Return of the War God

Chapter 1547: : No more cracking heaven!

Granny Xueying looked at Ye Wuque and spoke like this, with a trace of plea in her eyes, and then she bowed her fists deeply!

Ye Wuque sighed again in his heart, he couldn't see everything, there seemed to be a relationship between Mother Xueying and Ji Wuzong back then, but the two didn't get together after all, and they missed it.

The sight in front of him made Ye Wuque feel deeply moved, the beautiful figure fluttering in the white skirt once again appeared in his mind, and his eyes became more and more determined.

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"Mother, please feel free."

"Ye Xiaozi, thank you."

Immediately, Granny Xueying picked up Ji Wuxian's corpse and rose into the sky, not knowing where she was going.

Above the broken ground, only Ye Wuque was left standing quietly, his black hair fluttering, as if it had turned into eternity.

A figure floated, hunting in a white robe, with a long sword on his back, it was the elegant minister, and fell beside Ye Wuque, shoulder to shoulder with him, followed by the leaders and monks of the eight empires, all flying in one by one.

But all the cultivators of the Eight Great Empires looked at Ye Wuque and the elegant courtiers, and there was already a deep awe in their eyes!

They didn't even dare to get close to Ye Wuque and the handsome ministers, but stood far away, even bowing slightly, looking surrendered.

The two teenagers in front of them, starting today, will become the most amazing and stunning enchanting talents in the history of Canglan Realm!

"Ji Wuzong has fallen, and the power of Heaven Splitting Dao has almost completely collapsed. Starting today, Canglan...There will be no Heaven Splitting Dao!"

Ye Wuque spoke lightly, and the words that came out made the leaders of the eight empires startled for a moment, and then everyone was ecstatic!

Without the Heaven-Splitting Dao, from now on this Canglan will inevitably become the world of the eight empires, use your **** to think about how much resources and benefits there will be!

But immediately, these country masters all forcibly calmed down, restrained the joy in their hearts, and did not lose their attitude.

But immediately, Ye Wuque's eyes flashed, and he looked at the imperial fortress in the distance and said: "I almost forgot, there is still a **** person who is not dead."

In the sky above the imperial fortress in the distance, several silhouettes rose up in confusion, and flew madly towards the distance. The head of the figure was suddenly destroyed!

At this moment, Di Mie was full of fear and despair, his face was pale, cold sweat drenched, and all the power in his body wanted to escape to the cracking heaven!

"How is this? Master Taoist unexpectedly defeated! How could this be?"

Dimie still couldn't imagine everything. Before, he and several old elders had been hiding in the depths of the imperial fortress to observe everything. Originally thought that Ji Wuzong would laugh and level everything at the end, but the result was completely the opposite.

"Want to go? Keep your life..."

The one who spoke was the elegant minister, and he was the one who shot.


A dazzling sword light cut through the sky, and instantly slashed towards Dimie and others!

"No!! Rao..."

Di Mie and the others let out a desperate howl, and they stopped abruptly, and they were all cut into nothingness by the sword of the style minister.

Seeing this scene, the cultivators of the Eight Great Empires suddenly felt horrified. The Half-Step Human King and several Three Tribulations True Venerable Dzogchen existed! Just kill it casually.

Everyone once again felt the fear of Ye Wuque and the handsome ministers, and the awe in their hearts was even stronger!

After the Feng Caichen dealt with Di Mie and the others, his clear eyes turned and looked in the other direction, and Ye Wuque's gaze had already looked to that side.

"There is one more, it runs very fast."

Ye Wuque spoke faintly, the golden vertical pupil appeared, the power of divine thought broke out, and it swept out in an instant!

With Ye Wuque's current strength, Extinction Immortal Eye was shining, as long as he wanted, it was enough to cover the entire Canglan!


The power of Divine Sense that was close to the peak of the Soul King burst open, and the vast expanse of glory comparable to the golden ocean broke out in the Extinct Immortal Eye!

Mysterious and majestic, it exudes the majesty of an invincible power, overflowing the sky!

When the monks of the eight great empires felt this majesty, all of them shivered, and their hearts roared endlessly, as if they had become incomparably tiny ants, and could only look up at the tall and slender figure!

Regarding Ye Wuque’s horror and power, the cultivators of the eight great empires are not unaware, but at this moment they personally felt Ye Wuque’s power, each of them was buzzing with shocked heads, and the vitality in his body was disordered, as if The body does not belong to me.

The extreme fear and horror took root in their hearts, and the tall and slender figure remained in their hearts like eternity, with awe!

The reason for this is that Ye Wuque didn't restrain his own fluctuations, and he also had a thought to shock the leaders of the eight empires.

Although as long as he stays in the Canglan Realm for a day, he represents invincibility, but he is not too far away from the Canglan Realm. Once he leaves, no one knows what the eight empires will become.

After all, although he could leave, the Xingyan Empire would never leave. Ye Wuque was born in Xingyan, so he naturally wanted to plan for Xingyan.

At this moment, a main city thousands of miles away from Wanshui Lanjiang...youlan main city.

The main city of Orchid belongs to the territory of the Xueying Empire. It is a city where monks and mortals live together. It is extremely prosperous and covers an astonishing area. Countless monks come from all directions and enter it every moment. Belongs to the city that never sleeps.

Because here is rich in a kind of heavenly material and earth treasure called Jingxin Youlan, which has a great effect on the masters of Cong Rong Qipu. It can make the life and soul thunder tribulation more certain, so that countless monks are rushing. Moved by the wind.

At this moment, in the corner of a very prosperous street in the main city of Youlan, there are small stalls everywhere, selling all kinds of things, most of them are mortals, some are selling wonton tofu brain, some are selling pancakes and fruit meat. Jiamo, and others are selling all kinds of fruits, full of the aroma of food.

It was extremely lively and crowded here, but no one paid attention. There was a fortune-telling booth in one corner of the street. The booth was written with two lines of characters "Don’t blame the sky, don’t blame people, five elements "Bazi Mingsheng", and behind the stall was sitting a figure shrouded in purple cloak, unable to see his face.

All the people on the street turned a blind eye to the fortune-telling booth, as if no one knew that the booth had just appeared half an hour ago.

Under the purple cloak, there is a face hidden. If anyone sees it, he will be very surprised, because this face is like a childish child, but the eyes on that childish face are full of vicissitudes and... fear!

This person is the deputy master of Tianyan!

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