Return of the War God

Chapter 1557: : Come to Qingqiu Clan again

    Longgu County, Qingqiu family.

    Since the Xingyan genius battle ended half a year ago, the Qingqiu clan has re-emerged in Longgu County and has received strong support from the Fulong County Defender, once again reappearing its former glory and becoming more important.

    Because in Longgu County, everyone knows that Ye Wuque, the champion of Xingyan Genius Battle, the shining dragon, Tianjiao, walked out of the Qingqiu clan, and has a close relationship with the Qingqiu sisters of the Qingqiu clan.

    It can be said that the entire Qingqiu family was already in decline, but because of the re-emergence of a Ye Wuque, after the end of the war of genius, he received a rich reward from the royal capital. The guard capital of Fulong County personally came to the door to congratulate the Qingqiu family. Stood together.

     Even until now in Longgu County, there are people from the Qingqiu clan at every moment, and their words are full of envy and amazement. I feel that the Qingqiu clan really should not be killed. God is pitying and befriended Ye Wuque. Such a great pride!

    In other words, the Qingqiu clan in Longgu County has become the veritable first family, completely overwhelming all other forces!

    At this moment, in front of the Qingqiu Mansion, there are hundreds of figures constantly crackling on two doors that are about a hundred meters in size!

    The two gates are blue in color, exuding a sense of majesty. They were obviously just finished. These hundreds of figures are the best blacksmiths in Longbone County. They are all summoned to carry out the final work for these two gates. Polished.

Every blacksmith’s face was filled with excitement. Since they knew that this gate was the re-ordered gate of the Qingqiu clan’s mansion, they rushed to work almost day and night, and they did not dare to slack in the slightest.

    "Be careful! This is a gate made of sapphire and bronze. The whole body is integrated. Don't leave a mark on it!"

    "Everyone has worked hard! I will have rewards for the second lady after installing the gate!"

    "Uncle, be careful not to step on it!"


    At this moment, just as hundreds of blacksmiths are carefully carrying out the final process, a cute and lovely voice is constantly sounding, as if they are talking to themselves, and as if they are commanding all the blacksmiths.

    Just in front of the Qingqiu Mansion, stood a beautiful figure wearing a pink martial arts skirt. The hair was pink with purple, and the skin was white and red, like a porcelain doll. He was about fourteen or five years old. , But the face is no longer so delicate, there is already a trace of the unique feminine beauty of a girl, just like an apple that is beginning to mature, full of youthful vitality.

    This woman is the second lady of the Qingqiu clan, Qingqiu Xingyao.

    Hundreds of blacksmiths heard Qingqiu Xingyao who kept talking, and there was a smile on his face. Everyone in Longgu County knew that Miss Qingqiu was good at dancing with long sleeves, her mind was delicate, and she was quite general. The young lady is innocent and innocent. Although she is a little bit coquettish, she has a pure heart. She has adopted a group of orphans in Longgu County, who is extremely kind.

    A tall old man in his sixties or seventies, with white beard and hair and wearing a white cloak, is leaning against the door of the mansion at this time, looking at Qingqiu Xingyao with a trace of pampering in his old eyes. It is the old man Qu.

    Today’s Lao Qu’s aura is becoming more and more profound and vast, and his cultivation has reached the level of the Great Perfection of the Earth Soul. Obviously, Elder Qu has been greatly improved during the past six months, and his strength has soared from the middle of the original Earth Soul. It's too much too much.

    In the next instant, Qu Lao's old face with a trace of smile suddenly condensed, and a light flashed in his eyes, suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky!


    On the Tiantian head of Longbone County suddenly flew up an extraordinary horse, emitting a dazzling silver localized battleship, and its speed came to Longbone County in an instant, and it was all the way towards Qingqiu Mansion!

    Almost in the blink of an eye, this localized warship came to the sky above the Qingqiu Mansion, immediately making everyone see this dazzling first city, and saw the golden end on it exuding terror waves. The giant ape also saw a figure in a cloak sitting on the shoulders of the giant ape, black and white!

    "Good... terrible fluctuation! What kind of monster is this golden great ape!"

    At the moment when he saw the golden giant ape, Qu Lao’s face changed drastically, as if he had just glanced at it, he felt an indescribable fear, it seemed that this golden giant ape contained infinite power. , Enough to destroy everything!

     Even in the face of punctuality in Fulong County, Mr. Qu never had such an unspeakable sense of fear!

