Return of the War God

Chapter 1592: : Ancient writing

Ye Wuque took a step forward, stretched out his hand and grabbed the mysterious golden token in his hand, carefully observing it.

The mysterious golden token has warm tentacles and is very comfortable, even with a hint of warmth. I don't know what material it is made of, and the weight is not light, comparable to a hill.

"Golden token? Is this the first clue that Fober left me?"

Ye Wuque murmured to himself, but after he saw clearly what was engraved on his side of the mysterious golden token, his expression instantly condensed, his eyes became hot, and tears shone in it!

Because the golden token faces his side, a back is engraved!

That back figure is like standing under the eternal starry sky, tall, magnificent, and stalwart, but with its back to all sentient beings, it's invisible!

The only thing that can be seen is a thick blond hair hanging down, and the strands of hair fluttering in the void, as if dragging endless stars!


Ye Wuque grasped this golden token tightly, even with a single glance, he recognized in an instant that it was the back of his father he had seen!

Even if it is just a portrayal, even if it is golden, it is still not bad!

This figure is Father Ye!

Tears gleamed in his eyes, and Ye Wuque's mind once again saw the scene he saw through time and space.

At that time, he saw his father, standing among the broken stars, using the mysterious formation of the corpses of nine immortal kings to continue his young life!

Although it was only a back figure, Ye Wuque was deeply imprinted in the depths of his heart!

Ye Wuque also remembered a word his father shouted at the time!

"In my whole life, I will conquer nine heavens and ten places, fight against all enemies on the other side, behead the enemy's tens of thousands, and bathe in the blood of the enemy! I am mad!

That voice was extremely vast and domineering, but it was filled with infinite sorrow, and if the sky was overwhelming, it resounded through the stars!

It was from that moment that Ye Wuque knew that his father did not abandon him, but to save his young self, he would not hesitate to bury a star, punish immortal creatures, and even slaughtered the nine immortal kings. !

The mysterious golden token in front of him touched Ye Wuque's memory and made him remember it again.

After a long time, Ye Wuque calmed down.

Ye Wuque already knew at this time that this golden mysterious token must have something to do with his father. It might be his status symbol, or it might have other meanings. It must hide clues and hints that can guide him.

Otherwise, his father's back will never be carved on it, and Fu Bo will not leave it to himself.

Immediately after Ye Wuque moved in his heart, he stretched out his left hand and gently turned the golden token over.

Since the father's back is engraved on one side, maybe something else is engraved on the other side?

After turning over the golden token, Ye Wuque immediately saw something engraved on the other side!

But his brows frowned immediately!

Because he couldn't recognize what was engraved on the other side of the token!

Those are intertwined, chaotic, irregular lines. At first glance, they look like endless mountains and rivers, and then they look like oceans, but if you look at the third glance, you will feel that there is no meaning at all. They are a pair. Doodle things up.

In short, these lines hovered together, full of ancient and mysterious!

"What the **** is this? What does it mean?"

Ye Wuque understands that these seemingly messy roots and lines must have its representative meaning. Perhaps this is the mystery of Fu Bo's first clue.

But at this moment, Ye Wuque's mind suddenly sounded a voice with anger and anxiety, it was Balao!

"Boy! What happened just now? My soul consciousness was actually blocked!"

Balao's voice suddenly sounded, and his tone was full of incomprehension and surprise.

Because just three hours ago, the moment Ye Wuque entered the Canglan gate, his original consciousness of all directions was covered and shielded by an extremely mysterious and terrifying force!

It made him lose all his perception of the outside world and Ye Wuque, like a silkworm confined in a silkworm chrysalis!

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Only then did this shielding dissipate, and Balao restored all perceptions once again.

Naturally Balao felt extremely frightened, because he could feel the ancient power that shielded his consciousness, although it was not the vast horror of the two great beings in Ye Wuque's mind at the beginning, but it also could not be a powerful will that he could figure out and compare!

