Return of the War God

Chapter 1546: : Do you remember me?


The golden and silver shining Sky Splitting Divine Mirror fell to the ground with a crisp sound, and it happened to fall beside Ji Wuxun, just as close as a foot away from him.

Ji Wuzong was lying on the ground, the corners of his mouth were constantly spilling blood, and his face had already turned pale. The injury on his chest had already wiped out his vitality, and the eyes of Yuanliquan at his dantian had already been shattered, and there was no chance of survival.

It seems that he knew that he was going to die. The boundless weakness came. At this moment, Ji Wuzong was lying on his back. The madness and unwillingness on his face had disappeared. Instead, it was a kind of inexplicable relaxation, as if he had been looking forward to this scene. Too long too long.

Ji Wuzong's face is very young and handsome, just as it was three thousand years ago. The Four of Time has never left a mark on his face. Even if the corners of his mouth are bleeding at this moment, his charm still cannot be blocked.

"I... I lost, Ye Wuque. You are indeed better than me. You surpassed me too much. I lost to you. I am convinced."

Ji Wuzong's voice slowly sounded, with a kind of weak but inexplicable magnetism. At this moment, Ji Wuzong seemed to have finally let go of everything, and his mind flashed through what he had experienced during these thousand years. Everything about it, just take care of it.

"It's been three thousand years...Three thousand years ago, I actually died, but my obsessions and demons made me come back to life... You asked me if I still remember my name. At that moment, I was actually right. Now I have a sense of strangeness, am I still Ji Wuxian?"

Speaking of this, Ji Wuzong showed a trace of self-deprecating on his face, and it was even more daunting.

Ye Wuque stood aside and listened quietly. He didn't say anything. He knew that he would die and his words would be good. He knew that at this moment, Ji Wuzong finally changed back to himself again, to the one who used to be in the North Heaven. One of the peerless arrogances who have left endless glorious legends in the holy way of the heavens.

"Perhaps you are very curious about my experience three thousand years ago, and also wonder why I wanted to kill you, but I don’t want to mention that time. For me, it was nightmare and despair. If you want to know, just take Let’s break away from the Celestial Mirror, it will tell you."

"Finally, Ye Wuque, if you can go to Daqian Shenyu one day, careful."

Ji Wuzong murmured, but his voice became lighter and weaker, but a faint smile gradually emerged from that handsome face, exuding an inexplicable brilliance. .

"The first half of my life was brilliant and brilliant, and the second half was sad and sad. Now, I am tired, and I really want to sleep well. Maybe when I fall asleep, I can see Duan Yifeng again, my good brother... …"

Ye Wuque quietly looked at Ji Wuzun, who had already begun to return to the light, but he sighed softly in his heart.

Duan Yifeng and no trace of the season.

These two peerless arrogances from the sacred roads of the heavens in the northern sky, can be counted as the existence of his senior brothers, after all, they are all buried in the years and fell within the Canglan Realm.

The matter is now, and as Ji Wuzong is about to die, the grievances between Ye Wuque and him have ended.

"Starry sky...starry sky...I want to see the magnificent starry sky beyond Canglan with my own eyes..."

Ji Wuzong, already extremely weak, stared at the sky of Canglan Realm blankly, his eyes seemed to be able to see through the sky and the starry sky beyond, and a trace of desire and yearning flashed within it, but then it slowly became dimmed. .

call out……

At this moment, a figure flew at extremely fast, flying towards Ji Wuxian!

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Ye Wuque saw the incoming person, his eyes flashed, and there was a hint of surprise, because the person flying here was actually... Granny Xueying!

At this moment, the mother-in-law Xueying was full of sadness, her old eyes were filled with sadness, reflecting the figure of Ji Wuzong, gently leaning down, tears falling on her face.

Seeing this scene, Ye Wuque naturally understood, but he did not expect that Mother Xueying and Ji Wuzong seemed to be old friends.

"Three thousand years! I...see you again, don't remember me at all, maybe...I'm just a passing passenger in your life..."

Granny Xueying looked at Ji Wuzong and spoke like this, with a tremor and sadness in her voice.

Ji Wuzong's eyes turned slightly, looking at the sudden appearance of Granny Xueying, and a soft smile appeared on the handsome face, and the expression in his eyes seemed to become a little gentle.

"Snow Sakura..."

The words softly rang from Ji Wuzong's mouth, almost inaudible, but Mother Xueying's body trembled suddenly, tears burst into her vicissitudes of life, she stretched out her hand tremblingly and held it. Ji Wuzong's hands that have slowly cooled down!

"You... do you remember me?"

Granny Xueying’s voice became completely trembling. She originally thought that Ji Wuzong would never remember herself. She came here to see the last side of Ji Wuzong, only to bury the obsession of three thousand years in her heart, but she did not expect Ji Wuzong to take a mouthful. Called her name.

Ji Wuzong nodded slowly, he no longer had too much strength, but at this moment Ji Wuzong's eyes were tender, looking at Granny Xueying, there seemed to be a thousand words buried in it, but he couldn't say a word. Up.

The appearance of Granny Xueying seemed to inject a trace of strength into Ji Wuzong's last remaining vitality, he tried his best to finally say a word.

"The time when I walked side by side with you... is the only good memory in the second half of my life... You... want to... live well..."

There was a trace of tenderness and reminiscence in the words. When the last word fell, Ji Wuzong's hand held by Granny Xueying suddenly loosened, and the last smile remained on that handsome face.

The season went without a trace and fell.

Granny Xueying held Ji Wuzong's hand tightly, her body trembled violently, and she lowered her head, but she didn't cry after all.

After a long time, Granny Xueying stood up slowly, there were no more tears on the old face, she looked expressionless, but only a pair of eyes seemed to be filled with uncontrollable sadness. She looked at Ye Wuque. : "Ye Xiaozi, can I ask you something?"

"Mother-in-law, but it's okay."

"Can... give me his body?"

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