Return of the War God

Chapter 1047: : Ten tricks you can't support!

Alive o unblockers

The voice of IELTS was still resounding, until she reported to the last two of the first group of the twenty-fifth battle platform, there was a thunderous applause in the Xingyan Divine Tree!

Huh huh!

Fifty avatars of Xingyan suddenly soared into the sky, across the void, and each landed on the selected battle platform, facing away from the opponent.

Everyone knows how important and critical this battle is. The winner will fly into the sky and join the Xingyan Temple, becoming the brightest young talent in the entire Xingyan Kingdom. Those who lose will be dimmed and lost. It almost changed fate.

Therefore, in this battle, no one will be merciful and will only try their best to defeat the opponent!

On the eighteenth battle platform, Ye Wuque landed slowly. He stood with his hand in his hand, without a trace of fireworks, his bright eyes were calm and deep, and he looked at Qin Wushuang who also landed on the battle platform with a calm expression.

"Ye Wuque..."

Qin Wushuang's voice resounded, and those eagle-like eyes were so sharp, staring straight at people, it would easily make your scalp numb!

At this moment, Qin Wushuang did not have the frivolous feeling of showing off his literary talent in the Qianlong Pavilion before, as if he had completely changed a person, becoming like a reef in the sea that was always in motion.

Being able to be named Wushuang shows how terrifying Qin Wushuang is!

In the previous melee in the arena, Qin Wushuang did not show how amazing his strength, but simply won one of the ten places, but no one underestimated him.

"You are truly amazing in the line of Wen Dao. Although I, Qin Wushuang, I am arrogant, but I don't understand as much as you, but I can crush you in the practice!"

The tone of Qin Wushuang's opening was full of vigor. He also looked at Ye Wuque, but his eyes had a lofty posture. The tall figure was hidden like a dragon and a tiger, and he felt like swallowing mountains and rivers!

"So, you were randomly assigned to face me in this battle. The luck is really bad. You want to enter the Xingyan Temple. Haha, it's a pity that you won't have this chance. In this genius battle, you will be here with me. Stop."

This series of words sounded from Qin Wushuang's mouth, and there was a feeling of trembling in the heart, because this person's eyes were too terrifying, there was a horrible feeling of choosing someone and eating!

"Isn't it great? Stopping is not always done by mouth. It's boring to talk about things like mouths and guns."

Ye Wuque spoke lightly, his voice was calm without the slightest anger.

If Qin Wushuang is like an unmoving anger sea reef, then Ye Wuque at this moment is like a huge mountain that suppresses the sky, so majestic and daunting. f酷¤ k/Genuine first ●2 sent @$

"Then wait and see, I hope you don't lose too fast."

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and Qin Wushuang's eagle-like eyes reflected a terrible light that made people palpitating!

At this moment, on the subjective battle arena, right next to King Golden Eye, a figure suddenly appeared silently!

The moment this figure appeared, the Golden Eyed Karmapa's posture became reverent, and he said slightly to this figure: "True Monarch, you can come, really is the great blessing of these little guys!"

This figure is about forty or fifty years old, in a gray robe, sitting inexplicably, but it looks like a dragon with a back, enough to support the sky of the earth, without the slightest fluctuation in the whole body, but it seems to be independent and empty, and it is impossible to think!

This person is the true Lord Jianxiong who was personally invited by the Golden Eyes before!

"Hehe, my lord’s time is approaching. It’s a treat to see these vigorous little guys indulging in a battle, but the biggest purpose is still for the super genius of the swordsmanship in your mouth, hope Don't let me down. You don't need to tell me who he is now, and he won't investigate."

"It's such a step-by-step development, let me see if the light he emits can make me amazing."

True Monarch Jianxiong has experienced too many big winds and waves in his life. Although the deadline is approaching, there are still at least ten years left. He has a very open understanding of life and death, and he is extremely cautious and critical to the descendants of the mantle.

"Okay, please wait and see if you really are."

King Golden Eyes seemed to be very confident, his gaze glanced slightly at the elegant minister on the Throne of Green Leaves, and the smile on his mouth became rich.

At the same time, just where the three major forces are, a figure also quietly appeared!

This figure is extremely beautiful, with a fluttering white dress and a waterfall of hair. It is Ji Yanran!

But what is extremely strange is that at the moment when Ji Yanran appeared, Master Zunfeng, Master Xuan, Master Shui Miao all nodded slightly to Ji Yanran, and that gesture was obviously a feeling of equality.

"Huh? It seems that I came at the right time, will Master Ye and Master Qin be a battle...or will it be one-sided?"

"One side? Yanran, are you optimistic that Ye Wuque can defeat Qin Wushuang strongly?"

Although Ji Yanran's words were light, they were still stopped in their ears by the three adults, and Master Zhuifeng couldn't help but smile.

A fascinating smile on Ji Yanran's unparalleled face, her beautiful eyes swept across the audience, and finally stopped on the two figures on the eighteenth platform, and her red lips personally said: "No If you really say that you are optimistic, you are optimistic about Qin Gongzi. Because I have seen him make a move, if the argument is strong, Qin Gongzi is really terrifying."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, Master Zhuifeng's eyes flashed!

He knew Ji Yanran's identity, and also knew this woman's extraordinary and vision, but he didn't expect Ji Yanran to be optimistic about Qin Wushuang!

After a series of previous glances at Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen, Master Zhuifeng did not easily come to a conclusion this time. Instead, his eyes turned, and he also looked at Ye Wuque and Qin Wushuang, looking forward to the outcome of their battle .

"The first group of ring is decisive, start!"

Suddenly, a majestic voice resounded, and the entire sacred tree suddenly erupted into an earth-shattering collision in the next instant!

On the eighteenth battle stage, Qin Wushuang sneered, his whole body moved in an instant!

"Ye Wuque! Do your best! Otherwise, you won't be able to support ten moves!"

Qin Wushuang seemed to have turned into a world-destroying storm, his speed soared to the extreme, and he attacked and killed Ye Wuque!

The strong wind on the surface made Ye Wuque's thick black hair flutter. Judging from Qin Wushuang's speed, Ye Wuque knew that this person was indeed far more powerful than Li Xuanfeng, Hua Mingyu, and Xin Wentian!

The first genius of Wushuang County is indeed worthy of the name!

But for Ye Wuque, this is more interesting.

He stood still, carrying his hands on his back, as if standing on the top of the mountain, high above, overlooking down, waiting for Qin Wushuang's challenge! Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update!

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