Return of the War God

Chapter 1579: : The Mystery of the Human King Realm

A junior forbidden master can tear the corner of Canglan's gate!

Balao's words seemed to have thunder exploded in Ye Wuque's heart, making his mind shocked, and his breathing was slightly stagnant.

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Immediately, a bright light burst into Ye Wuque’s eyes, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. “This little gift of Balao is really timely rain. Master Forbidden Road may still need a lot of time, but if it’s only a beginner Forbidden Taoist master, you can still reach it in a short time."

Ye Wuque didn't doubt Balao's words, because Balao had no need to lie to him.

If it is true that the junior Daoist Forbidden Master is enough as Balao said, it will undoubtedly save Ye Wuque too much time!

"Hmph, then you can reach the junior Daoist Master as soon as possible, and step into the Big Dipper Star Territory as soon as possible! Dominating the horns of the small Canglan realm is not even a little trouble, the vastness of the starry sky And Guangbo is far beyond your imagination! That's where the powerful monks really wander."

"Don’t think that you kill a few so-called kings of humans. In the starry sky, this kind of human kings who are far from reaching the Ten God Springs are simply infamous, and they don’t even have the qualifications to be the king of humans. Not to mention that you can kill with a finger when you meet those truly powerful kings. Some Tianjiao heroes in the starry sky can also be killed in the Dragon Gate realm. It is as simple as drinking water and eating."

Balao hummed slightly, his voice continued to sound, but the revealed content undoubtedly caused Ye Wuque's eyes to suddenly narrowed, and he immediately perceived the mystery.

"Don't enter the stream? Ten God Springs? Balao, is there a more detailed division of the human king realm in the starry sky? Human kings like Xuetuo Ancestor, Litian Daozhu, and Ji Wuzong are just new to the level?"

Ye Wuque spoke with a trace of strong curiosity and asked Balao.

"Nonsense, don't you think that a small Canglan Realm can nurture the real powerhouses of the King of Humans? It's impossible! The small Canglan Realm has a shallow background, and is shackles by the world. The King of Humans born is just a joke. The potential is exhausted, and all of them can only be bottomed in the starry sky, which is too far."

"It seems that the Human King Realm is much more complicated than I thought. I really only have a little understanding of the Human King Realm, so please ask Balo for advice."

Hearing Balao's words, Ye Wuque immediately smiled and spoke without annoyance. He vaguely felt the vastness and mystery of the Human King Realm, far beyond his imagination, which made him extremely curious.

"Never mind, just let this constellation give you pointers, and it will also allow you to understand the stalwart and vastness of the starry sky in advance, and broaden your horizons."

Balao hummed slightly in his mind again, obviously extremely proud. After all, as an old demon who used to be rampant, his insights and methods were far beyond Ye Wuqian's imaginable, but now it's just a rosy appearance.

"Human King Realm! It is very special in the practice together, it can be called a great realm of accumulation, which has a decisive role in connecting the past and the next, and it is also the key to determining whether a monk can become the proud starry sky!"

"And if you want to know the mystery of the Human King Realm, you have to start with the Dragon Gate Realm. If a Dragon Gate monk wants to become the Human King, he must condense his own...human king species!"

"Human king species?"

Hearing Balao's words, Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly condensed, and the gray seed that he had seen when he fought with the earth immediately appeared in his mind, and later when he solved the **** mother, he also saw the **** seed of the **** mother. .

Regardless of whether Dimie or Bloody Mother, they are half-step human kings. Now it seems that the gray seed and the blood seed are the two of them.

Ye Wuque's thoughts flashed away, and Balao continued to speak.

"Without this kind of human king, there is no qualification to step into the human king realm. You can only stop at the Longmen realm for a lifetime. This kind of monk is nothing more than a waste. Even if the destiny enters the starry sky, the ultimate fate is either death or disappearance. Become a slave."

"But condensing the human king species is only the crucial first step. The next step is the most difficult and terrifying critical step! That is to use the human king species as the source to communicate with the vast world, condense all the spirits and spirits. Plant it in your own body, make it take root and sprout, gather bit by bit, and finally open up a...The Eye of Yuanli Shenquan in the deserted body!"

"Once a source of vitality is successfully opened up in the body, the vitality of a body will undergo a earth-shattering transformation, the whole person will be reborn, and the level of life will rise from then on, reaching the true unity of nature and man. Reaching this step represents a breakthrough. When you reach the Human King Realm, you can be called a...quasi-human king from then on!"

Following Balao's narration, Ye Wuque's eyes brightened, and his heart began to understand.

"That's it! The Dragon Gate Realm gathers the human king species, communicates with the vast world, planting the body, taking root and sprouting, and finally opens up the eye of the essence of power, reborn, transforms itself, and sets foot in the human king realm! This is the mystery of the human king realm! Curious and wonderful The process is in line with the nature of the heavens and the earth, the principles of the universe, and it is filled with a strong and vigorous breath of life, really amazing!"

Ye Wuque murmured to himself, his eyes were shining, but immediately his eyes flashed, realizing the last three words in Cai Ba's words.

"Ba Lao, why did he successfully open up the eyes of Yuanli Shenquan in his body, and after he set foot in the human king realm, he can only be made a quasi-human king? Hasn't he already broken through to the human king realm?"

Ye Wuque was puzzled, he felt a contradiction, and immediately asked Balao.

"I just said that the human king realm is a very special great realm. It pays attention to accumulation and development. The human king seed opens up a divine spring eye of vitality in the body. Although it represents the cultivation base stepping into the human king realm, it is just the beginning. The strength of the latter King has not been developed at all, and he needs to continue to work hard to further evolve his own Yuanli Shenquan Eye!"

"Evolution of Yuanli Shenquan Eye?"

"Yes, opening up the Yuanli Shenquan Eye is just a starting point. Next, you need to evolve the Yuanli Shenquan Eye into a real...shenquan, so that it can spray out the water of the Shenquan, moisturize the deserted body, cleanse the soul, and nourish the body. Only in this way can the strength of the cultivating creatures increase sharply and become truly powerful!"

"Only by completely evolving a Yuanli Shenquan Eye into a Shenquan, can it represent the completion of merit, but even if this is achieved, the completion of the evolvement of a Shenquan is just the beginning!"

Hearing this, Ye Wuque was shocked!


"Because the human body was a desert before the Yuanli Shenquan Eye was opened. If you want to break through to the next great realm, you must completely moisturize the entire human desert. But since it is a desert, you think that a small divine spring can completely moisturize. ?"

When Balao asked Ye Wuque, his gaze was condensed, his heart roared, and there was a vague guess in his heart!

"Could it be that……"

"It seems that you have already guessed it. That's right. From ancient times to the present, based on countless great abilities, in the human king realm, a cultivator can theoretically open up at most... a hundred divine springs!"

"And the greater the number of sacred springs opened up, the stronger one's strength, the more amazing the foundation, and the higher the potential! The soaring after stepping into the next big realm will be more incredible!"


As soon as Balao said this, Ye Wuque's mind seemed to have exploded mountains, his heart roared endlessly, and he felt an unimaginable huge impact!

King of people!

Open up a hundred divine springs!

Ye Wuque completely understood it instantly!

No wonder opening up an eye of Yuanli Shenquan, the perfect evolution of a Shenquan is just the beginning!

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