Return of the War God

Chapter 1087: : Dark Hell!

Zhang Ziwen Unblocker

Countless cultivators have already seen through the various signs before, there seems to be an enmity between Lan Mingri and Ye Wuque, and it does not seem to be light.

Now the two are finally going to the Green Leaf Battle Arena to have a showdown. Undoubtedly, this must be a hearty and thrilling battle!

Step by step, Ye Wuque's movements are not hurried or slow. He walks towards the green leaf battlefield step by step, his face is calm, his black hair is flying and he can't seem to see any anger, but there is surging in his bright eyes. With a chill that makes the soul tremble!

"A blue dog barked all day long. Although I shouldn't be familiar with dogs as a human being, this dog always grinned, so I had no choice but to trample this dog to death."

As Ye Wuque stepped onto the green leaf battlefield, his words spread, and immediately attracted a lot of monks in the royal capital who watched the battle. The laughter echoed, and he felt that Ye Wuque’s skill at this mouth was better than his strength. It also makes people tickle.

"Blue dog, is that the truth?"

After standing still, Ye Wuque actually asked Lan Mingri again, with a gun and a stick in his words, which made people crazy.

Sure enough, the eyes of Lan Mingri in a dark blue cloak suddenly spewed incomparable killing intent, and the cloak was hunting and hunting. The entire green leaf battlefield seemed to be swept by a storm of world destruction in an instant, and the evil spirit spread!

In terms of lip service, Ye Wuque said second, no one dared to say first!

In a mere blue sun, wanting to attack Ye Wuque with the advantage of words is simply insulting himself.

Lan Mingri himself already knew this, but he had always been aloof, always looking down at others, and when he met Ye Wuque, his mouth could make him furious.

"Something with sharp teeth and sharp mouth! I'm going to ask you to survive and die!"

A voice with a strong killing intent sounded from under the cloak, and anyone could hear how fierce the anger in Lan Mingri's heart at this moment was, it was enough to burn the sky up!

"The group of puppies in Tianma County are really all the same. They open their mouths and shut their mouths and turn over and over again. Even if they are swearing, they need to change new tricks. But it's no wonder that they are not yellow dogs or blue dogs. Let the dog say Human words, even if they are swearing words, are embarrassing for you. Why don't you use your ability to bark a few words? I think it must be very imposing, and it fits your blue dog temperament."

Ye Wuque spoke faintly, with a calm expression on his face, standing tall, like a radiant **** of war, arrogant and domineering, but at this moment, what he said from his mouth was a loss, and it made many monks who watched the battle endure. Can't help laughing.

"The battle begins!"

With a majestic voice resounding, Lan Mingri, who had endured to the limit, suddenly burst into terrible fluctuations!

"Die me!"

With a loud shout, Lan Mingri stepped out, and the void behind him suddenly became dark. A round of pitch-black sun was born. The void throbbed, but it exudes endless dark light, making the sky directly dim!

Lan Mingri’s murderous intent rushed in his scream, but at this moment, his whole person did not have the slightest anger before, but became extremely calm. Once the battle began, this person would eliminate the influence of emotions on his own state, making his own The strength can be displayed perfectly!

Just being able to control one's emotions without affecting one's own ability is enough to prove the power of Lan Mingri!

"Dark Sun Tianluo! Dark invasion! Doomsday Soul Slayer!"

The dark day turned into incomparable darkness and spread out, enveloping Ye Wuque, so that all the light at the end of his line of sight was wiped out, and a dark giant hand burning with the flames of the doomsday stretched out, with a kind of burning The terrible power of all vitality is like coming to annihilate the world, burning all the vitality of Ye Wuqian, sending him into the incomparable depths of the doomsday for reincarnation!

The entire Green Leaf Battle Platform was completely invaded by darkness, and where Ye Wuque's eyes could reach, there was no trace of light.

In the endless darkness above the void, Lan Mingri's body was shining with a black light circle, and he had already used the perfect dark field to drive away all light, because in the darkness, he would be the master of everything!

"An ant-like thing, sink and die in the endless darkness! I will extract every bone of you alive!"

Lan Mingri's voice resounded like a whistling demonic sound, resounding in the darkness everywhere, only hearing the sound but not seeing him.

"Just because you are worthy to cover the bright light under the bright sky?"

The black hair was stirring, Ye Wuque spoke in a cold voice, and a flame halo suddenly appeared on his body in the next moment!

The power field of the Consummation Fire broke out!


The flames evaporate, and a stream of terrifying heat fills the void. As the endless flame burns to the end, the flame that hits the nine-day sky swept all over the country, not only releasing the power of extreme heat, but also directly bringing it. bright!

Fire is not only burning, it can also bring light!

To some extent, facing the power of fire, the power of darkness is restrained by it.

Where the perfect fire field spreads, all darkness is driven away and becomes extremely bright again. The transpiring flame is extremely violent, and it seems to be filled with a golden red meaning, making these flames change invisibly , Become stronger and more terrifying! .Cool tsmith net i is my version}@首;

Those golden red meanings came from the golden red blood qi in Ye Wuque's body!

As Ye Wuque's understanding of Consummation's fire attribute power continues to deepen, the power he can develop is even more amazing!

For example, Ye Wuque realized that if the golden red blood qi in his body merged with the fire attribute power, it would produce incredible changes, as if the golden red blood qi became the fire oil that poured the flames, making the fire attribute power even more terrifying. Burn it all!

At this moment, as Ye Wuque’s Consummation Fire Field was completely burned, the dark invasion under the blue Mingri was completely self-defeating, and even the Doomsday Soul Slaughter hand that blasted over was also used by Ye Wuque to whisper the fire lotus in the "Furious Lotus". Block.

Under the entire sky, Ye Wuque stood proudly in the field of perfect fire, with a flame lotus blooming all over his body, throbbing, making him look like a **** of heaven and martial arts, brilliant, like a flame war god, capable of burning nine heavens and ten earth!

Seeing that his own dark invasion had no effect on Ye Wuque, the gaze under the blue Mingri cloak did not show any anxiety, but slowly narrowed, as if a faint black light flashed away!

"No matter how violent the flames are, they can only scream in the dark, sink, and eventually die! Let you see what is the unimaginable true power! Dark hell! Nine days of the sky! Kill!"

At this moment, Lan Mingri's figure emerged from the endless darkness, with a cold tone and murderous intent, but a dark glow that couldn't be seen erupted from all over his body!

I saw endless darkness invaded again, and in the depths of that darkness, a huge and endless horror thing descended, it was a terrifying **** that seemed to be dragged from under the Nine Nether, and what dragged it was Each of the nine rounds has a dark day with the size of one hundred thousand meters!

The dark sun drags the dark **** and kills from the unknown, to suppress all living things, there is a kind of invincible power!

At this moment, Lan Mingri's aura soared, as if he was completely changed!

In the dark hell, there was an endless and weird whistling sound, like a whisper of the devil, which penetrated the depths of people's minds and launched a fatal blow to the divine mind!

Ye Wuque's ears immediately resounded through the boundless whispers of the devil, and he felt that his head became extremely heavy, and his eyes became blurred, and the thick and dense power of divine consciousness began to tremble, chaos, and even completely riot! Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update!

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