Return of the War God

Chapter 1578: : Barao's little gift

In fact, Ye Wuque never thought from the beginning that Kaiyangzi could really surrender to him, because it was impossible!

Kaiyangzi has a mysterious origin and a profound cultivation base. At first glance, he is a rampant old monster. It is harder for such a character to surrender than to reach the sky!

The fundamental purpose of Ye Wuque's words "surrender to me" was to force Kai Yangzi to squeeze his bottom line, supplemented by the power of Nine Dragons Tie Tiansuo, and finally force Yangzi to compromise and then let go.

Undoubtedly, Ye Wuque's strategy succeeded!

Kaiyangzi finally chose to compromise and proposed a so-called deal.

Kai Yangzi, who was sitting on the ground, slowly stood up. The eyes under the mask were no longer cold or scarlet. Instead, they became inexplicable and sighed. He looked at Ye Wuque again. A complex inexplicable meaning came out.

"Ye Wuque, I have to admit... you are the most amazing and brilliant junior I have ever seen! I once said that if I can meet you earlier in another time and in another place, I will definitely accept it. You are a disciple, you are regarded as my successor, and you will cultivate with all your strength to make you the most dazzling person in the Big Dipper domain!"

"This sentence is from the bottom of my heart, and I didn't lie to you."

Kai Yangzi's voice was no longer cold, and even more sighed and old.

Ye Wuque stood with his hands in his hands, his face calm, he just listened quietly, he couldn't see any mood swings, he couldn't see what was thinking in his heart, let alone worry.

Kai Yangzi didn't seem to care about Ye Wuque's reaction, as if immersed in her own memories.

In the next moment, Kai Yangzi seemed to think of something, the eyes under the mask became full of madness and resentment, and there was even a trace of unforgettable pain!

After finally calming down his emotions, Kai Yangzi spoke again: "Ye Wuque, I will make a deal with you. The content of this deal is very simple. After you step into the Big Dipper, I will give you a big deal. Good luck and great opportunity! This good luck and great opportunity will make your cultivation base advance by leaps and bounds, and reborn!"

When he said this, Kaiyangzi stared at Ye Wuque closely, as if to look at his expression.

It's a pity that Ye Wuque has no expression on his face and can't see anything. He just said faintly: "Very tempting terms, tell me what you want me to do."

In trading transactions, Ye Wuque knew that there was no free lunch in the world. Kai Yangzi said so nicely, there must be something he needs to do.

"I want you to help me kill someone!"

Kai Yangzi spoke like this, and these words were squeezed out a little bit, with endless resentment and chill in his tone!

"Kill someone? Can't you kill yourself?"

Ye Wuque's eyes flashed, and he asked Kai Yangzi, but he didn't ask who that person was.

Kaiyangzi let out a deep breath, as if he had expected Ye Wuque to ask this a long time ago: "I am in this state, losing my body, like duckweed. I can't kill that person at all, and I want to return to full prosperity. The state is extremely vague, and it takes a long time. I don’t have this time to wait, and I can’t wait!"

"And you..."

Said this, Kai Yangzi suddenly raised his head, staring at Ye Wuque with scorching eyes, and then said: "The talent is peerless, and the fortune is deep. If you add enough good luck and opportunities, you will surely rise in a short period of time! It can be matched in up to ten years. Even beyond that person! Then you can kill him!"

"This... is my deal! You and me are equal relations, which can also be called mutual use. However, after your strength reaches a certain level, you must lift the chains on my body and return my free body. !"

After Kaiyangzi finished speaking, staring at Ye Wuque, waiting for his answer.

Ye Wuque's eyes flashed, and he said directly: "In other words, this so-called transaction means you help me practice, and when I am strong enough, will I kill someone for you?"


"Okay, I agree."

Without any hesitation, Ye Wuque directly chose to agree.

Because he didn't have any reason for not agreeing, after all, this deal didn't do any harm to him, but had endless benefits.

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Ye Wuque's desire for strength surpassed anyone!

