Return of the War God

Chapter 1501: : Doesn't exist in ancient history!

Sora heard the words of the golden lightning man, peerless light gushing in his eyes, and the white light rose to the sky, also shaking the long river of time and space in front of him!

Simultaneously with the golden lightning man, he exploded his horror cultivation base and opened a way for the opponent.

"That person is in this era? Who is he? Why are you looking for him? Is it the same in your era..."

Kong Ning opened his mouth, but he was overwhelmed by the endless road thunder before he finished his words!

It seems that once Kong finishes speaking, it will spread through the ages, causing drastic changes in the universe of the era of reverse chaos, producing terrible deviations, and disrupting the balance of time and space, so at this moment, it is directly targeted by Dao Tianwei!

Dadao seemed to perceive the power of the two great creatures at this moment. At this moment, they finally began to change their forms, erupting more powerful attacks!

The thunder roared in the void, falling from the sky, the entire abyss beast in the western extreme abyss was wiped out, the eternal gloomy place was completely illuminated at this time, the heavens descended, and all souls trembled!

Ouch! Huh!

Suddenly, all kinds of beasts roared, and those bombarded road thunders turned into dragon-shaped, phoenix-shaped, tiger-shaped, 狻猊 and other forms of peerless beasts, slamming nine days, roaring the sun and the moon, with fiery power. The film emptiness has exploded!

With the emergence of chaotic fog, the gray air currents boiled with the torrent of thunder, and the void is dying wherever it passes. Even the eternal starry sky will be wiped out. The chaotic light is shining. It is too terrible. This is enough to kill Forbidden force of terror!

Sora and the golden lightning man were blurred with each other, Dadao Thunder stormed down with peerless ferocity, and did not give them any chance. They must completely erase them!

A cold snort resounded, it was from the sky, even Gai suppressed the roar of thunder and lightning, and the time before him was shaking and surging!

The emptiness stood in the void, although only a faint shadow was left, it was still unparalleled and unparalleled, and he slowly stretched out a finger and pointed toward the sky!


The white brilliance rippled and turned into a fairy light that swept across the sky soaring into the sky, and directly slammed into the depths of the sky, destroying all the thunder of destruction that the dragon-shaped, phoenix-shaped and other road thunders have transformed, making this void empty for a while!

Taking this opportunity, the golden-year-old man on the other side of the long river also played invincible killer moves, with a big hand sticking out, accompanied by golden lightning, magnificent, magnificent, magnificent, and his endless energy was exploding, as if he had drained the outside world. All the power of the starry sky, overwhelming nine days!

The big hand fell, and the road thunder roared and roared, but it was directly wiped out and cleaned up, so powerful!

The entire avenue thunder of the abyss of the west pole was completely wiped out, it was incredible, crazy to the extreme.


Only the long river of time and space is surging, and it seems to want to continue to roll up the stormy waves, but under the common coercion of the two supreme beings on both sides of the strait, they can only roll up a tiny wave!


The earth-shattering roar resounded in the depths of the sky again, the terrifying and terrifying coercion convolved, and the road thunder struck madly again, endlessly!

*T9 Yong) Long time! Free r fee {look} small 6 say o’

However, taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the golden lightning man spoke in time, looking at the sky on the other side, under his vague face, a pair of unpredictable eyes like the disillusionment of the open and closed universe surging with a sense of sigh!

"The era I was in was too far away from this era, but the rest of the eras were recorded in ancient history in my era. They were brilliant and lingering forever! Only when I got here, this one was labeled'dark'. Era, even if you search through ancient history, you can’t find a trace of information. It seems that the entire dark era has been wiped out alive with unimaginable means, blocking the eternal time and space, and can’t be found again!"

"Although the Desolate Immortal Era before the Dark Era had unimaginable horror, and even disrupted time and space, shattering nine heavens and ten grounds, there is still a piece of ancient history that can prove the existence of Desolate Immortal Era!"

"But this era without you is too weird. No one in later generations can tell exactly what happened. What is left are rumors and deeds that are difficult to distinguish between true and false, but they are just a few words and nothing. In conclusion, because cause and effect are chaotic, there is no trace of time and space, and no historical facts can be found!"

"Most great beings in later generations believed that the'Dark Age' never appeared at all, and did not exist in ancient history. It was someone who deliberately disrupted time and space, planted cause and effect for some ulterior purpose, and deliberately created the so-called ' The Dark Era' was added abruptly after the Huangxian Era!"

The golden lightning man's voice is sonorous and powerful, with a calm and domineering, like an invincible creature sitting on the sky, swallowing the world with anger, and it is over nine heavens and ten earth!

He speaks quickly, and wants to tell Yu Kong everything, because time is running out!

Hearing the words of the golden lightning man, there was a shock wave in the hollow!

The Dark Age!

Is this the name of this era and later generations in which you live?

But the ancient history of later generations could not find any records, not a single trace!

Who the **** is it?

What exactly happened?

"Is it really..."

I was extremely moved, and seemed to remember a lot, the whole body was white and radiant and mighty, showing the unrest in my heart!


The thunderbolt on the road that was destroyed by the two together slammed into it. The time and space was boiling, and the stormy waves exploded. Obviously, the golden-year-old man’s words had leaked the secret to some extent, affecting the eternal time and space and many epochs, causing a kind of Irreversible influence!

Dadao is furious, we must set things right, and show our full power!

The thunder is intertwined, no longer just in the form of a beast, but transformed into a thick black chain shining chaotic colors from the sky, like a real dragon dancing wildly, binding the two!

Avenue chain!

This is an extreme force that surpasses the thunder of the avenue. Once in this world, it means that a great existence must fall. There are no exceptions throughout the ages!

The chaotic light spread, the wave of destruction exploded, and the chain of the avenue hovered, completely sealing the two people's retreat. They landed in the long river of time, stirring up reincarnation and the years, and jointly showed off!

At this moment, even the empty and golden-year-old man was moving. The two felt a kind of awe-inspiring crisis. Under the anger of the Dao, no creatures could escape!

The golden lightning man took the lead. He jumped for nine days, stuck at the end of the sky, and took the initiative to contact the chain of the avenue!

"Let me come! This clone of me is precious, but as long as it can send some messages, it is worth the destruction!"

The golden lightning man drank low, and his golden hand was in the air, breaking through the chains of the avenues, defeating the chaotic light and destroying the thunder, he shot strongly, the blond danced wildly, and his momentum was extremely fierce!

Sora originally wanted to make a move, but after hearing the words of the golden lightning man, he stopped, and the peerless light reappeared in his eyes, knowing that the golden lightning man was buying time for himself!

Sometimes things have to be determined by Sora himself!

Sora followed the breath of the golden lightning man and looked at the long river of time in front of him, as if to find the golden lightning man's trajectory through the eternal time and space!

Going back to the origin, salvaging the past in the long time and space of Hanoi, this is simply an incredible way to reach the sky. It is unimaginable and unpredictable. It is going against the road and it must pay a price!


There was a sudden roar from Sora's eyebrows, as if he had received some kind of backlash, but Sora didn't care at all, he was still exploring!

Sora must personally determine some things, some information about the golden lightning man!

Finally, a faint picture was salvaged by Kong from the Long Hanoi of Time and Space, and Kong saw the figure of the golden lightning man in it!

In the picture, the golden lightning man stepped into the eternal time and space, stepping on the long river of time and space, and moving upside down. It was clear that he was crossing from the downstream of the long river of time and space.

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