Return of the War God

Chapter 1048: :Due to Qin Wushuang



With the figure of Qin Wushuang on the eighteenth battle platform, as if hundreds of mountains were exploding at the same time, there was a sound of sonic boom, which made the eardrums swell, nauseous and dizzy. Uncomfortable!

"Kneel me down!"

In the void, I could only hear Qin Wushuang’s cold and stern voice, and could not see him, but immediately a fist shining with fierce sparks pierced the void, as if smashed out of the magma world in the deepest part of hell. The elemental force like boiling magma is flowing and tumbling. Wherever it passes, the void directly collapses and shakes extremely fast. Even the spatial cracks that appear like a shadow are completely melted!

The blow of this fist caused the temperature of the entire No. 18 battle platform to rise by dozens of degrees in an instant, as if an active volcano that was erupting suddenly moved in. It was evaporating in all directions, causing chapped lips and dry mouth. , The body water is lost rapidly.

Even in the twenty-five battlefields, Qin Wushuang's fist brought the strongest momentum, and it shocked countless people!

At three feet in front of Ye Wuqian, a fist that seemed to be poured by magma smashed through the void and blasted Ye Wuqi straight out!

Qin Wushuang's figure flashed out at the same time, at this moment, his body was surrounded by scarlet power, like a lava giant!

Facing Qin Wushuang's fist, Ye Wuque slowly let go of his right hand, squeezed into a fist slightly, his bright eyes suddenly condensed, and his body burst into light in the next moment, and a terrifying wave suddenly appeared as if stars burst. Exploded, the flesh shines and shines!

Immortal forever!

A shining galaxy was born out of the sky, gorgeous, flooding down, enveloped Ye Wuque's whole body, behind him an eternal and immortal ancient star evolved out of it, roaring and rotating, it seems to contain the mighty power that can suppress everything!

The right fist shone brightly, and Ye Wuque's right arm seemed to have captured a real dragon. Under the shining of the immortal galaxy, he directly penetrated the void and collided with Qin Wushuang's magma fist!

The first blow of the two naturally chose a positive and hard regret!


The deafening blast echoed in an instant, shaking the sky, and seeing the power ripples visible to the naked eye mixed with Martian lava and bright stars spreading across ten directions, directly covering the entire battle platform No. 18!

Even across a long distance, countless king capital monks inside the sacred tree changed their faces, and it was easy to see how terrifying the power overflowed from this collision!

The edge of the green leaf battle platform began to shine, and countless green leaves suddenly grew in the void, exuding a soft and life-like emerald green envelope, blocking the counter-shock force and aftermath of the collision between Ye Wuque and Qin Wushuang.


A figure retreated extremely quickly, and only after retreating to a few hundred feet, did it stand still, and after stabilizing the figure, it was Qin Wushuang who surrounded the sky with the red vitality!

"This guy's physical strength is so terrible! And that strange punch! It seems that he is really underestimated!"

Qin Wushuang’s eagle-like eyes flashed with solemn meaning. Although his right arm seemed unobstructed at this moment, his meridians and muscles were in fact trembling crazily. The tearing pain continued to invade, and the blood in his body was tumbling endlessly. Uncomfortable!

On the other side, Ye Wuque stood tall, and Qin Wushuang's punch just caused his body to sway, no other reaction, no damage at all.

"Able to receive a punch from the front without defeat, but his blood is tumbling, this Qin Wushuang is indeed several times stronger than the three Li Xuanfeng, this fight may not be so boring."

A ray of light gushed from the dazzling eyes, and Ye Wuque was not surprised that Qin Wushuang was able to take his punch without fail, or he hoped that Qin Wushuang would be stronger.

At this moment, on the first group of twenty-five green leaf battlefields, the collision between fifty super geniuses went into intense heat in an instant!

On the subjective battle stage, the senior officials of King Star King Capital all hung up and watched with interest. With their cultivation as the eyes, they can naturally see the details and discover the most interesting places.

"This Ye Wuque's physical strength is really good, so powerful, and Qin Wushuang punched him and was directly forced back hundreds of meters, but Ye Wuque just swayed and completely gained the upper hand. , Ye Wuque has a big win."

Among the first group of arena decisive battles, the most attractive are the two battle platforms, namely the 18th battle platform and the 23rd battle platform.

It was the duel between Ye Wuque and Qin Wushuang, and the duel between Hua Nongyue and another super genius.

At this moment, Master Zunfeng’s attention was focused on Ye Wuque and Qin Wushuang. After seeing the two punches, he smiled and said, and his heart was firmer in his belief in digging Ye Wuque into the Star Soul Pavilion. .

But immediately, Master Zhuifeng caught a glimpse of Ji Yanran's gorgeous face with an inexplicable smile, and it didn't seem to have changed his previous view because of this mere punch.

"Why, Yanran, are you still optimistic about Qin Wushuang? Not Ye Wuque?"

Master Zhuifeng smiled and spoke, seemingly curious about Ji Yanran's attitude.

"Young Master Qin hasn't come up with real strength yet, that blow just now was just a small test."

Ji Yanran smiled lightly, and the melodious voice was like spring water ding-dong, which was very sweet.

"Hehe, but Ye Wuque also didn't show his true strength. Whoever will kill him is yet to be known. Moreover, the fluctuation of this Ye Wuque's cultivation base is extremely obscure and weird. Even this seat can only faintly feel it. This son is extremely mysterious." Cool, the only c positive f version of the craftsman network \", & 8 other c other (c all... is fx pirate: t version

This time Master Shui Miao spoke, and he was also very optimistic about Ye Wuque.

Ji Yanran shook her head slightly, and then said with a smile: "Master Shui Miao, I am afraid that Young Master Qin didn't know that I had shot through him. Even if Young Master Ye hides her secretly, he is just futile in front of the nine powers... …"

As soon as these words came out, the three adults' eyes suddenly condensed slightly!

"Nine attribute powers! Yanran, you mean..."

This time, the smile on Master Herd's face disappeared completely, and there was a slight shock in his voice.

Even the three adults looked at each other and saw the hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

"If this is the case, then Ye Wuque would really hate this battle..."

Master Herd brought a hint of emotion in his tone, and continued to look at the eighteenth green leaf battle platform.

Bang! Boom!

At this moment, on the eighteenth battle platform, two silhouettes shuttled and collided frantically, and ripples of power continued to explode in the void, hunting for Mars and bright stars constantly shining, as if a star fell down and crashed into an erupting Among active volcanoes.

Terrible fluctuations sweep across the ten directions like the Yangtze River, and the void is bursting. The space cracks and black holes follow like a shadow, continue to spread and continue to be wiped out, and the lethality is earth-shattering!

Ye Wuque and Qin Wushuang were fighting in close combat, and they fought dozens of moves in a short period of time!

Qin Wushuang was surrounded by crimson vitality, like billowing magma, dripping into the void, burning all directions, capable of dissolving everything, even low-grade spiritual weapons would be melted into a pair of boiling in an instant!

With every move, Qin Wushuang could burst out the amazing power of opening the mountain and cracking the stele, but this power did not come from his physical power, but from his natal soul beast!

Qin Wushuang's destiny soul beast is a huge mammoth with crystal clear body. At this moment, Qin Wushuang has turned into soul beast, and his body is covered with crystal-like crystal-like crystals. It is extremely tough.

This is also the reason why he has been able to fight Ye Wuque in close combat for so long!

Unfortunately, this continued to gradually change, and Qin Wushuang was still suppressed to a disadvantage! Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update!

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