Return of the War God

Chapter 1500: : Find someone, find a legend!

Chaos, nothingness, silence, eternity...

Ye Wuque felt that he was floating in an eternally silent black hole. He could not perceive anything at all. Only a little hazy thought was floating. He didn't know where he came from or where he was going, as if he was going to This goes on forever.

This feeling is very painful, as if it is between life and death, **** and heaven. You can't die or wake up. No matter how hard Ye Wuque tries to shout out, the end result is a kind of extreme Panic of powerlessness.

"Is this... just... the feeling of death... it's... not very pleasant..."

A little dim thought was whispering, echoing in the eternally silent black hole, no one could hear or perceive it.

Gradually, this dim thought seemed to give up resistance and chose to endure, just drifting around, bearing the constant impact between life and death, constantly changing, and constantly washing.

ten years? century? millennium?

No one knows how long it has passed. That little hazy thought seems to have been accustomed to this pain, accustomed to the washing between life and death, to the darkness and death that seemed to last forever.

Even this dim thought was faintly enlightened, and it became slightly bright in the endless darkness.

"Life and death...eternal...reincarnation..."

That little hazy thought murmured, with a thorough feeling, he didn't know why he wanted to realize it, but in the passing years, he still plunged in, perhaps just to kill this eternal boredom.

Everything went on so peacefully and silently, without end.


Until a certain moment, a strange roar suddenly sounded in this endless darkness, and then a strong blazing bright red light descended, illuminating the eternal darkness!

In the center of that bright red radiance, a magnificent and unique flower is in full bloom. The whole body is like a blood crystal carefully carved, exuding endless vitality, surging extremely fast, it is the Manzhushahua that has absorbed the vitality of the leaves and bloomed!

With a scream, a huge suction suddenly spread from the Manzhushahua, and immediately inhaled the dim thoughts belonging to Ye Wuque!

The moment he was sucked into Manzhushahua, Ye Wuque's hazy thoughts trembled, and then a faint brilliance was emitted, which became much solidified.

"So warm..."

After too many years of floating, Ye Wuque felt such warmth and comfort for the first time, as if he had returned to his mother's embrace, becoming stronger again little by little!

The vitality contained in Manzhushahua began to irrigate into Ye Wuqian's little true spirit at a rapid speed, nourishing it, reinjecting vitality, and let him slowly recover.

Until a certain moment, Ye Wuque's true spirit finally turned into a trace of divine power, and it continued to increase. He left the endless darkness, as if returning to his own divine soul space.

In a daze, Ye Wuque seemed to see the emptiness sitting in his soul space, and there was a touch of joy in his heart, but then he seemed to see a vague figure sitting in the golden lightning on the other side of his soul space!

The figure in the golden lightning seems to have always existed in the depths of my soul space, watching my birth and my growth...

This feeling made Ye Wuque very confused. He didn't know who the fuzzy figure in the golden lightning was, but a little spiritual sense told him that the other party did not have any hostility towards him, but had a strange feeling.

Immediately, Ye Wuque didn't know anything. He was completely overwhelmed by the rich life, and he entered the process of full recovery, and everything was invisible to the outside.

Beneath the cliff, Ye Wuque's dry body was shrouded in bright red radiance at this moment, and Manzhushahua rooted in the split eyebrows, and an astonishing vitality fed back to it, nourishing his vitality.

At the same time, the origin of the fighting sacred law that appeared on Ye Wuque's body also bloomed with a golden light beam covering his dantian, and a trace of blood energy began to re-evolve in Ye Wuque's body!

The second calamity "Rebirth of Flesh" begins!

If you observe carefully, you will surely find that Ye Wuque's dry body is slowly regenerating a little bit of flesh and blood under the nourishment of the power of blood!

Above the void, the sky and the golden lightning blurred figure are far away.

"You can show up to prove that what I have observed over the years is not wrong. You are not hostile to Wuwei. It's just that I'm a little curious. You don't have any blood relationship with Wuwei. You are not a member of his clan or close relatives. , But why could it exist in Wuwei's soul space when he was born?"

"Your appearance is too strange...Who are you?"

Sora took the lead to speak, with a soft voice, breaking the silence.

But what Sora said contained amazing information!

This golden lightning fuzzy figure actually existed in Ye Wuque's soul space when he was born, as if it was Ye Wuque's innate companion spirit!

You know, even if it is empty, Ye Wuque only met when he inadvertently passed into the sun, moon and stars forbidden when he was five years old, and this golden lightning creature had existed before then.

So Kong said that it has been sixteen years since the golden lightning creature and Ye Wuque met!

