Return of the War God

Chapter 1071: : Anger Lotus


After Zhenxiong Jianxiong said this, the bright eyes of the handsome minister suddenly condensed, and an incredible expression appeared on his face!

The same was true for Ye Wuque, he was also extremely stunned, he didn't expect True Monarch Jianxiong to say such a sentence.

Ye Wuque was even thinking that True Lord Jianxiong was joking, right?

However, a Shenlong who sees the head but not the tail is high, no matter how nasty, he won't be boring enough to run jokes with two monks who are out of the dust!

Moreover, the Golden Eyed Karmapa came with True Monarch Jianxiong, there is no such thing as a joke.

After all, the great figures in the Dragon Gate Three Tribulations realm would not do such a thing.

In other words, the arrival of True Monarch Jianxiong and the words spoken to the handsome ministers may be sincere.

It stands to reason that a true monarch of the Second Tribulations would take people as disciples in person, or the most intimate disciple. This is simply a great fortune that can be called a century-old, and everyone should be ecstatic and excited. Correct.

But the style minister did not show such a similar expression on his face, instead revealed a trace of doubt and perplexity.

"Why me?"

Throw out the question in your heart, and the elegant man wants to know the answer.

Not only did Jianxiong's doubts make Zhenjun Jianxiong look displeased, he believed that the elegant ministers did not know how to promote, on the contrary, there was a more satisfying smile in his eyes.

Swordsman, sharpness too!

It's better to get in straight, not in song!

The heart of a true swordsman should be like Qianjiang Yingyue, clear and transparent, able to reflect all confusion, and when there is incomprehension and confusion in the heart, no matter who the opponent is, how high it is, directly ask for an answer That's what the swordsman did.

At this moment, the handsome minister had doubts in his mind. Even if the object was True Monarch Jianxiong, he was still not dazzled by the huge joy, but calmly asked this question, which showed that he was a true swordsman.

For such a handsome minister, Jianxiong Zhenjun is really satisfied.

"Haha, little guy, before that, you can listen to a story first, which is also a self-introduction of the Lord."

True Monarch Jianxiong's gaze swept over the Feng Caichen and Ye Wuqian one after another, and there was a trace of extremely distant memory in his gaze.

At the moment, Jianxiong Zhenjun tells his life's deeds, starting from learning swords when he was a young man, he was stupid and unconscious at first, and later on occasionally encounters, he finally accumulated and became a blockbuster, and then he rose to surprise, and made great achievements!

Until he strayed into a certain place, he finally encountered the biggest crisis of his life. In order to get out of it, he fought desperately, burned his life, and bloomed unmatched combat power. Fortunately, the heavens pityed him and finally made him a way out and escaped. Day of birth.

However, although he escaped from birth, he had to pay a price because he burned too many lives, that is, the limit was reduced.

When he got the news, he did not become a passive madman. On the contrary, he seemed to completely look away, allowing the last time of his life to visit the beautiful mountains and rivers. The only hope is to find a suitable heir to pass on what he has learned thoroughly. It is worthy of the many opportunities in this life.

He has been wandering for year after year, and he has met all kinds of different super geniuses, but they are all inappropriate. He was already desperate, and even chose to give up. He waited until the time came, but the sky looked at him again, let him finally in Xingyan Kingdom Met a suitable disciple!

"That person is you, a handsome minister."

True Monarch Jianxiong stared at the handsome minister and opened his mouth. At this moment, a ray of hope and brilliance lit up in his calm eyes, as if his incomplete life finally found its true meaning.

In the room, Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen have been listening quietly. I don't know what Feng Caichen thinks, but at least Ye Wuque can easily feel the sincerity and sincerity of True Monarch Jianxiong!

He sincerely hopes that he will be able to accept his style as a disciple, not for any other purpose.

The elegant minister came around, raising my sword behind his back, and the face of True Monarch Jianxiong was reflected in those clear eyes. After a long time, the elegant minister slowly opened his mouth and said: "I want to see your kendo, see you Are you qualified to be my master?"