    A monster is so terrifying, let alone the two figures sitting on the shoulders of this golden great ape?

    "Second Miss!"

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    In an instant, Qu Lao appeared in front of Qingqiu Xingyao, guarding her behind, and at the same time, a dignified dragon's voice resounded!

    "I don't know which two masters came to my Qingqiu clan!"

    The voice of Old Qu was clearly warning the Qingqiu Mansion, and sure enough, in the next moment, the entire Qingqiu Mansion was shining with powerful waves, and the shadows rushed out from everywhere!

    After the warning was over, Qu Lao had his eyes flashed, because he suddenly noticed that the localized warship had landed directly on the square, and that the golden great ape was clearly fierce, but there was no fluctuation at all!

    This makes him a little surprised, it seems that the other party is not the enemy.

    The Qingqiu Xingyao, who was guarded by the old man, blinked and looked at it with big eyes. She was full of curiosity, but she was very well-behaved and made no sound.

    After the extraordinary localized warship of the gods and horses landed, the two black and white figures on the golden giant ape jumped down and landed in front of the Qingqiu mansion. Just when the vitality of the old man had exploded, they carried them together. The voice of the smiling young man slowly sounded!

    "Lao Qu, please be slow, my old friend is visiting."

    The moment he heard this voice, Qu Lao's eyes suddenly condensed, and he looked at the figure in the black cloak. This voice was made by this person.

    Qingqiu Xingyao's big eyes moved slightly, for some reason she suddenly felt that this voice was a bit familiar.

     Then the young figure sounded again, and at the same time the figure in the black cloak slowly walked towards the Qingqiu Mansion, from which a white and slender palm stretched out, lifting the cloak covering the head.

    "I haven't seen you for half a year, but Xing Yao has become more and more beautiful, and she is about to grow into a big girl!"

    As soon as the voice fell, the cloak was completely opened, revealing a fair and handsome face, with a gentle smile, it was Ye Wuque!

    After seeing the face of Ye Wuque, Qu Lao, who was guarding Qingqiu Xingyao behind him, was taken aback for a moment, then his mind roared, and he could hardly believe his eyes!

    " are..."

    At the same time, the figure in the white cloak also walked slowly, revealing his true face, and he was naturally a handsome man.

    Qingqiu Xingyao, who originally stood behind Qu Lao, saw Ye Wuque and the handsome minister, she was completely stunned. She rubbed her eyes first, and then a cute and soft face was suddenly flushed with blush. It is an incredible surprise!

    "Yeah! It's Ye Gongzi and Feng Gongzi!!!"

    Qingqiu Xingyao suddenly jumped out from behind Qu Lao, running towards Ye Wuque as if Ruyan was still in her nest, her face was already full of infinite excitement!

    Shoot, the scent of the young girl rushed to his face, making Ye Wuque a little unprepared, because Qingqiu Xingyao rushed into her arms and kept her waist firmly!

    "Young Master Ye! It's Young Master Ye really! Isn't Xing Yao dreaming?"

    According to Ye Wuque tightly, Qingqiu Xingyao kept talking to herself with excitement, as if she thought she was dreaming.

    The old face of Qu had already shown an excited smile, never expected that the people who came would turn out to be Ye Wuque and the handsome minister, this is the great benefactor of the entire Qingqiu clan!

    "Quickly! Go and notify the eldest lady! Ye Gongzi and Feng Gongzi are back!"

    A Qingqiu guard who was also full of excitement immediately took the order and rushed into the mansion.

After a few breaths, Qingqiu Xingyao realized that she was holding Ye Wuque tightly. Her small face immediately turned red with a brush, until she reached the base of her neck, she quickly let go, stood aside, twisted her heart. Begin to plop and jump wildly.

    Ye Wuque smiled slightly, rubbed Qingqiu Xingyao's small head and said: "I haven't seen it for half a year, and the people who have come and gone are getting better and better."

    After hearing Ye Wuque’s praise, Qingqiu Xingyao showed a sweet smile on her face, as if small stars appeared in her eyes!

    Ye Wuque immediately moved his eyes, raised his eyes to look at the Qingqiu Mansion, and then he saw a beautiful and enchanting figure rushing out of the Qingqiu Mansion!

    A splendid and beautiful close-fitting purple martial arts skirt, full of blue silk hanging down, the face is exquisite and beautiful, with a touch of charm, exuding amazing charm, but at this time a pair of beautiful eyes is full of excitement and joy. It's Qingqiu Yueyao!

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