Return of the War God

Chapter 1591: : The first clue!


Just as Ye Wuque took the first step again, a strange roar resembling the collision of mountains and rivers burst out of his body, as if the active volcano buried deep under the earth broke out at this moment, spewing endless boiling magma. , Submerged nine days and ten places!

The terrifying high temperature is overflowing, the golden blood is endless like the Yangtze River, the eternal immortal body and the eternal dragon fighting supernatural powers erupt together, the power of the physical body is pushed to the extreme, and the holy way of war is lingering around the body!

But this is not enough!

Ye Wuque strode forward, both hands pointing together to form swords, a magnificent, mysterious and unparalleled sharp aura of supreme edge surged out of him!

The holy way of battle aura loomed around, wrapping Ye Wuque up, and finally faintly transformed into the form of a golden giant sword. The sharp aura belonging to the sword way was like a wave, and it was enough to pierce the sky in an instant!

Anonymous Sword Art!

At this moment, Ye Wuque used the nameless sword art taught by the golden lightning man, but instead of swinging out the sword aura, he solidified the sword intent on himself, making the human sword unite and absorbing the edge of the sword art!

The test set by Uncle Fu is the ten-zhang repulsion, and the best way to cross the ten-zhang repulsion is to split everything with a sword.

The so-called sword is also sharp!

This is the truth!

The nameless sword art is rippling and sharp, and at the same time, Ye Wuque's figure flashes, taking the first step, the first lotus petal on the nine-petal white lotus shines again, and the repulsion explodes!

But this time Ye Wuque came from a perfect peak state, which was far beyond that.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

As if something was completely cut and opened in the void, the sword intent of the Wuming Sword Art was faint, but the sharpness was pouring vividly!

Without any accident, the first step was directly passed, and the repulsive force was wiped out!

One step!

Ye Wuque, who succeeded in taking the first step, had an aura like a rainbow, directly climbing to the extreme, and the power in his body broke out!

The second step...the third step...the fourth step...the fifth step...the sixth step...the seventh step...the eighth step!

In just a few breaths, Ye Wuque easily stepped through the first eight steps like a golden dragon, and came directly to the ninth step that he failed before!

Forever y (free oh watch * small `said

The ninth lotus petal gleamed, and the terrifying repulsion exploded, as if to fly Ye Wuwei again as before.

But this time, after the ninth repulsive force broke out, Ye Wuque's figure steadily stepped on directly, crushing the repulsive force without any hindrance!

When the ninth step fell, Ye Wuque was only one foot away from the nine-petal white lotus left by Fu Bo.

There is only the last step left!

The nine-petal white lotus floating in the void seems to be able to be picked by reaching out, holy and flawless, and the void is floating.

Looking at the nine-petal white lotus ten feet away, the light in Ye Wuque's bright eyes became infinite, and his right foot lifted and moved forward.


The last lotus petal on the nine-petal white lotus lighted up extremely quickly, and a terrifying force that surpassed all previous repulsive forces exploded, causing everything in the outer passages to begin to collapse every inch, and the end is coming!

This horror of repulsion has reached the point where it can easily shatter the entire Canglan Realm!

"Good job!"

However, Ye Wuque was not surprised and rejoiced at this, as if there was a monstrous flame gushing out in his bright eyes, Liuhe and Bahuang surged upward!

The tenth step of trampling in the void, the terrifying repulsive force followed him, preventing him from this last step!

But Ye Wuque had already taken the first nine steps, his momentum was like a rainbow, and even more so, the blood in his body was already boiling!

"Holy Method of Fighting! Give me... Open!"

With a roar, Ye Wuque's black hair danced wildly, and his entire popularity reached its limit. He thought of communicating the origin of the holy law of fighting, and instantly triggered the "Zhanzi Jue" in the holy law of fighting, as if falling on the fire. Poke the oil and burn to the sky instantly!

Under the Zhanzi Jue, Ye Wuque's strength doubled!

Ye Wuque took the tenth step and crashed down!


That last repulsive force that was terrifying enough to easily crush the entire Canglan Realm was born and destroyed with Ye Wuque's step!

Suddenly, Ye Wuque's figure disappeared in place, and finally came before the nine-petal white lotus when he reappeared!

At this moment, Ye Wuque finally passed the test left by Fu Bo, surpassing the repulsive force.


