Return of the War God

Chapter 1593: :Blue Sea Star

"Oh? Baro has a way?"

Ye Wuque hurriedly spoke, his breathing was slightly stagnant!

"Of course! Remember when we reached an agreement before, this seat once said to give you a great opportunity and great luck? In a sense, this ancient text is also included in it."

The arrogance in Balao's tone does not diminish, but to Ye Wuque, it is no less than the sound of nature!

"So, thank you for being old. I don't know what this so-called chance is?"

The haze on Ye Wuque's face was gone, a hint of curiosity appeared in his eyes, and he couldn't help but ask, with a hint of joy in his voice!

After all, the ancient words on this golden token were too important to Ye Wuqian, and there was no room for any mistakes.

"You don't need to thank me. After all, you and I have reached a deal. The stronger you are, the more chances you will have to complete our deal. As for what the chance is, wait until you officially send out the blue sea star..."

Balao snorted again, his tone still pretending to be mysterious.

"Blue starfish?"

Ye Wuque keenly noticed these three words in Balao's words, and his eyes flashed.

Immediately after he took a deep look at the mysterious golden token that Fubo left him in his hand, he solemnly put it in the Yuanyang ring and put it together with the white jade beads left by Kong.

For Ye Wuque, these two things are his most important thing!

As soon as Ye Wuque put away the golden token, the surrounding outer channels seemed to have sensed something, everything that had collapsed began to recover quickly, the ancient aura was gushing, and a huge light source appeared in front of Ye Wuque in an instant!


The moment he saw the huge light source, Ye Wuque's eyes brightened, and he intuitively told him that this was the exit from the outer passage.

Without any hesitation, Ye Wuque's figure flashed, stepped into the light source, and disappeared completely.


This is an extremely deserted and dilapidated square, full of tranquility, and some are just the sound of wind blowing dust, which makes people feel a sense of loneliness and loneliness from the bottom of my heart.

And if you look closely at this square, you can find a teleportation array inscribed in the center of the square!

However, this teleportation formation was already covered with dust, covering up a full two-thirds of it, and you would understand at a glance that it has been too long for no one to set foot here.

But in the next instant, a soft light suddenly lit up from the square, and a strong spatial fluctuation overflowed, illuminating the square!

This light was shining from the teleportation array that was covered by dust for two-thirds!


As the spatial fluctuations overflowed, the dust was suddenly blown up, floating in the void, scattered in all directions, like a period of buried years!

When the dust was gone, a tall and slender figure suddenly appeared in the lonely square!

Black martial arts gown hunting in the wind, thick black hair shawl, white face and handsome face, it is Ye Wuque who stepped out of the outer passage!

"This is outside the Canglan Realm... the starry sky?"

After standing still, Ye Wuque looked at everything around him, and a hint of curiosity suddenly appeared in his bright eyes!

As far as I can see, it is an extremely vast and desolate area, without any breath of life, the earth is withered and yellow, and there is not even a green grass, like wasteland.

The environment here is extremely harsh, and if a cultivator who does not enter the Dragon Gate comes here, it will only die immediately!

But when Ye Wuque raised his eyes to look towards the sky, his mind suddenly roared!

Because he saw...the real starry sky!

Above the head is an endless star, overflowing with coldness and silence, vastness and mystery!

There is an infinite faint brilliance in the stars, which are meteorites flying across the starry sky, the small ones are big but the fists, but the big ones are tens of thousands of miles away!

There are lights flying everywhere, full of visual impact, and there seems to be stars shining at the very far end, lying in this endless starry sky, eternally immobile, it is the stars that have been silent for endless years !

Although they have different shapes, they are always flashing, full of mystery and depth, as if they are telling ancient times and praising the eternal and immortal years forever.

Ye Wuque looked up at this real starry sky, his heart was tumbling, and his bright eyes were full of shock. He felt that he was so small. Under this starry sky, he is probably not even an ant. on!

"Is this... the real starry sky? It's so magnificent and vast!"

Muttering to himself, Ye Wuque's eyes showed excitement and intoxication, completely immersed in the infinite shock of seeing Xingyu for the first time, unable to extricate himself for a long time.

At this moment, Ye Wuque felt that his heart was infinitely broadened, and was overwhelmed by the real starry sky, "Huh! Boy, this is shocking? Compared with the real Eternal Starry sky, this is just a corner, what's the deal? ?Your road has just begun, now, looking behind you..."

Balao's voice sounded, Ye Wuque suddenly turned around, and his pupils suddenly shrank in the next instant!

In those bright eyes, a few huge stars exuding brilliant brilliance were reflected impressively!

In the distant starry sky behind Ye Wuque, there are a full six stars!

One big and five small!

There are five stars all around, with different colors, purple, silver, etc., shining endlessly and beautifully.

And these five stars are nothing more than foils. Among them, there is a huge, crystal-clear, water-blue star in the middle of them like the stars holding the moon!

This huge aqua-blue star light is dozens of times the size of the five surrounding stars. The surface of the stars has a series of rugged ancient patterns, full of depth!

Looking into the distance from Ye Wuque's angle, one can even more feel the magnificence, quietness and mystery of this aqua-blue star, lying under this starry sky, like a cradle of life!

"The blue star you see now is one of the thirty-three main stars of the Eastern Star Region...Blue Sea Star!"

"The blue sea star is the planet of life within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, so the cultivation souls are concentrated. Although it is remote, if you want to leave this starry sky and enter the real Eastern Star Region, you must pass the blue sea star."

Balao's voice slowly sounded, and there was an inexplicable meaning in his tone, and he seemed to have endless emotion.

After all, the last time he saw this blue sea star, it was already 10,000 years ago!

"Blue sea star..."

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Ye Wuque looked at this aqua-blue charming star, and the shock in his heart was beyond words. This was the first time he saw such a magnificent star, as if it were close at hand, this kind of picture would be unimaginable if it weren't for people who experienced it personally.

But immediately, there was a wave of desire and enthusiasm in Ye Wuque's bright eyes, as if there was a blazing flame in his heart!

"The vast and mysterious starry sky... the magnificent and magnificent ancient stars... this is the ultimate goal of all living beings! Only by seeing all this splendid with your own eyes can you live up to this life!"

Ye Wuque wanted to go to the blue sea star right now to appreciate the peerless elegance of the starry sky, but he still suppressed his temper, because the style minister has not yet come out, I am afraid he is still in the outer passage.

Immediately, Ye Wuque sat down cross-legged, facing the blue starfish, waiting for the handsome minister.

Three days have passed since this wait!

But the style minister still did not get out of that teleportation formation!

Finally, Ye Wuque became anxious in his heart, and there was a faint premonition in his heart, because during this period he had already contacted the elegant minister countless times through the Tianya Talisman, but he never responded.

"You have been delayed for three hours in the outer passage, maybe that kid can't wait to leave by himself?"

Balao spoke like this, telling his conjecture.

"No, if Lao Feng comes out first, he will definitely wait for me."

Ye Wuque shook his head directly, he knew the elegant style minister, and the elegant style minister would never do this.

After hearing Ye Wuque's words, Balao in the Soul Space was silent for a while, and then slowly spoke, but his tone seemed to have changed.

"Then there is only one possibility left, that is, that kid is out of luck, he must have encountered a space crack in the outer passage, and he accidentally fell into it. Now he has been thrown out along with the space crack. "

As soon as these words came out, Ye Wuque's expression suddenly changed!

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