Return of the War God

Chapter 1800: : Let you live a little longer

The silent confrontation continues!

Everyone's breathing between heaven and earth stagnated, their hearts trembled, feeling the breathtaking breath, cold sweat broke out.

Mo Xuan's expression was cold and indifferent. He stood on the battle platform and looked down at Ye Wuque. His eyes that were burning with flames bloomed with a biting murderous aura, like thousands of swords hanging above his head, making his neck uneasy. Cold, cold all over!

Even if the Tianjiao under the battle platform knew that Mo Xuan was not targeting themselves, they couldn't help their scalp numb, their bodies trembling, and the slightest fighting spirit in their hearts even when they were only affected by this murderous intent!

It was only at this moment that they sadly realized that they were full of confidence before they wanted to defeat Mo Xuan, how ridiculous the idea of ​​replacing it!

Mo Xuan's power and horror completely surpassed the limit of their imagination!

The Bawang Xiang on the battle platform has long been unable to support it, and he has passed out completely with anger and anger, and if they are replaced, I am afraid that the end will not be better than the Bawang Xiang!

"How can such a horrible freak be an enemy?"

The proud head of the day bird has already been lowered at this time, and her dignified and beautiful face is covered with a kind of depression. As a very precious and rare blood monk, she has always pushed the same generation and is invincible all the way, but now facing Mo Xuan, her heart was trembling!


The Shocking Dragon Knife behind him kept crying, as if with a kind of horror and unwillingness, and just like Nie Long's mood at the moment, his face was gloomy, his eyes were bitter and unwilling!

Cheng Mo!

This is the same name as Xiang Bawang, the first Tianjiao who vowed to defeat Mo Xuan this time, his whole body was trembling at this time. He looked at the miserable Xiang Bawang who had passed out on the battle stage, and he wanted to look up to the sky and roar, but he was stunned by Mo Xuan. Photographed by his aura, he couldn't say a word, and was extremely sad.

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Even the three of them are like this, not to mention the other Tianjiao, even a person like Rong Fengduo who has long known how powerful Mo Xuan is now, has a pale face and sighs.

Only Ye Wuque, who was confronting Mo Xuan, didn't change his expression. He always sat quietly on the throne, calm and relaxed. Mo Xuan's murderous fluctuations that could destroy everything had no effect on him!

This alone is enough to prove that Ye Wuque is equally powerful and terrifying, unfathomable!

It is exactly the tip of the needle to the wheat mang!

"It seems that you wanted to taste all the suffering before you died, so I will let you wailing for three days and three nights as you wish, and all your skin, muscles, bones and bones will be burned to ashes!"

Mo Xuan spoke again, his tone of voice was cold, and the murderous aura exuded by a third!

Obviously, Ye Wuqian's calm posture made him more murderous.

"If you want to find death, I will fulfill you and send you on the road!"

Ye Wuque responded strongly to Mo Xuan's words and spoke lightly, but he was not angry with himself.


In an instant, a monstrous flame exploded, enveloping the void, burning all directions, and the terrifying high temperature permeated. Finally, Mo Xuan no longer restrained his killing intent. He wanted to take action to sack Ye Wuque!

"Take your muscles and be tortured!"

The indifferent words resounded, and accompanied by a mighty power, Mo Xuan took a step forward and approached Ye Wuque. The flames roared in all directions, directly lingering!

"If you are so anxious to die, I will reluctantly take action."

On the throne, Ye Wuque's bright eyes were filled with sharp and radiant light, and he slowly stood up, but it seemed as if a huge peak was rising from the sky, covering the world!

"It's really going to fight! Oh my God! It's just two stars colliding head-on!"

A monk whispered, with a tremor in his tone, excited, scared, and looking forward to it.

At this very moment, there was a cold snort resounding, shocking everything, it was the old woman with withered hair!

"Huh! This is the confession of spirits and martial arts. If there are grievances, they will be born and die on the battlefield, but whoever dares to break the rules and disrupt the martial arts will die!"

As soon as the old woman withered hair said this, it was as if thousands of glaciers had been thrown into the boiling active volcano, completely frozen everything, and the atmosphere was suppressed!

On the battle stage, Mo Xuan's gaze surged, but the flames all over his body shrank instantly and disappeared immediately. He stared at Ye Wuque coldly and said: "Your luck is very good, you can live a little longer."

After that, Mo Xuan's figure disappeared from the battle platform and returned to the throne.

On the other side, Ye Wuque naturally sat down again, and said nothing, but a sharp smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

A huge duel has been temporarily ended!

Everyone could not help but breathe a long sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat that oozes from their foreheads, and secretly relaxed a bit, but everyone knows that this big showdown has only been postponed, and it will be staged again soon. And it must be divided into birth and death!

The eyes of Ying Yi in the distance flickered at this moment, he stared at Ye Wuque, and finally turned into a sneer!

In his opinion, Ye Wuque was definitely destined to die when he was stared at by Young Master Xuan. The difference was only to die early and die late.

"Hmph! Ye Wuque, you won't be arrogant for long! If you escape, you might actually be able to escape from birth, but you still dare to participate in the Spirit Sealing Meeting Martial Arts, God bless, I will watch you get caught Master beats to death little by little, hahahaha..."

Ying Yi laughed wildly in his heart. He seemed to have seen the scene of Ye Wuque being abused and killed by Mo Xuan.

As the withered old woman spoke, the episode ended, the battle of the top five continued, and the famous brand above the void was flying again!

Day tit!


When these two names appeared, a figure suddenly rose into the sky, and if the spirit bird was flying, with a grace and strength, it was extremely beautiful, and it fell on the battle platform, it was the day bird!

And another figure also fell. It was a tall and thin young man with a scar on his face, naturally Chenyang.

Chenyang's expression was deeply solemn and jealous, but in the end it turned into a touch of determination!


Chenyang erupted directly, and Shenquan manifested behind him, a total of twenty-eight Shenquan, attacking the day bird!

However, during the day, the bird stood in full bloom, expressionless, but the powerful aura was fully revealed, completely covering Chenyang.

Naturally, there was no surprise, Chen Yang tried his best to not hurt the day bird, and was finally defeated.

After this, Nie Long was also drawn to the end, and he was also confronted by Wang Tianjiao, a man of twenty-eight divine springs, and the result was exactly the same as Tianqian, Nie Long easily won.

At this point, everyone's eyes turned to the last two remaining on the throne, Rong Fengduo and Cheng Mo!

One is the first Tianjiao before the Ten Thousand Continent, and the other is a female hero who turned out to be born. The two confront each other. What will happen?

This will definitely be a battle!


Two figures appeared on the battle platform, facing each other far away, it was Cheng Mo and Rong Fengduo.

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