Before he left, Senior Chu had said that the living Kaiyangzi was more valuable than the dead. In fact, he was reminding Ye Wuque to make good use of Kaiyangzi.

After all, Ye Wuque had been living in the Canglan Realm, and had no idea about the real starry sky outside the realm... the Big Dipper Star Realm!

Kai Yangzi is from the Big Dipper Star Territory, and he is also a rampant old demon. With his guidance and help, Ye Wuque will undoubtedly suffer a lot less after stepping into the Big Dipper Star Territory, let alone a black eye. ,do not understand anything.

This is the biggest use of Kaiyangzi, and it is also where Ye Wuque needs Kaiyangzi the most.

As for regaining the free body of Yangzi, Ye Wuque didn't care at all. He believed that if that day really came, his strength would have surpassed Kaiyangzi!

At that time, the Nine Dragons bound the sky lock has no meaning.

"But there is a premise. If the person you let me kill is not a wicked man, then I will not do it."

"Huh! Don't worry, this person is very guilty, and he is so guilty that he has died thousands of times!"

"This is the best way, so we can conclude this deal. It seems that in the coming years, you and I will be tied together,"

There was a smile on Ye Wuque's face, he looked at Kai Yangzi and directly stretched out his right hand.

Kai Yangzi's eyes flashed, and finally he slowly deepened his right hand, holding both hands together in the void.

Soon the two began to make soul oaths together!

With the constraints of this soul oath, whoever violates the transaction will be bitten by the demons in the future!

After doing all this, Ye Wuque went on to say: "If that's the case, how should I call you from now on? Just keep calling you Kaiyangzi? Old thing? That's not good, right."

After hearing Ye Wuque’s words, the gaze under Kaiyangzi’s mask condensed, and a touch of remembrance emerged immediately, and finally he said: "Kaiyangzi is not my real name, my real name...Ba, you can call me for……"

"Ba Lao."

Before Kai Yangzi had finished speaking, Ye Wuque spoke directly and called out these two words.

Kaiyangzi's eyes flashed, without refuting, obviously he chose to default.

"Ba Lao, you are in the primordial spirit state after all now, just continue to stay in my spirit space."

Immediately after Ye Wuqian's extinction fairy pupil, a golden light beam immediately enveloped Kaiyangzi, no, it should be Balao, who once again photographed him back into the soul space.

Once again, returning to Ye Wuque’s Soul Space, Balao’s mask revealed a complex emotion, but even if Xuan disappeared completely, it was replaced by the same coldness as before. Then Ye Wuque heard Balao’s thoughts in his mind. sound.

"Ye Wuque, since we have reached an agreement, we will be on the same boat for the time being, so I will give you a small gift first."

"Oh? What gift?"

Ye Wuque showed a slight interest in Balao's words.

"With your current strength, even if you add that handsome minister, you must have a prerequisite if you want to tear open the restriction on the Canglan gate, that is, you must be at least a quasi-forbidden master along with the restriction. !"

As soon as Balao said this, Ye Wuque's heart suddenly sank!

Master forbidden!

He had long understood that he wanted to tear away the restriction on the Canglan gate, even if it was just a corner, it might be a very high level of forbidden accomplishments, but after Balao woke up so little, Ye Wuque felt a kind of trouble!

He was not worried that he could not reach the master of forbidden road, but knew that it would take a lot of time to become a master of forbidden road!

But all he lacks is time!

The Emperor Goddess card in Yuanyang Ring reminds Ye Wuque of the precious time, he can't waste a single bit.

But immediately, Ye Wuque's eyes flashed, and he said directly: "Since Balao speaks like this, is there any way? Or that you are also a Forbidden Daoist? After all, you have used the prohibition in the Tianyu Ruins."

"No, I am not a Forbidden Daoist, but I have a way to help you, let you tear off the forbidden corner of the Canglan Gate, and you don't need to be a Forbidden Master, I only need you to become... a junior forbidden Daoist. That's it!"

Hearing Balao's words, Ye Wuque's brows suddenly jumped, and a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes!

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