Return of the War God

Chapter 1072: : Cherish all the way, see you in the future


Caused a catastrophe!

These four words rang from Zhenxi Jianxiong's mouth, and Ye Wuque's heart was shocked!

We must know that True Lord Jianxiong is a high-ranking True Lord of Two Tribulations, and his cultivation level is almost unimaginable!

But even so, it is actually said such a thing with such serious words, and it is obviously related to the style minister.

Ye Wuque had no choice but to take care of it because it was a matter of style.

"True monarch, why is this? Brother Feng and I walked out of the same hometown. When I left home, all the enemies had been wiped out, and I had never left my hometown before. I can be quite sure that Brother Feng has absolutely no terrible enemies in this Star Yan Kingdom!"

Ye Wuque spoke in a deep voice and said what he knew.

After hearing Ye Wuque’s words, True Monarch Jianxiong said: "Ye Xiaozi, this catastrophe has nothing to do with your hometown. It has nothing to do with Caichen’s own fortunes or his own secrets. relationship."

The secret of the handsome minister?

These words immediately moved Ye Wuque's heart, but he knew it and didn't ask True Monarch Jianxiong to go down, because Ye Wuque knew that everyone has their own secrets, just like himself, they also have secrets.

Between two true friends and confidants, everything should not be transparent, but to leave a space for each other to keep their secrets, so that they can get along better, regardless of friendship and love.

Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen are between life and death. Therefore, in the sense of reason, unless Feng Caichen speaks out, Ye Wuque will not take the initiative to discover the secrets of Feng Caichen.

If you change to a handsome minister, you will definitely have the same attitude.

Seeing that Ye Wuque didn't ask about the secrets of the handsome minister, Zhen Xiong's gaze was even more admired.

Ye Wuque is not only a young Tianjiao, but although he is young, he is extremely sophisticated in terms of human relationships and sophistication. He knows what should be asked and what should not be asked, which is really excellent.

"Don't worry, Ye Xiaozi! With this monarch, he will definitely protect him. After all, Caichen is the heir to the mankind that he found with great difficulty. Whoever dares to hurt him will make anyone uneasy in this life!"

Speaking of this, True Monarch Jianxiong overflowed with a terrifying evil spirit!

Although it was only a flash, Ye Wuque still felt a choking shudder!

However, this also made Ye Wuque completely relieved, knowing that True Monarch Jianxiong really wanted to reap the handsome ministers as disciples.

Because from the words of Zhenxiong Jianxiong, it can be seen that he knows or sees the secrets of the handsome minister. If he is coveted, then he will not cause so many things.

With his superb cultivation base of the True Monarch of Two Tribulations, he wanted to quietly kill the handsome ministers and seize his secrets, killing himself was completely easy!

"So, Ye Xiaozi, the reason why this monarch told you this is to make you understand that if you talk about Caichen in the future, you can try to cover up for him, and it is best not to reveal any information about him. This is not only for his benefit, but also Good for you."

Listening to True Monarch Jianxiong's words, Ye Wuque nodded slowly, the color of enlightenment in the bright eyes.

Seeing a smile appeared on Zhenjun Jianxiong's face, he immediately withdrew the hand that was on the forehead of the handsome minister.

In the next moment, the closed eyes of the handsome minister suddenly opened!

Huh huh!

A surge of sword intent soaring to the sky suddenly wafted away from the style of the minister, and there seemed to be a hint of confusion and chaos in his eyes. Although he had opened his eyes, he still seemed to be immersed in the world of talent.

Immediately afterwards, the elegant style minister suddenly squeezed a sword finger with his right hand and swayed away. A red flame suddenly burned, and there seemed to be a flame lotus blooming in the void!

"it is good!"

Seeing this Jianxiong Zhenjun secretly sighed a good word!

Immediately he gave Ye Wuque a wink and said, "What Caichen has seen is my complete kendo. Naturally, he has realized more things than you, but he has also realized the'Rage Lotus', and what you have realized is also'Angry. "Lianhua", it is better to make two gestures here. It is not only a kind of mutual understanding, but also a way to make up for the regret that you two cannot indulge in a battle of geniuses. How about?"

True Monarch Jianxiong's words suddenly brightened Ye Wuque's eyes, and there was a touch of heat in it!

In the next instant, Ye Wuque also pointed out that it was a sword, and the red flame on it was burning, and a flame lotus was also faintly blooming in the void!


