Return of the War God

Chapter 1088: : Strip off your dog skin first!

Zhang Ziwen Unblocker


Nine rounds of pitch black sun combined with dark hell, dragging this behemoth directly towards Ye Wuque, to completely kill him in the depths of dark hell!

At this moment, Lan Mingri had seen Ye Wuque's eyes closed and his brows furrowed, and he immediately understood that he had hit his dark magic sound. At this moment, the divine mind in his head was in disorder, his mind was shaken, and he was completely slaughtered.

"An ant-like thing! You deserve to fight me too?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth under the cloak, and Lan Mingri seemed to have seen Ye Wuque's miserable end after being suppressed by him.

The boundless dark **** completely covered Ye Wuque's head, but Ye Wuque remained unmoved, it seemed that everything was a foregone conclusion!

However, in the next instant, Ye Wuque's closed eyes suddenly opened, and endless golden light spurted out of them!

He pinched the seals with both hands extremely fast, and the whole body's holy way's fighting spirit broke out completely, like a golden waterfall turning over the sky, turning into a golden ocean!

At this moment, Ye Wuque used the Invincible Seal of the Seven Seals of the Heavens against Divine Mind Attack...Ming Wang Seal!

His hand-printed tactics flew, and a vast and earth-shattering breath rolled in all directions!

After the evolution of the mighty heavenly dragon power, the Ming Wang Seal was naturally no longer the Ming Wang Seal, but a complete transformation has taken place, and it was called by Ye Wuque...Fudo Ming Wang Seal!


In the next moment, behind Ye Wuque, there was a golden body, burning endless golden flames, and boundless golden light. The figure was perfect and extremely angry, with frowning eyebrows, upper teeth biting lower lip, and Anhualiu's stalwart figure on top of the sky. Born!

This is the legendary Lord of the Five Kings of Ming who belong to the supreme existence of Buddhism... King Fudo Ming!

The immortal king of Fudo Ming represents a firm mind, unshakable, perfect spiritual mind, and endless brilliance!

The so-called "king" is the one who controls all phenomena. Once the Fudo King is born, all dark invasions will be suppressed in his boundless golden light and the endless flames of the King!

After all, the power of the Buddhism line has always been the absolute nemesis of the dark power since the endless years!


In the void, a huge roar that seemed to resound from nine days away reverberated, with endless echoes and might, from small to large, directly infinitely high, endlessly echoing!

It was a scream from King Fudo Ming. When the Buddhism was prosperous, the word "chi", as long as it resounded, could purify the endless monsters and ghosts, burn the fire of karma, and completely destroy the spirits. !

At this moment, the word "chi" echoed in Ye Wuque's mind. The power of the divine consciousness that had been disturbed by the dark and dark magic sound of Lan Mingri was all stabilized at this moment, and his mind was firm and unshakable. Just like the King of Fudo Ming, sitting on the rock, all negative emotions are completely wiped out, and it is perfect.

The Fudo Myojin evolved from the Fudo Myojin seal is now blooming infinite light. The golden flame and the perfection fire field combine to form a sky-burning force, which completely diffuses and completely drives the blue Mingri's perfect dark field !

Endless golden flames reflected from the gaze under the cloak of Lan Mingri, and also reflected a trace of fear and incredible in Lan Mingri's eyes!

The power of the immovable king's seal floating behind Ye Wuque made Lan Mingri feel a trace of fear from the deepest part of his heart, it was a great fear that seemed to have to meet the innate nemesis!

"What kind of power is this? How could this ant-like thing possess such power? Dark power is invincible! Ye Wuque! You will die for me!"

Lan Mingri’s dark blue cloak swelled endlessly, and endless pitch black vitality burst out from him, and the dark **** that lay between the sky bursts with endless light, once again giving Lan Mingri a control to kill Xiang Ye Wuque. go with!

"The King of Ming covers the sky!"

Ye Wuque's two-handed imprints flew, and the king of Ming shining brightly behind him, revealing a real body with four arms. The four arms of the king suddenly skyrocketed, wrapped in golden flames and slapped out, each of the four arms reached tens of thousands. Feet size!

