Return of the War God

Chapter 1096: : Lianhua Shenglu opens the sky!

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The endless light and the endless cyan storm suddenly rolled up together at this moment, and they actually began to merge with each other. The storm angel and the bright angel also merged into the two great consummation fields again, as if to continue all the power to accumulate the ultimate one. hit.

What will it look like when the river of light merges with the endless storm?

Hua Nongyue stepped on the river of light at this moment, and the cyan storm on the other, the whole person seemed to be transformed into light and wind, fusion, and a terrifying murderous intent and power turned out to be earth-shattering!

Ye Wuque hunted and hunted in his martial arts robe, and his heart suddenly became awe-inspiring. He felt that every pore on his body seemed to stand up, and the feeling of extinction hit his heart again, and it was ten times more intense than the previous one!

"The light and wind are one! Sweep the world!"

In the end, Hua Nongyue roared, and the body completely disappeared, and became one with the light wind, turning into a splendid light wind star, which seemed to fall from the sky, suppressing Xiang Ye Wuque!

In an instant, the entire sky was flooded by this bright light, so the monks couldn't see anything clearly.

Only on the subjective battle arena, the top nine powerhouses of this level can not be affected.

At this moment, the faces of the Nine Masters and the Golden Eyed Karmapa are full of admiration. Hua Nongyue's use of light attribute power and wind attribute power has reached an extremely deep level!

Can Ye Wuque resist this blow?

In the center of the sky, Ye Wuque’s eyes flickered. He felt a great crisis. He knew that this was Huanongyue’s strongest blow. Even if it was the Heavenly Maha, Yuanji Maha could not be defeated, because it was a perfect attribute. Fusion of horror power!

Even Ye Wuqian was unable to resist the power that the Nine Heavens Sacred Lotus at the bottom of the box could resist!

"Since the third-grade Baolian platform can't stop it, then use a stronger force!"

The dazzling pupils condensed, and Ye Wuque's face flashed with arrogant and domineering intentions. All the sacred power in his body broke out at this moment, without reservation, his hands flew like flowers in an instant, extremely magnificent!

A mysterious and holy breath immediately swept the void, vast and vast, as if to open another world, and attracted the supreme power of existence!

"Nine Heavens Sacred Lotus! The fourth floor...Lianhua Saint Road opens up the sky!"

With a sound of sonorous and unpredictable sanskrit sounds of heaven and earth resounded instantly, Ye Wuque's whole body suddenly burst out with a strong golden light, and the mysterious and holy breath swept through nine heavens and ten earth like a wave!

At his feet, the third-rank Baolian platform stood upright, but above his head, a fourth-rank golden lotus bloomed slowly!

The moment the fourth-rank golden lotus evolves, it blooms in the void, reflecting a fierce holy light that illuminates the world!

That is Lianhua Shengmang!

The lotus sacred mang shone in all directions, as if descending from the sky, for Ye Wuque to light up a peerless sky sweeping across the heavens and the world!


The moment the fourth-rank golden lotus was in full bloom, the volume skyrocketed, and then, an extremely gorgeous scene happened! Coolsmith net m first + o hair

I saw above the sky, from the male fourth-grade golden lotus in full bloom, a big hand that looked like gold was suddenly revealed!

It seems to be covered with gold paint, the five fingers are spread out, and the complex ancient lines are engraved, the roots are like Optimus Prime!

This is the golden sacred hand born and within the fourth-rank golden lotus, a trace of power that belongs to the forbidden existence, overwhelming and destroying everything!

In the palm of the Golden Sage's palm, the fourth-grade golden lotus was spinning around, along the path of sky light illuminated by the lotus sacred mans, grasping the void all the way, rubbing the sun and the moon, and suddenly pressing the dual attributes that bloomed towards Hua Nongyue to complete power !


In the next moment, a huge roar and rolling, everything is invisible, I can only feel the golden power and the blue light intertwining, surging, but after a few breaths, everything comes to an abrupt end!

Under the sky, there is only a holy heaven that shines through all things, as if coming from the depths of the universe, everything can't escape suppression!

At this moment, at the end of the holy heavenly light, Hua Nongyue's body was suspended in the void, her handsome and unparalleled face flashed with exclamation and sadness, as if she was completely immobilized by this holy heavenly light!

Immediately, Hua Nongyue's figure shattered from her feet to the top of her head, until every strand of hair was completely turned into fly ash!

When Hua Nongyue completely disappeared, the holy light from the unknown part of the universe slowly extinguished, and a tall and slender figure emerged, standing above the void!

The black hair was agitated, and his face was pale, even panting violently, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding, but a pair of eyes flashed with an edge that cut everything!

This person is Ye Wuque!

After so long in silence, the world finally broke out with earth-shattering shouts and cheers!

On the subjective battle arena, all the senior officials of the Star Yan Kingdom slowly got up, their expressions extremely complex!

At this moment, the champion of Xingyan Kingdom's 899th genius battle was finally born!

Bang bang ......

There was thunderous applause, accompanied by a thunderous shout, that was the approval and cheers from all the monks in the royal capital!

"Ye Wuque! Ye Wuque! Ye Wuque..."

Inside the sacred tree, under the sky, only these three words echoed at this moment.

In the void, Ye Wuque’s figure slowly descended from the sky and landed on the green leaf battle arena. Hearing the shouts and cheers all over the sky, even Ye Wuque’s persevering mind and will felt something at this moment. High spirits!

Ye Wuque slowly raised his head and closed his eyes lightly, seeming to enjoy this moment that belongs to him alone.

But no one knew that at this moment, Ye Wuque's thoughts were rushing, and a white skirt fluttering in his mind slowly, a beautiful and peerless figure, and a beautiful and fairy-like face emerged.

"Jiao Xue, I walked out of the northern sky, I came to the Star Yan Kingdom, and I became the first person in the younger generation of the Star Yan Kingdom! I, one step closer to you! You are on the other side of the starry sky, how are you..."

Ye Wuque, who closed his eyes, murmured, only he could hear the words.

Having won the champion of the genius battle, Ye Wuque was full of glory at this moment, enjoying the brilliance, but his mood calmed down inexplicably, and instead revealed a stronger desire!

He knows that the genius to fight the championship is just the beginning, and then he has a longer way to go. On this road, he must continue to move forward, step by step to become stronger and stronger than all, until he walks out of the star kingdom. , Step out of the Canglan realm and enter the Big Dipper domain!

Only in that way can he one day be qualified and confident to cross the stars, go to the distant void, go to the purple star field, and meet the people he loves in his life!

"Jiaoxue...waiting for me..."

A firm voice resounded in his heart, and Ye Wuqian's slightly closed eyes opened again, and his eyes were filled with heat and desire! Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update!

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