With black hair fluttering, Ye Wuque stepped forward, his sword pointed directly at the handsome minister!

On the other side, the handsome minister who was already immersed in the swordsmanship of True Sovereign Jianxiong relied on his instinct and immediately noticed Ye Wuque's attack. The sword fingers in his hand were also condensed, and he pointed out!

Immediately, the two exchanged hands in the room. They didn't use any other power and skills. They only used the "Furious Lotus!" which they had just realized from the strength of the swordsman of Zhenxiong Zhenjun.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

That was the sound of sword air fighting, and the two figures moved horizontally in the room, both of which showed the power of the sword technique of the angry lotus!

True Monarch Jianxiong was watching, with his eyesight, he could naturally see the difference between Ye and Feng.

Although the two used exactly the same set of swordsmanship, they were already contaminated with their own characteristics at the moment, and they became the same, but they were completely different.

The swords of the style minister are brilliant and dazzling, and each piece is quite kingly style. It is the most royal fighting style in the line of kendo. It is also contaminated with the sword heart of the style minister himself like a thousand rivers and the moon. There is a kind of ethereal and proud hidden. among them!

But Ye Wuque seems to be a ghost with a slant sword. He didn't take the path of kendo, but his understanding of swordsmanship has surpassed many kendo wizards and walked his own way. If the style is king, then Ye Wuque is a sword. Take the overbearing slant!

Kingly and overbearing!

It's completely different and doesn't distinguish between superior and inferior.

The more Jianxiong Zhenjun looked at him, the more he loved Ye and Feng in his heart. The handsome minister did not need to say that he was the heir of his choice, and he really admired Ye Wuque!

If not, how could True Lord Jianxiong impart his kendo power to Ye Wuque?

You must know that unless it is the master and the apprentice, it will not be the case at all.


With a bang, the two flame lotus flowers in the room collided with each other, bursting out of energetic power, and finally destroyed together, Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen each stepped back and stood still!

This little discussion seems to be irrelevant!

At this moment, the elegant demeanor had already woken up, the two looked at each other and smiled, and everything was silent.

"Brother Feng, congratulations on finding a good teacher. It seems that tonight is the time for you and me to leave!"

Ye Wuque smiled, but his expression was a blessing.


The elegant demeanor sighed, and immediately his posture was extremely solemn, and he turned his head to kneel and kowtow to True Monarch Jianxiong three times, giving a formal apprenticeship!

"A disciple style minister, see Master!"

"Hahahaha! OK! Good boy, get up!"

True Monarch Jianxiong laughed and finally achieved his wish.

Ye Wuque picked up two cups, filled them with wine, and handed them to the style minister.


The two wine glasses collided in the void, and the wine splashed out, but there was a kind of pride between men!

The two drank the wine in one cup, and immediately each stretched out a hand and held each other tightly in the void!

"Treasure all the way! See you in the future!" "W Cool Craftsman" genuine f" first release 7

"Treasure all the way! See you tomorrow!"

This is what Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen said to each other.

Immediately, Zhen Xiong Jianxiong waved his big sleeves and smiled at Ye Wuque: "Ye Xiaozi! Come on and practice, don't be thrown away by Caichen in the future! Hahahaha..."

In the next instant, the figures of Zhenxiong Jianxiong and the handsome ministers slowly became blurred until they disappeared completely.

The elegant demeanor followed Zhenxiong Jianxiong, walking very simply, without any muddling.

Feng Caichen was born in the sword, died in the sword, sincere to the sword all his life, willing to give up everything for the sword!

In the room, only Ye Wuque was left standing quietly.

"The road of spiritual practice is like walking a long road. After all, you still need to walk alone..."

Ye Wuque spoke faintly, walked to the window, stood with his hands behind, looking at the bright moon outside the window, his eyes were deep and calm.

On the second day, a piece of news shocked the capital!

The elegant demeanor was favored by the legendary True Lord of Two Tribulations, he was accepted as a disciple, and he left Xingyan Kingdom!

Also leaving with him was He Hongyao from Longgu County, who was said to have been taken away by the legendary super master Erjie Zhenjun at the request of the style minister.

Under the envy of countless monks in the royal capital, Wang Xiu from Qingtian County, who was originally defeated by the sword of a handsome minister, made up and became one of the new top ten!

And the championship battle of the 899th Xingyan Kingdom Genius Battle finally kicked off today! Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update!

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