The fuzzy figure in the golden lightning did not speak, it was vaguely the figure of a man, Kong was watching him, and he was also watching Kong.

After a long time, the golden lightning man spoke slowly.

"I... can't speak lightly."


At the moment when the golden lightning man spoke, endless thunder suddenly resounded in the entire western extreme abyss!

Thunder came from nowhere, and struck the golden lightning man!

The chaos aura exploded, and the thunders were full of destruction waves, shining endless rays of light. It was not an ordinary thunder, it was the grand road thunder. Even if the ages were eternal, it would be able to smash all the taboos from the past and the present, this is... a heavenly condemnation! !

It seemed that any words the golden lightning man said would anger God and be condemned by heaven!

The golden lightning man was surging with fierce golden brilliance, majestic and majestic, as if he could open up the eternal time and space, contending with the thunder of the road!

Just a little aftermath of overflowing can instantly annihilate 100,000 Seasons without a trace!

This scene fell in Kong's eyes, even Kong was moved instantly!

"This is the Great Dao Thunder? Only when the souls of the world want to reverse the chaos of time and space, disrupt the long river of time and space, and affect the ages of ancient history, will they drop the destruction!"

There was a trace of solemnity in Kong's tone, and it was obvious that Kong found that the golden lightning man in front of him was too strong, and he must be supreme!

In an instant, the unparalleled white brilliance of Kong's eyes suddenly bloomed, and the eyes became extremely terrifying, and the flames inside were surging. It was a taboo power, enough to penetrate the eternal years!

Kazuo uses taboo power to look at the golden lightning man, to see the origin of the other party!


When Kong looked over, the avenue felt a sense, and the thunder reappeared, but this time it blasted into the sky, and also wanted to kill the sky!

Because air movement uses taboo power, it is also disrupting the long river of time and space, which is not tolerated by the avenue!

The white light rises, the avenue thunders down, and the sky is bathed in the destruction of the thunder light, fighting against the avenue, swallowing the world with breathlessness!

After a few breaths, there was a hint of shock and surprise in his empty eyes, and he stared at the golden lightning man and spoke slowly.

"You are not a living creature in this world, you do not belong to this era! You... come from the future!"

As soon as these words came out, the heavens and the earth roared, as if God was furious, and a mighty long river of time and space appeared between the sky and the golden lightning man. The two were obviously less than a hundred meters apart, but they seemed to be forgotten by the eternal time and space!

Roads of thunder rushed down, bombarding the golden lightning man, to completely destroy him, and never allow him to disturb the eternal time and space!

The golden lightning man was majestic and majestic. He sat cross-legged, his whole body fluctuating in horror. After hearing the empty words, he did not speak, but slowly nodded.

As Kong said, he is not a living creature in this world, or even belongs to this era, not in this ancient history, he came from the future, separated several remote epochs, across the eternal time and space, and crossed here abruptly!

"You are not perfect for the future! Why did you come here?"

Kong Kong solemnly spoke, Dadao Thunder became more and more violent, and bombarded the two of them, exploding with an aura of destruction that could destroy the entire realm!

Even if the immortal, or even the immortal king, comes, he will be blasted into ashes in an instant, and he won't even have the right to resist!

Whether it is the empty or the golden lightning man, the behavior at this moment is disrupting the eternal time and space. The two should not meet at all. They are disrupting the balance. They are destined to be condemned by the gods and severely interfered.


The golden lightning man finally spoke again, but he was overwhelmed by the endless thunder after only saying a word. He was contending, facing unimaginable disasters and crises, and fighting with the might of the world!

Sora's eyes were condensed, and they were also confronting each other. The two looked at the distance from the age of Furukawa. It was too difficult to tell each other some information!

If it hadn't been for the two people to participate in good luck, they would have been split into ashes long ago, and there would be no place to be buried!

See {Genuine e2 chapter&) on 1l&qot;

In the thunder of the endless avenue, the golden lightning man seemed to be slightly furious. He slowly stood up, his tall body propped up the sky of the sun and the moon, his long golden hair danced wildly, his spirit was surging, and the atmosphere of terror exploded, and he even shook the time and space in front of him. !

The golden lightning man showed his might, and his aura covered nine heavens and ten earths. He finally found a gap and sent his voice to the opposite bank across the ages of the ancient river, rebelling against the eternal time and space, allowing Kong to hear it.

"I'm here... Looking for someone! Looking for a legend!"

When the voice fell, the thunder burst, and the time and space of Hanoi surging with turbulent waves, they shot towards the golden lightning man, the waves swept the sky, the sky was mighty, combined with the main road thunder, and together they wanted to strangle and extinguish the golden lightning man!

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