Fudo Mingwang can stick to his divine mind, and he can also subdue demons and demons!

With a bang, a huge roar erupted, and the four arms of the Ming King, under the blessing of the Perfect Fire Field, suddenly increased tenfold in power, and slammed on the dark hell!

For a time, light and darkness were intertwined, and the unmatched vitality exploded, and the fluctuations set off for nine days!

Lan Mingri held the void with both hands, and the full dark field erupted completely, blessing the dark hell, as if turning into a demon from hell, nine rounds of pitch black sun surging infinite darkness on the hell, let the end come again !

King Fudo Ming jumped out from behind Ye Wuque, soaring infinitely, and directly suppressed to the dark hell. King Ming's arm stirred the void, slapped at extreme speed, and the surging power was immense!

But at this moment, Ye Wuque was standing in the void, his right hand slowly raised, the perfect fire field wrapped him, and a sacred and leisurely smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

The smile carries a supreme charm, and the raised right hand shows the meaning of twisting flowers, as if a buddhist master can pinch flowers and smile!

As the golden holy way's fighting energy spewed, Ye Wuque's whole body immediately poured out the meaning of sacred brilliance, and the flower-shaped right hand also burst out with endless brilliance!

Following the imprint of the King of Ming Dynasty, Ye Wuque used the... among the seven seals of the sky again!

This seal is the same as the Ming Wang seal. After the evolution of the mighty heavenly dragon power, it has also been completely transformed into a Buddhism power. It is unpredictable and is called by Ye Wuque as the...

In an instant, Ye Wuque's right hand appeared a number of sacred flowers, extremely gorgeous, blooming in the void, each petal was crystal clear, filled with the breath of sacred life, and a little bit of sacred flower beating on it!

Hh hh...

Each sacred flower blooms completely, and the crystal clear petals are flying like a rain of flowers. The petals of each flower are transformed into the sharpest weapon in the world, sweeping the void and exposing everything!

After several breaths, the dark **** of Lan Mingri was completely penetrated by countless petals!

Ye Wuque continued to display the immovable Ming Wang Seal and the Shen Yun Nianhua Seal. The two unmatched seals combined with each other, bursting out endless attack and lethality!

In the end, under Lan Mingri's incredible roar, the dark **** he was proud of was torn to pieces by Ye Wuque!

The Consummation Dark Force Field trembles crazily, as if it is about to burst at any time, threatened by Ye Wuque's Consummation Fire Force Field, and continue to burn, Lan Mingri's figure retreats crazily, completely suppressed by Ye Wuque!

"Ye Wuque! I want to kill you! Ah!"

The angry Lan Mingri became a little hysterical, and he was even more aggrieved, because the power that Ye Wuque used actually restrained his dark attribute power, and he was stunned to death!

This allowed Lan Mingri's dark attribute power to exert at most 70% to 80% of its power. How could he not be stunned? `: First zv send vo

"Are you looking for me?"

Suddenly, Lan Mingri's eyes under the cloak suddenly condensed, because the faint voice of Ye Wuqian resounded behind him!

I don't know when, Ye Wuque has already deceived him behind him, about to explode with a thunderous blow!


After all, Lan Mingri is also a super genius, without any nonsense, directly burst out the power field of Consummation Darkness, to drown Ye Wuque!

But in the next instant, he suddenly felt an extremely violent and terrifying force erupting from Ye Wuque's body, a dazzling galaxy poured down, and an eternal star void suddenly turned!

Ye Wuque directly opened the eternal immortal body, and the burning fire attribute power of his right arm probed the void, directly piercing the dark attribute power of Lan Mingri, and grabbed it!

"Before the town kills you, take off your dog skin!"

Ye Wuque's voice was extremely cold, and contained a bone-to-shoulder clothes, and his right hand grabbed the deep blue cloak that Lan Mingri had enveloped him!

Immediately after Lan Mingri's pupils contracted violently and desperately tried to stop him, his dark blue cloak was torn apart by Ye Wuque! Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update!

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