Return of the War God

Chapter 1014: : Cultivate the immortal body

hof knows the unblockers

No one knew that the most precious things in these three Tianlong corpses had been obtained by Ye Wuque in these short two-odd hours, which became his chance!

The Yuanli mist became thicker and thicker, and the remaining nine people were still sitting in their previously selected positions, silently in the training of tempering the Yuanli in the body.

However, at the head of the third dragon corpse in the deep blue sky, the neck of the elegant minister who was sitting cross-legged was shining with a faint brilliance. The brilliance followed his arm and invaded the interior of the corpse of the heavenly dragon. The handsome ministers are physically connected...


With the whistling of the wind in his ears, Ye Wuque was speeding in the depths of the dragon bone relics according to the guidance of the air. To be precise, he should be behind the valley of the three corpses of the heavenly dragons. He seemed to be caught in the thick fog of vitality as he kept flying. .

About half an hour later, a huge mountain wall appeared in front of Ye Wuque, and he stopped his way.

Obviously, the road has come to an end here, and Ye Wuque found that the mountain wall was thick and hard. Even if he smashed it with all his strength, he only smashed a layer of lime, and the rest did not change at all.

Immediately after Ye Wuque's body was full of faint white brilliance, Kong once again manipulated Ye Wuque's right hand, gently placed it on the mountain wall, and immediately the light flashed, and Ye Wuque's whole person slammed into the mountain wall. Inside, just disappeared.

"Hi! My God..."

When Ye Wuque saw everything clearly after his eyes lit up, his face was completely shocked this time!

Because what appeared at the end of his eyes was a!

No matter how Ye Wuque looked, he couldn't look up to the end and see the full picture of this star!

This is not the kind of stars that have evolved from the fighting jerk, but actually falling down from the starry sky of the universe, hundreds of millions of kilometers, falling into this unknown world, making Ye Wuque a kind of seed again. The illusion of coming into the starry sky of the universe.

The whole body is dark, full of ancient and mottled feeling, dead, cold and lifeless!

"If there is no accident, this falling star should be the one that shattered in front of the three heavenly dragon corpses during the battle, and fell from the stars to the same place with the three heavenly dragons. I don’t know why it was here. Buried, a mountain wall was formed over time, and no one noticed it."

Ye Wuque still opened his mouth slightly at this moment, did not recover from the shock, after all, this scene was too spectacular, he saw a real star!

After a long time, Ye Wuque calmed down and recovered from this shock.

He originally thought that the special environment that Kong said would be a place full of the heaven and earth's vitality or the fluctuation of the power of each element, but he did not expect that it would be a star.

call out!

With a thought, Ye Wuque's figure rose into the sky and began to fly to the star.

The closer you get to this star, the more Ye Wuque can find that the surface of this star seems to have been completely cracked, with huge cracks spreading on it, which is actually a broken star, and it is clearly regarded as a broken star. Shattered by a powerful force!

Looking at this broken star in the distance, Ye Wuque's eyes slowly filled with longing and wonder.

Being able to fight in the cosmic starry sky, able to break through meteorites, and explode the stars, what kind of cultivation realm should this be?

The more he thought about it, the more intense Ye Wuque's desire became.

"I will definitely become stronger! One day I will also be able to burst the starry sky with my fist and crack the sky! Only then will the starry sky be qualified to be my battlefield! At that time, no one is qualified to separate me from Jiao Xue! "

In his mind, the immortal figure, the beautiful face, a deep thought flashed in Ye Wuque's eyes, and a heart of regret flashed through his eyes, but immediately he was as if he could kill everything. Replaced by sharpness and faith!

"Wait for my Jiaoxue, I will definitely pick you up..."


In this way, Ye Wuque flew for more than two hours before coming to this broken star!

"The body-refining technique created by the broken star wants to break through from the full body of the star to the immortal body. The power of the ordinary star has no effect. Only the power of the real star core has the effect. Although the star has been broken , The vitality is gone, but there is still a trace of power in its star core. This power is enough for you, enough for you to break through to the first level of the immortal body."

As Kong's voice resounded, Ye Wuque's bright eyes began to look at the center of the broken stars from the cracks, and immediately turned into a stream of light and jumped down!

When Ye Wuque came to a place where the stars were splendid, he felt a majestic power rushing towards his face, a power that was pure and pure thousands of times more than the power of the stars!

The power of the star core!

Only in the center of a star can such a magical force be born, and it is also the original force that maintains a star to survive in the universe.

Seeing the splendid star core power in front of him, Ye Wuque closed his eyes, and the contents of the physical training exercises taught to him by Master Broken Star Elder Master gradually emerged in his eyes. After half a quarter of an hour, his eyes opened again. The light became deep and calm.

Immediately, Ye Wuque stepped out, and his whole body was surging with the war energy of the saint path, enveloped him, and plunged into the sea of ​​star core power.

In an instant, Ye Wuque felt a huge pain tearing, his body seemed to be thrown into a hot oil pan, and then thrown into the volcano deep in the heart of the earth. He only persisted for less than a quarter of an hour. He fainted completely.

But before fainting, Ye Wuque clung to the last trace of clarity, and ran the immortal body training exercises. The most *% new ‘chapter 7+ on x cool y\" craftsman = net


When Ye Wuque's figure completely disappeared in the ocean of star core power, everything seemed to fall into the dead silence before, as if Ye Wuque had never been here.


Fifteen days is just a matter of blinking an eye for the monk.

When the figure of Fulong County Guard appeared again in the valley, it proved that half a month's time had passed quietly!

The dense Yuanli fog obscured everything, making people invisible.

Fulong County Shou's sleeves waved, and the gust of wind swept across, and the mist of Yuanli was blown away again.

On the three corpses of the sky dragons, the figures were sitting side by side, as if they were still immersed in their own world without awakening.

But what vision is the guard of Fulong County?

Just at a glance, I can see that the volatility overflowing from everyone's body is much stronger than half a month ago!

Obviously, no one wasted any time in the past half month, and they were all working hard to cultivate.

A satisfied smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Fulong County Guard was preparing to wake everyone up, but in the next moment, his face suddenly changed slightly!

Because he suddenly realized that one of the ten people was missing, Ye Wuque had disappeared! Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update!

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