The nine-petal white lotus seemed to finally be waiting for its owner, the void was slightly beating, and the flowers still did not bloom, and it seemed that some method of confirmation was needed.

Ye Wuque stared at the nine-petal white lotus left by Fu Bo in front of him, with complex emotions surging in his bright eyes, and he sighed with infinite emotion in his heart and let out a long sigh.

He traveled all the way, finally reached this point, and finally completed the first step in the original instructions of Uncle Fu!

That is to get out of the Canglan Realm with one's own power!

At this time, even if Ye Wuque had already forged a persevering heart, he couldn't help being filled with joy.

Immediately, he slowly stretched out his right hand and gently grasped the nine-petal white lotus.

But the next moment, Ye Wuque's eyes condensed, and he felt a devastating wave of terror from the nine-petal white lotus, and it seemed that as long as the right person touched it, it would immediately destroy itself.

"This is something that Fubo left me. It must be protected to prevent others from setting foot here, so verification is needed, that is, verification that only I can pass..."

Ye Wuque's eyes flickered, and there was a hint of wisdom in it. He carefully observed the nine-petal white lotus, and then felt the breath overflowing from it.

In an instant, Ye Wuque's mind seemed to flash through lightning!

"That's it! It's the Nine Heavens Sacred Lotus! That's right! It's the Nine Heavens Sage Lotus! This is the life-saving supernatural power taught to me by Fu Bo, and only I have the full version in the entire Canglan Realm. This is verification!"

Thinking of this, Ye Wuque's hands immediately pinched the seals, and the magnificent and holy breath gushed out, displaying the nine-day holy lotus, and finally the golden three-rank Baolian platform appeared behind him!

The moment the third-grade Baolian platform appeared, the nine-petal white lotus immediately emitted a strong brilliance, and it seemed to come alive completely. A suction burst, sucking the third-grade Baolian platform into it, like a key to open the door.

Immediately after Ye Wuqian saw the six petals of the nine-petal white lotus blooming slowly, as if the protective layer had been removed, opening the treasure house for the true owner.

Seeing this scene, Ye Wuque was immediately overjoyed, what he thought was not wrong, and the Nine Heavens Sacred Lotus was indeed the method of verification.

But immediately Ye Wuque's eyes condensed again!

Because he suddenly discovered that only six of the nine-petal white lotus was in full bloom, and the remaining three petals were still tightly closed, guarding the contents without opening.

"Is the Nine Heavens Saint Lotus just the first verification? There is also a second verification..."

Ye Wuque's eyes flashed, just when he was about to continue thinking, he suddenly discovered that a thorn suddenly protruded from the top of the three petals that did not bloom!

"Thorn? Is it... bloodline verification? That's right, it must be so!"

Ye Wuque's heart was bright, so guessing, he immediately stretched out his right finger to the thorn, and immediately the flesh and blood pierced, leaving bright red blood beads, dyeing the white lotus petals red.

The last three lotus petals that closed in the next moment finally bloomed slowly!

Seeing this scene, Ye Wuque finally showed a relieved smile at this moment.

"Uncle Fu is really cautious, double-testing a Nine Heavens Sacred Lotus, the other is the bloodline, and all of them must be passed."

Ye Wuque once again thought of the same when he opened the letter, which shows Fu Bo's caution, except for Ye Wuque himself, no one can open this nine-petal white lotus.

If it is forced open, the nine-petal white lotus will directly destroy itself.

Rao looked at the last three lotus petals in full bloom with Ye Wuque's will, his eyes also showed anxiety and longing!

What is the first clue that Fober left him?

All this will be revealed soon.


The nine petals of white lotus are in full bloom, and the nine petals of the lotus petals are holy and flawless. At the moment of blooming, they seem to have completed their mission and slowly dissipated.

It is precisely because of this that the mysterious objects placed in it are exposed.

"this is……"

Ye Wuque's eyes flickered, and he finally saw the true face of the mysterious object placed in the nine-petal white lotus!

About half the size of a palm, the whole body is golden, as if it is made of gold, the shape is majestic, ancient, and exquisite. You will feel a sense of endless nobility and supremacy just by looking at it!

If you take a second look, there will be a cycle of time and space, and the mysterious fluctuations of the years are surging!

The first clue Fubo left to Ye Wuque was a mysterious...golden token!

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