Return of the War God

Chapter 1097: : Genius war ended

Floating Clouds, Unblockers

At this moment, on the top ten throne, Hua Nongyue's body has slowly sat up, although there is a hint of paleness on the handsome face, but it does not compromise his charm, but exudes a fatal attraction to women. Li, I want to hug Hua Nongyue in her arms, and take good affection.

Staring at the tall and slender figure on the green leaf battle platform, Hua Nongyue didn't have any unwillingness or resentment on her face, but a sigh flashed deep in her eyes, but a faint smile appeared immediately. .

He lost, lost to Ye Wuque.

This thing that hadn't been thought of before the battle with Ye Wuque really happened, but Hua Nongyue was convinced about it.

If you try your best and still fail, it is because your skills are not as good as others. There is nothing to say.

An exquisite hip flask appeared in her right hand. Hua Nongyue closed her eyes slightly, resting her cheek in her left hand, and constantly lifting the hip flask with her right hand to pour the wine into her mouth. The whole became content and she seemed to be immersed in her own world. .


Above the void, the figure of the King of Golden Eyes did not know when to appear, and the wise eyes reflected on the sky, and the earth-shaking shouts were temporarily stopped, all eyes were on the King of Golden Eyes.

"This king announced that the 899th genius battle has come to a successful conclusion. The final champion is Ye Wuque, Longgu County!"

Following the words of the King of Golden Eyes, he stretched out his right hand and pointed at Ye Wuque's body!

In the next instant, the Xing Yan clone on the Green Leaf Battle Platform disappeared, and Ye Wuque on the top ten throne floated up and stood on the void!

An incomparable colorful streamer cloak appeared on Ye Wuque's body, one side was draped on his back, the other side fluttered in the wind, hunting and hunting, the whole body was shining with endless colorful light, and Ye Wuque was set against it, with great glory!

There is no doubt that Ye Wuque at this moment is the most eye-catching person in the entire Star Yan Kingdom!

This scene was not only seen by the people inside the sacred tree. At this moment, on the land of the 36th county of the Xingyan Kingdom, within the starry light curtain, this scene was also present, which was clearly seen by all the monks of the Xingyan Kingdom. Look in the eyes!

In Longgu County, it was boiling at this time!

"Won the championship! God of War won the championship! Hahahaha!"

"How many years have it been! My Longgu County is finally proud! Long live the God of War!"

"Ahhhhh! I am so proud of our unlimited supply of drinks today!"

"Long live the God of War! Long live the God of War! Long live the God of War..."

All the monks in the entire Dragon Bone County were screaming frantically, and the breath that had been held in their hearts for too long and too long finally came out fiercely!

In front of the Qingqiu family mansion, at this time the two sisters of Qingqiu hugged and danced together and made a fuss. The two bright and unparalleled faces were filled with extremely excited and excited smiles. The blush was like sunset, and it was very moving!

"Ahhhhh! Ye Gongzi won the championship! Ye Gongzi has actually become the champion of the genius war! Our Qingqiu family has actually stepped out of a genius war champion! Sister, I am not dreaming! I am so happy! Ye Gongzi is great!"

Qingqiu Xingyao danced extremely happily, and her tone of excitement was a little stuttered. Xiao Nizi was really happy at the moment. Latest chapter u on rm cool c craftsman fl net

Qingqiu Yueyao, who has always been dignified, long-sleeved and good at dancing, changed her normal at this time and danced with a smile like her sister!

"I didn't dream! It's true! Ye Gongzi really won the championship! My Qingqiu family is really pitiful to meet such a great good fortune! Ye Gongzi will always be my Qingqiu family's benefactor!"

Qingqiu Yueyao stood still slowly, her head looked up at the radiantly tall figure in the starry light curtain above the void, a pair of beautiful eyes bursting with star-like light!

"Young Master Ye, I wish you a bright future and make great progress. If you can remember the Qingqiu clan one day, as long as you come, Yue Yao will sweep the couch to welcome you!"

Red lips kissed her, Qingqiu Yueyao spoke so softly, but her beautiful eyes were staring at the glorious figure, and she felt a little silly for a while.

Qingqiu Yueyao knew that from now on, it would be difficult to see Ye Wuque again, because he had already embarked on the road to heaven, and he was completely different from himself and the Qingqiu family.

