Return of the War God

Chapter 1046: : Group

Xingyan God Tree, here it is!

"Come on, Hua Nong Yue!"

"Charming minister! Looking forward to slashing all opponents with your long sword!"

"Fist bursts into the sky! Ye Wuque, come on!"

"Lian Xing! Luo Zheng, give glory to the King of Star Yan!"


Endless cheers and shouts erupted from the earth, even more enthusiastic than the past arena melee!

After the Golden Eyed Karmapa's big hand fell, two hundred super geniuses once again came to the vine world of the Xingyan God Tree.

Listening to the deafening cheers and shouts, many super geniuses showed a sharp smile on their faces!

At this moment, the Golden-Eyed Karmapa has come to the subjective battlefield. This time it is not only him, but also the first smoker, the first red star, and seven other distinguished figures with extremely powerful auras!

Under the ruler of the Kingdom of Xingyan, there are three kings, nine heads, and eighteen kings and iron horses!

This time the final arena decisive battle, the nine first seats unexpectedly arrived, which shows that King Xingyan attaches great importance to the battle of genius.

In addition, the thirty-six county guards of the thirty-six counties are also sitting behind the first seat of the nine major counties, all exuding an unparalleled aura!

Similarly, juxtaposed with the first of the Nine Great Halls are the three adults of Xinghun Pavilion, Liangyi Alliance, and Qinghuoshanzhuang Huifeng, Xuan and Shuimiao.

And the two hundred super geniuses are sitting on the Throne of Green Leaf at this moment, just like the previous melee, the green rhizome reappears, combined with everyone's right arm, drawing a drop of blood and the power of divine mind, a statue has long been produced. Xing Yan clone.


Until a certain moment, a sound full of breath resounded loudly, and the King of Golden Eyes spoke.

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The entire Xingyan God Tree suddenly became silent, and even the countless monks in the 36th Counties stopped talking with the voice of the Golden Eyes.


In the next instant, above the void of the Xingyan God Tree, a huge face turned out to be the Lord of the Menggan!

"Meet the Lord!"

With deep respect voices resounded in unison, everyone respected and respected the Lord Menggan from the bottom of their hearts.

"Very well, there are a total of 50 billion young generation geniuses in the kingdom of geniuses who have signed up this time. The number of geniuses has surpassed previous ones. After repeated selections and fierce battles, you have finally come to today. Work hard. The Lord once said Over..."

"Anyone who wins the final top 100 in this genius war will each receive rewards ranging from 100 million to 10 billion Yuanjing!

"The core disciple of Xingyan Temple will be obtained, and the top ten geniuses will be the true disciple."

"You will get one arbitrarily designated soul beast among the top 100 soul beasts!"

"You will get two chances to enter the large ruins of Xingyan!"

"You will be qualified to comprehend the power of the field ten times!"

"So, work hard, as long as you are good enough, Xingyan Temple welcomes you!"

The words of the Lord Menggan resounded all over the world and spread into the ears of those super geniuses, causing the blood in their hearts to boil slowly, and endless desire and enthusiasm in their eyes!

Xingyan Temple!

This is the lifelong dream of all Xingyan Kings, and it is the ultimate paradise for countless monks on pilgrimage!

In the next instant, the huge face disappeared again!

Lord Menggan is waiting for his status?

Being able to appear before the battle of genius is already enough attention, just like the previous melee in the ring, naturally it will not stay long.

"The Lord Menggan has already said what to say, so next, the 889th Xingyan Kingdom Genius Tournament will finally win the final ring, which is about to begin!"

"Next, this king begins to announce the rules for the decisive battle."

The voice of the Golden-Eyed Pharaoh once again echoed the audience, and the entire Xingyan Kingdom became quiet at this moment and listened quietly.

"Like the melee in the arena, this final arena deciding match rule is also very simple. It is still random selection and random matching."

"You two hundred people will be randomly placed in four groups, each group of fifty people will compete against each other randomly. After the first round, each group will win 25 people, and a total of 100 people in the four groups will be the top 100 in this genius battle. , Will receive a reward from the royal capital, 100 million to 10 billion middle-grade Yuanjing, will be the core disciple of Xingyan Temple."

"In the end, the top ten among the hundred people will receive the rewards mentioned by the leader of the country just now, and will receive the identity of Xingyan Temple's direct disciple."

"When you think about it, you all already understand that the first round of the showdown in this arena is actually a choice of fate. The winner will get the opportunity to join the Xingyan Temple, and the loser will get nothing."

"So, work hard, little guys, do your best to gain supreme glory for yourself!"


As the words of the Golden Eyes fell, the green leaf battle platform slowly rose again in the center of the star **** tree, but this time it was no longer just one, but 25 seats!

At the same time, the right arm of each Xingyan clone began to flash with numbers, and then stopped after a few breaths.

"The first group... It seems that this time I don't have to wait that long."

Ye Wuque looked at the number "one" on the right arm of his Xing Yan avatar, knowing that he was randomly assigned to the first group this time, taking the lead in the arena decisive battle, and would no longer play in the last few rounds of the previous ring melee.

But this time, Feng Caichen was ranked in the fourth round, which is the last round, and the four Qian Gang were in the second or third round. Only Ye Wuque was the first round.

At this moment, fifty of the two hundred super geniuses had their faces become grim, and these were all those who were immediately ranked to play in the first group.

On the edge of the twenty-five green leaf battlefield, a blooming flower bloomed, and the IELTS that had appeared before appeared again.

Seeing a move with her right hand, a light curtain suddenly appeared above the void, with fifty names flashing on it, and then slowly stopped!

The fifty names were paired randomly at once, and it was the first group of fifty people who were about to face off.

"Next, I will introduce the names of the first group of players!"

The gentle but loud voice of IELTS resounded inside the sacred tree, making everyone stare at the huge light curtain.

"Battle One, Jiang Biwu in Fengming County, Chen Huashun in Dawu County!"

"The second battle platform, Zhao Ye in Qingtian County, Gonghe in Tianma County!"


"On the 18th battle platform, Qin Wushuang of Wushuang County, Ye Wuque of Longgu County!"

When IELTS reported the two people who were about to face off on the eighteenth platform, the atmosphere within the entire sacred tree suddenly burst!

"Damn! Qin Wushuang and Ye Wuque! Did these two get together in the first round?"

"This is simply Ssangyong's battle for hegemony!"

"Who will win? I really can't guess!"

"Qin Wushuang! He is the number one super genius in Wushuang County! Although Li Xuanfeng is not known as the peerless double pride of Wushuang County, it is said that the strength of the two is very different! Qin Wushuang can easily defeat Li Xuanfeng!"

"That's not necessarily! Have you forgotten Ye Wuque's performance before? It was a mess! One hand suppressed Li Xuanfeng, Hua Mingyu, and Xin Wentian! No one knows how strong he is. !"

"In short, this battle must be very exciting! I am looking forward to it!"


Countless monks in the royal capital in the Xingyan God Tree were talking, and their expressions were full of excitement and expectation.

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