That will also has the ability to be easily obliterated, effortlessly!

This made Balao once again feel the mystery of Ye Wuque!

Bizarre events that he couldn't understand happened one after another on Ye Wuque, even if Ba Lao was an old demon, there was a hint of awe for Ye Wuque that he might not even be aware of!


Just as Balao continued to prepare to ask about Ye Wuque's just now, his voice suddenly diverged, as if he saw the weird lines on the golden token in Ye Wuque's hand.

"This line, this track"

Balao sounded in Ye Wuque's mind with a deep shock and suspicion, and instantly made Ye Wuque's eyes condensed, and the spirit within it flashed, and he hurriedly said: "Ba Lao, do you know these weird lines? "

"Don't say anything, let me take a good look!"

When Balao spoke like this, Ye Wuque stopped speaking immediately, but his heart was shaken, because from Balao's reaction, he clearly recognized these weird lines.

"It shouldn’t be similar but it doesn’t seem strange"

Balao's whispers continued to sound in his mind, full of surprise, it seemed extremely tangled, and even more shocking.

It took a full half an hour before Balao's self-talking slowly disappeared.

Although Ye Wuque was full of anxiety and desire during this period, he still patiently waited.

After all, this mysterious golden token is of great importance, and it is the first clue that Fober left him, so there can be no sloppy.

"Ba Lao, how? What exactly is this weird line?"

When Balao's self-talking completely stopped, Ye Wuque spoke slowly.

"What line! This is an extremely ancient writing! It dates back to several eras, and it has even been lost. Few cultivators under the stars still recognize this kind of writing!"

Balao's voice slowly sounded, and he could clearly hear that there was still a deep shock in his tone!

"What? This is a kind of writing? There is still this kind of writing in the world?"

Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly condensed, his heart roared!

In his original idea, these weird lines might be some mysterious runes, but he didn't expect them to be ancient words!

"Then Balao, do you know these ancient words? What did you say? Can you translate it?"

Since Balao can recognize this is an ancient text, does it mean that Balao also knows them? If it can be translated, maybe he can figure out what the first clue Fuber left to himself is.

Ye Wuque was full of hope, but Balao's voice immediately followed.

"I can't translate it. I touched this ancient text because of curiosity and didn't study it in depth."

Balao's answer immediately made Ye Wuque's heart sink.

But immediately Balao said again: "Although I can't read this ancient text, if I expected it, the ancient text on this golden token should depict a map!"


Ye Wuque felt a shock in his heart, lowered his head and looked at the golden token in his hand again, looking at the disorderly, criss-crossing weird lines, his eyes flickering constantly.

"Although it is not 100% certain, there are seven or eight. Such ancient characters are extremely special. If they can be arranged in this way, they will inevitably only depict a map."

Balao spoke like this, with a certain certainty in his tone.

At this moment in Ye Wuque's mind, his thoughts were tumbling, and Fubo left this mysterious golden token to him, with the back of Ye Father engraved on one side and a map on the other.

Maybe it means that if he can follow the instructions on the map to find it, maybe he can find information about his father, or hide the mystery of his life experience!

However, Fu Bo told him all this in such a cryptic way, although there must be some hidden information, but it also made Ye Wuque's search difficult greatly increased!

Holding the golden token tightly, Ye Wuque still sighed and muttered to himself: "Even if you know that this is a map? If you can't translate it, you can't know the true face of the map, you can't follow the map, which is different from the weird lines. What's the difference?"

This made Ye Wuque feel tricky, because this was not something that could be solved by improving his cultivation level. Even if he was ten times stronger than a hundred times stronger, he didn't know this ancient text.


At this moment, Balao suddenly let out a hum, with a sense of pride and even a sense of contentment.

"Boy, although I haven't studied this ancient text in depth, there is no way to use this text without saying it!"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Wuque's expression suddenly lifted!

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