In front of the Ziyue Sirius Family Mansion.

"Let the order go on, withdraw all power from the family, and from today, withdraw from the mainland of Longgu County! To the Lanjiang Small World of the 28th Small World!"

Zi Xiaotian's voice trembled with a trace, it was mixed with a deep fear and jealousy!

He, a cultivator of the Heavenly Soul Realm, would show such emotions, which obviously proved how scared Zi Xiaotian was at this moment!

Seeing the figure in the Xingyan light curtain, Zi Xiaotian was filled with unwillingness and resentment, but what could he do?

He can only watch and even think about it in his heart!

"This son...this son actually won the championship of the genius war! Is this kind of character that my Purple Moon Sirius family can afford? Wolf, don't blame your father. Father doesn't want to avenge you, but for Father can't just ruin the inheritance of the entire Purple Moon Sirius family for a while, and there is nothing he can do for the father!"

There was a trace of fatigue and helplessness on Zi Xiaotian's face. For Ye Wuque, he was ruthless in his heart. He wanted to kill and then hurry, but he didn't dare!

Ye Wuque won the genius battle champion and is about to join the Xingyan Temple, destined to embark on a glorious road to the sky, and his Purple Moon Sirius family is just one of the ancient families in Dragon Bone County, and there is no such thing in the king. If Ye Wuque remembered that he wanted to solve the troubles of the Purple Moon Sirius Family, he would not even bother.

For example, Ye Wuque opened his mouth to Fulong County Guard, just one Fulong County Guard was enough to destroy the entire Ziyue Sirius family!

As for the unwillingness of Fulong County, there is no doubt about it!

Therefore, as the Patriarch of the Ziyue Sirius Family, Zi Xiaotian must put his personal feelings aside, and the most important thing is to preserve the family's continuous inheritance.

Thinking of this, Zi Xiaotian sighed deeply, but slowly stepped into the mansion, his back became huddled.

Starting today, the Ziyue Sirius family will completely disappear in Dragonbone County.


Xingyan Kingdom's millennium grand event genius battle finally ended successfully, but in the next period of time, many names will become the mantra of all monks in the capital, such as Ye Wuque, such as Hua Nongyue.

Every genius battle will emerge with a brilliant super talent, but this one is undoubtedly the most shining and dazzling one in history, not only has Hua Nong Yue such a super enchanting double-attribute perfect, but also a Ye Wuque, a monster with full attribute power, can understand the life and soul realm!

If you want to come, even if these two people enter the Xingyan Temple where Tianjiao is like a cloud, they will surely stir up a situation!

Xingyan Kingdom, genius building.

Now Ye Wuque is waiting for the four talented representatives of Longgu County who have reached the top 100 to stay here again to rest.

The King of Golden Eyes has already told the people of the top 100 geniuses that they will take a three-day rest in this genius building. After three days, someone will come and take them to the supreme institution of the Xingyan Kingdom... Xingyansheng Tang!

After entering the Xingyan Sanctuary, the various rich rewards promised before the genius battle will also be distributed one by one.

At this moment, in a room on the thirty-sixth floor of the tallest genius building, Ye Wuque sat quietly, concentrating on training, summarizing the gains from this genius battle, constantly digesting, and consolidating the soul realm. The cultivation base of the later peak.

This practice, two days' time passed slowly.

Until a certain moment, there was a cold electricity in the room suddenly, but Ye Wuque opened his eyes!

He was full of radiance, and his eyes were deep. After two days of training, Ye Wuque's mental fatigue was completely restored, and his cultivation at the peak of the final stage of the life soul realm was completely stable, and his state reached its peak.

"Xingyan Temple, the most mysterious and noble institution of the Xingyan Kingdom, I don't know what kind of scenery there will be..."

At the thought of this, a hint of interest flashed in Ye Wuque's bright eyes.

At this moment, the voice in Ye Wuque's mind slowly sounded, but the words that made Ye Wuque's eyes instantly condensed, and a deep sense of heat surged from within.

"I once said that after the end of your genius battle, you will tell you everything about the "Extreme Realm of Dust". Now, the time has come." Wechat search "", follow the name of the post, and read the original version for free full text! The fastest update!

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