As the style minister spoke, his eyes became extremely hot!

"Hahahaha...well! You deserve to be a born swordsman! Indeed, since I want to be your master, he must prove that he has enough strength and something worthy of learning. Then, little guy, you Come and feel my kendo!"

True Monarch Jianxiong laughed loudly. He was so angry that the words of the handsome minister were already extremely offensive to others, but there was a hint of joy in his eyes! ecoolly craftsman (net ● is "w version of the first z* sent @

call out!

In the next instant, Zhen Xiong Jianxiong's right hand was joined together into sword fingers, and he pointed directly at the forehead of the handsome minister!

Ye Wuque watched quietly from the side, and didn't do anything about True Monarch Jianxiong's sudden shot, because he knew that if True Monarch Jianxiong wanted to kill him and the handsome officials, a single thought would be enough to destroy them countless times.

The bright eyes of the handsome minister who pointed in the forehead immediately closed, and there was no shocking fluctuation in the room, and there was no earth-shaking light of vitality, as if everything were so peaceful.

But how sharp is Ye Wuque's aura?

In Ruoyouruowu, he seemed to feel a sword-doing aura that flashed away like the sky!

That kendo is majestic and mighty, as if killing a person in ten steps, brilliant and magnificent like a thousand miles without leaving a line!

Under this kendo, Ye Wuque suddenly seemed to see a towering giant sword that lay above the sky, and felt a surge of sword intent!

Subconsciously, Ye Wuque’s eyes closed slightly, his right hand was joined to form a sword finger, and he swayed. A faint red flame burned from the swing of his right finger, and the void evaporated, vaguely as if a fire lotus was blooming. The upside is sharp and hot!

True Monarch Jianxiong opened his slightly closed eyes suddenly, and he looked at Ye Wuque with a hint of surprise!

"What a talented and exceptionally talented and beautiful jade! I just deliberately leaked some kendo power to him. I didn't expect that he really realized a few styles of his own sword skills from it! It was actually the'lotus of rage'! It is so high that even among the wizards I have seen in my life, it is enough to rank in the top three...Oh!"

True Monarch Jianxiong looked at Ye Wuque's eyes and became extremely fond, but he sighed immediately.

He knew that the reason why Ye Wuque was able to comprehend sword moves from his kendo power was because this son was so amazing that he had too much comprehension, and he was able to draw analogies by analogy.

After a long time, Ye Wuque opened his eyes slowly, with a hint of deepness and joy in his bright eyes!

Immediately, Ye Wuque saw a deep smile and approving gaze from True Monarch Jianxiong.

"Thank you true monarch for your generous gift!"

Ye Wuque held his fist and bowed deeply to True Monarch Jianxiong!

He knew how could a true monarch of the Second Tribulation be unable to control his kendo power so that he could see it?

Obviously this was done deliberately by True Lord Jianxiong!

Although Ye Wuque didn't know why True Monarch Jianxiong was doing this, he had learned from it after all, it was a fact.

"Hehe, Ye Xiaozi, you don't need to thank this monarch. Although the power of kendo is a trace of the monarch deliberately leaked, but you can realize your sword skills from it. It depends on your own understanding and blessings, and it is your own fortune. "

True Lord Jianxiong chuckled, but immediately, True Lord Jianxiong's face became straight, and an unpredictable wave of insight overflowed all over his body. It seemed that this room was sealed to prevent anyone from watching!

This scene immediately made Ye Wuque's eyes condensed!

"Ye Xiaozi, this monarch can see that you and Caichen are friends of life and death, and the friendship is deep, and compared to Caichen, you have your own path and good luck to go. One day in the future, you two will definitely return. There is a chance to meet again, but tonight, the Lord will take Caichen away, because if Caichen stays here for a long time, it may cause disaster!"

The words of True Lord Jianxiong were loud and solemn. Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update!


I'm sorry, brothers, helpless, it's not for socializing today, but the unit has something to participate in, and there are only two changes. Please forgive me, brothers.

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