. Go, the long knife in his hand stabs the ground, but still can't stop the retreat, the tip of the knife rubs against the ground of the battle platform, bursting out endless sparks!

When Gan Gang stabilized his figure, he retreated nearly ten thousand feet!

The tiger's mouth holding the eight-foot long knife has burst, blood is flowing, and the hilt is dyed red. There are five sword marks on the dry body, two on the sides of the neck, two on the armpit, and one on the armpit. Dantian part!

Five sword marks, five deadly locations, but they just pierced through the martial robes of Qiangang, and did not go deep into it.

Gan Gang looked down at the five sword marks on his body, and then at the cracked right hand of the tiger's mouth. He suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, but he did not see the slightest anger or unwillingness!

Aside from ten thousand feet, the handsome minister stood holding a sword, white clothes peerless, and there was no joy or sorrow in his clear eyes. Enchanted.

"I cut a total of three thousand nine hundred and sixty-two knives, but none of them can hurt you a single vellus hair, but I have died five times and more than that. Although I am arrogant and mad, I still want it today. Just to say, you are the most powerful swordsman I have ever seen! I am very happy to fight with you, but it would be too boring if I admit defeat, so I have one last shot..."

Gan Gang's voice sounded slowly, still mad, but with a hint of cherishment and piety that he had never seen before.

The **** right hand slowly lifted, and the eight-foot long knife was shining dark red in the sun, but it was no longer the sword evil, nor was it in the body, but the eight-foot long knife was the most original light. \\Cool craftsman d net forever + (for a long time free p fee i. Look small: %say p

"The name of this sword... Surprise, it is the result of my childhood. I have been with me throughout my life. I have learned everything here. Then, the next thing is the seven-style sword intent that I have realized!" Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update!

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