Return of the War God

Chapter 1556: : Copy collection

    "Congratulations to the elders, you have reached the sky in one step, since you are detached from the shackles and set foot in the realm of the king."

     Seeing Elder Hei Jue falling by his side, Ye Wuque spoke with a heartfelt smile, his voice full of congratulations.

    "Congratulations to the elders, stepping into the realm of the king!"

    "Congratulations to the elders, stepping into the realm of the king!"


    On the walls of the royal capital, everyone’s voices resounded in unison, all with a touch of surprise and pride!

    Half-step king!

    These realms are placed in the past ten empires and you can hardly even think about it. This is a super master that only the forces that dominate the Canglan realm like the Sky Splitting Dao can have, even if it is in the Sky Splitting Dao, it has only status. Only the respected vice master will have it!

    This is almost synonymous with invincibility in the world of Canglan!

    If you want to become a half-step king, you must have qualifications, talents, opportunities and good luck.

     But now, at this moment, in the Star Yan Empire, he has achieved a half-step human king. Elder Hei Jue broke the shackles and reached this point, becoming the second only to Ye Wuque and the elegant minister in the Canglan Realm. The first master!

    What does this mean?

     means that from now on, the Xingyan Empire will become a unique force in the Canglan realm, and there will be no other power to compare. The other eight empires can only look forward to it.

     Feeling the mighty power running in the body, feeling the king of humanity that he has condensed, the mood of the elder Hei Jue at this moment is endless, excited, joy, excitement, emotion and so on. Zero nine

     He saw Ye Wuque appearing in front of his eyes, and saw the heartfelt soft smile on Ye Wuque’s face, the emotions in his heart finally broke out, strode forward and hugged Ye Wuque tightly!

    Elder Hei Jue's sudden move made Ye Wuqian a little stunned, even after hearing the excitement and trembling voice of Elder Hei Jue!

    "Just come back! Just come back!"

    "No shortage! Without you, there would be no Xingyan! Without you, this old bone of mine would not have the opportunity to become a half-step king! Thank you! Thank you..."

    Elder Hei Jue hugged Ye Wuque tightly, and excitedly said in his ear that Elder Hei Jue was really satisfied at this moment. He felt that God was pitying him after all, and he had survived all the catastrophes.

    Ye Wuque allowed Elder Hei Jue to hug him, and the smile on his face softened.

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    "I am a person from Xingyan, and Xingyan is my home. All of this is my responsibility."


    A burst of thunderous applause resounded, echoing through the world!

    "Hahahaha...Today, there is no shortage, the admirers return safely, the elders stepped into the half-step dragon gate, our Star Yan Empire double happiness is here, come! Set a banquet, we...not drunk or return!"

    "Follow the instructions of the country master!"

    The Mongolian Lord laughed and spoke, and someone immediately took his orders respectfully.

    This drink, I drank it all night!

    The entire Xingyan King Capital was boiled, and a large group of people sat together, celebrating the whole country.

    Until the dawn of the second day, the morning glow was overwhelming, Ye Wuque once again walked to the head of the capital city with his wine glass, looking at the rising sun in the distance, overlooking the sky, silently independent.

    "Time is so fast..."

    With a light sigh, Ye Wuque raised the wine glass and drank the wine in it. The morning glow exuded a brilliant light, dyeing his thick black hair red, and his fair and handsome face seemed to be bathed in the glow of sunlight, showing A kind of mystery and brilliance.

    In the distance, Sikong Zhitian and Ji Yanran were sitting together, but both pairs of beautiful eyes stayed on Ye Wuque’s back, looking at the tall and slender figure, overflowing with mystery and loneliness, the eyes of the two women There was a slight inexplicable change in both, and it seemed that there was a flash of brilliance, but after all, the eyes of the two women were still dimmed.

    Half a day later, Ye Wuque found the elder Hei Jue.

     "Elder, I have something to trouble you."

    "Haha! No shortage, just ask if you have any requirements, as long as it can help you, it will be all right!"

    Ye Wuque did not hesitate to agree without saying anything about Hei Jue. As he said, no matter what requirements Ye Wuque puts forward, he will fully satisfy him. Even if the single player is not strong enough, he can still activate the power of the entire Star Emperor Empire. .

    Ye Wuque smiled, and said directly: "Elder, it's actually very simple. I want all the collections in the capital of the forbidden one, can I make a copy?"

    After hearing Ye Wuque’s words, Elder Hei Jue spoke to the outside of the temple without any hesitation: "Come here!"


    In an instant, he walked into the two imperial guards in armor, half-kneeling inside the hall!

    "The two of you took Wuwei to the Tibetan Palace, and everything, obey Wuwei’s orders, his words are mine."

    "Follow the order of the Supreme Elder!"

     Soon, under the leadership of the two imperial guards, Ye Wuque went to the Tibetan palace, wandering all the way in the imperial capital, once again saw a respectful standing imperial guard, spread all over the imperial capital, let him have Kind of a slight sense of surprise.

    After arriving at the Tibetan Palace, Ye Wuque let the two royal guards stay outside the palace and entered it alone.

    When Ye Wuque entered the palace, he felt a slight shock!

    Because this Tibetan palace is extremely wide, there are hundreds of shelves erected in it, and it is divided into two parts, one on the left and the other on the right.

    Ye Wuque stepped forward to check and his eyes suddenly lit up!

    He suddenly noticed that there was not only a collection of prohibited items in this Tibetan palace, but also a collection of battlefields.

    At the moment, Ye Wuque will not delay anymore, he directly expelled thousands of blank jade slips, extinct immortal pupils appeared, and began to copy all the collections of battle formations and prohibitions in the Tibetan palace one by one.

    There is an ancient and mysterious horror restriction on the Canglan gate in the depths of the Heavenly Splitting Dao, which completely seals the way out. To break this restriction, Ye Wuque must learn a restriction, so he needs the restriction of the Star Yan Empire One collection.

    One night's time passed slowly, when Ye Wuque walked out of the Tibetan palace, the elegant minister was already waiting at the door as scheduled.

    The two have already agreed to set off today from the capital of King Xingyan and return to the northern heaven.


    When a shining silver light soared into the sky, Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen had already flew away from the Xingyan King Capital in a silver eagle.


    Kongbone County.

    Before, because the **** old mother came to the door and wanted to sacrifice a country with blood, Longgu County, as one of the 36 counties of Xingyan, was naturally not spared. Fortunately, Fulong County of Longgu County desperately resisted the **** killing at the time and finally supported it. When Ye Wuque arrived, he solved the crisis.

    Therefore, Longgu County did not suffer much crisis, and there were no casualties.

    At this moment, above the vast void beyond Longgu County, a silver eagle from outside the sky pierced the sky. Ye Wuque, sitting on the right shoulder of the small stone, opened his eyes and looked down at this ancient county through a black cloak. The power of thought came out, and in an instant the whole counties appeared delicately.

    Ye Wuque felt the vitality of the entire Longgu County, and also felt that the guard of Fulong County, who was seriously injured, seemed to be in a retreat. Then Ye Wuque flashed his eyes and looked at a place in Longgu County. There was a mansion impressively.

    It is an ancient blue mansion, and on the square in front of the mansion stands a lifelike three-tailed fox with a size of one hundred thousand meters!

    The moment Ye Wuque saw this cyan mansion, two beautiful faces appeared in Ye Wuque's mind, one beautiful and moving, the other charming and lovely, and a faint smile appeared in his eyes immediately.


    Tianwai Yinying issued an eagle, and immediately landed towards Longgu County!

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