Return of the War God

Chapter 1013: : Take dragon bones, draw true blood, hunt dragon soul

hof knows the unblockers

If the guard of Fulong County heard about taking the dragon bones, sucking the dragon blood, and cracking the dragon soul, he would laugh, thinking that this was a daydream at all!

If these three Tianlong corpses could be taken away, would they have been here for countless years?

It had been completely divided by the masters of the Xingyan Kingdom for countless years ago, and it would be impossible for people of later generations to see them again.

In fact, when the dragon bone county guards of the past dynasties took office, the king would send a master to come here to check it unwillingly. Every time he was looking forward to the three corpses of the dragon, but every time he was helplessly disappointed. And return.

Even later, the masters of the royal capital seemed to give up and never came to check it again, leaving the three corpses of the heavenly dragons to stand here, so they passed on with Dragon Bone County.

In other words, no one in the 36 counties of the Xingyan Kingdom can do anything with these three corpses, even the Lord Menggan!

Unfortunately, no one can imagine what kind of existence Sora is!

Sitting cross-legged, Ye Wuque's figure was submerged in the Yuanli fog, not to mention the super geniuses on the other two dragon corpses, even if they were separated by a distance of one foot, they could barely see a vague figure.

In other words, as long as Ye Wuque's actions are now cautious, no one will find him.


A faint white light suddenly loomed out, covering Ye Wuqian's entire figure, and an incredible scene happened immediately, even Ye Wuqian himself was shocked.

I saw him sitting in a cross-legged posture, but his posture did not change at this moment, he just sank slowly from the spot, and then disappeared!

And after Ye Wuque disappeared, there were no wounds on the body of the Heavenly Dragon Corpse in the same place, as if he had teleported for no reason.

If this scene is seen by a master of Xingyan Kingdom, it will definitely be shocked, unbelievable!

You must know that even if the masters of the royal capitals of the past tried their best to use the power of even the magical weapon, they could not leave even a trace on the body of this dragon!

However, at this moment, Ye Wuque was wrapped in a faint white light and came to a very strange place!

"Is this the inside of this crimson dragon corpse?"

Ye Wuque's bright eyes were deeply shocked, and he looked in all directions and found that he had come to a strange world of flesh and blood!

The corpse of the Tianlong was nearly one million feet in size, so huge, and the world inside its body was naturally extremely vast. At this moment, Ye Wuqian stepped into it and suddenly saw something very novel.

Wherever he looked, there was a barrier of flesh and blood, and he saw all kinds of thick veins, bones, and even a remnant of terrible power filled with it, but it was a pity that it was already full of death and became gray and black. Extremely.

"The reason why these three heavenly dragon corpses cannot be dealt with is that they died under the law of destruction, which is beyond the super existence that the monks of the Star Kingdom can understand. The law of destruction is extremely overbearing, even if they are left after killing the creatures. The power of "will also seal the corpses of living beings, unless it is a monk of the same level who can do anything about it."

Kong's voice resounded in Ye Wuque's mind, helping him to understand.

In the next instant, Ye Wuque's figure rose from the ground under the white and radiant package, constantly shuttled, turning left and right, and only half an hour later stopped in a narrow gap in the flesh wall.

"This is... Heavenly Dragon Blood? It hasn't been destroyed!"

Looking at the scarlet golden blood drop the size of a human head floating in the gap in front of him, Ye Wuque was shocked!

"This is the heart part in front of this Tianlong. Even if the rest is destroyed by the law of destruction, there is still the last bit of Tianlong's true blood remaining here."

Kong controlled Ye Wuqian's body, pointed his right arm far away, and immediately took this drop of red golden heavenly dragon blood and submerged it.

Soon Ye Wuque flew up again, and an hour later, he came to another place, where huge bones spread criss-cross, but unfortunately they were all contaminated with death.

"In the flesh of the dragon race, the most precious dragon bone is the dragon spine, which contains the essence of the dragon body. This thing is of great use to you, and it is about leaving the dust."

The empty words immediately shocked Ye Wuque's heart!

Immediately under the control of Kong, Ye Wuque raised the knife and dropped his hand, chopped off a long bone that was as white as jade one by one from the many keel bones. The light on it was full of flashes, and it seemed to contain incomparably amazing power. The indescribable dragon is looming!

After obtaining the True Blood of the Heavenly Dragon and the vertebrae of the Heavenly Dragon one after another, under Kong's control, a faint white glow surged, and Ye Wuque's body slowly flew up and disappeared directly here.

Where the Tianlong corpse was originally where Ye Wuque sat cross-legged, his figure flashed, jumped out, and stood on it!

"The last thing is to hunt the Heavenly Dragon Soul. Although there is a rule of destruction, there are still immortal obsessions in the three corpses of the Heavenly Dragon, which means that there are still a few Heavenly Dragon Souls that are immortal, and it is enough to intercept one strand. "

As Kong's voice sounded, Ye Wuque's body slowly knelt down, his right hand with five fingers wide open, gently pressed against the body of the Heavenly Dragon, and then a faint white light surged into it.

In the next moment, Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly turned black, and then he seemed to see a majestic dragon flying nine days and one million feet in size!


An overbearing dragon roar sounded in the ear, its mighty as prison, the mighty sky!

Ye Wuque's mind roared endlessly, and he suddenly saw the huge scarlet heavenly dragon suddenly roaring towards him, swallowing him with an endless roar!


Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly lit up, followed by a big gasp, with an incomparable sense of horror in his eyes, as if he had not recovered from the picture just now. {Look at the \\e version of the t chapter ◇L section on /ucoolsmith+! Net j

"The hunting of the Heavenly Dragon Soul will be subject to the impact of the Heavenly Dragon Soul, but this Heavenly Dragon has been dead for countless years, the strength of the Heavenly Dragon Soul has long been lost by ninety-nine percent, and the remaining point can be resisted by the power of your divine consciousness.

Kong’s voice sounded again, and at this moment, in Ye Wuque’s right hand, a faint light source appeared. Inside, there was a scarlet dragon that was no more than a finger cruising, exuding unyielding faith, roaring and roaring from the sky. It is the soul of this crimson dragon that has been hunted by Kong!

Next, draw the gourd in the same way. Without the super genius who hadn't alarmed the black Tianlong corpse to retreat, Kong controlled Ye Wuque's body to obtain the Tianlong true blood, the Tianlong spine and the Tianlong soul of this dark Tianlong.

"Unfortunately, that third dragon corpse had the weakest strength in his lifetime. After the erosion of the law of destruction, his body was already decayed, the true blood of the heavenly dragon was contaminated, the spine was also depleted, and the spirit of the heavenly dragon was completely mutilated, and there was no need to hunt. "

With a faint speech, Ye Wuque nodded slowly, not feeling that it was a pity, because if there was no time, he would not get these Heavenly Dragon True Blood, Heavenly Dragon spine, and Heavenly Dragon Soul at all.

People should learn to control their greed, not be controlled by greed.

"Well, the things that should be obtained have been taken, and then I will go to that special place..."


Ye Wuque's figure was shrouded in a faint white glow, and disappeared in the next instant. Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update!

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