Return of the War God

Chapter 1801: : Resign all

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is something wrong with Cheng Mo's state, as if the eggplant has been beaten by frost, his face is extremely ugly, and his eyes have a sense of death.

As for the reason, everyone knows it.

Cheng Mo defeated Mo Xuan in the Fengling Huiwu in order to show his shame. This year, he will inevitably exhaust his efforts to improve his strength. He thought that he could achieve what he wanted, but the cruel reality seemed as cruel as a slap. Sucked in his face!

The gap between him and Mo Xuan has not been pulled in, but has been pulled even wider. Even Cheng Mo can no longer see Mo Xuan's back.

It can be said to die before the lofty aspirations, and the sadness has reached the extreme.

Under this situation, how can Cheng Mo's state be good, with all his efforts done?

And this state of him will inevitably lead to the inability of perfect performance, and there will be flaws!

How amazing is Rong Fengduo's eyesight? How could you miss such a godsend opportunity!


In an instant, the battle on the stage started, and Rong Fengduo took the initiative to defeat Cheng Mo in one go.

After all, Bucheng Mo is a veteran powerhouse, even in a sluggish state, his own strength is still real, and the battle with Rong Fengduo is extremely fierce.

The people around the entire Danwu Square watched closely, shocked, attracted by the strength of Rong Fengduo and Cheng Mo, and felt a kind of invigoration, after all, this was a battle between dragons and tigers.

But gradually, someone discovered that Rong Fengduo was at a disadvantage. After all, Cheng Mo's background was extremely astonishing. The cultivation base itself was stronger than Rong Fengduo, enough to suppress her.

However, just when everyone thought that Rong Fengduo was about to lose, Rong Fengduo used her strongest hole card!


The loud screams resounded, spreading in Danwu Square, and saw a huge flame red luan suddenly appeared on the battle platform, emitting an extremely hot aura, the battle formation exploded and filled all directions!

In an instant, with the help of the battle formation token, Rong Fengduo's combat power greatly increased, and he attacked Cheng Mo. He turned the situation around, and in turn suppressed Cheng Mo!

What's even more incredible for everyone is that the battle formation in this battle formation token looks perfect, and the terrifying power completely makes Rong Fengduo's attack power a big step!

After just half an hour, Cheng Mo, who was already in a bad state, was finally spotted by Rong Fengduo. He was knocked out with one blow, vomiting blood, and fell into absolute defeat!

After standing up, Cheng Mo first stared at Mo Xuan's face in the audience, as if he wanted to remember him for life, but just so directly... and left!

Without saying anything, Cheng Mo left Danwu Square and left the Sealed Spirit Continent, shocking countless people.

Rong Fengduo on the battlefield was also slightly surprised, but a faint smile of joy appeared on Qiao's face immediately.

Cheng Mo's move was tantamount to voluntarily abstaining. She naturally won and was promoted smoothly.

At this point, the top five have all been born, namely Ye Wuque, Mo Xuan, Tianquan, Nie Long, and Rong Fengduo!

"Very well, the top five are out, but there are only four of the strongest sequences that can get the master's chance, which means that one of the five of you needs to be eliminated, and some time luck is also a kind of strength."

"Next, the two will be randomly selected for a duel. The winner will enter the strongest sequence, get a chance, and the loser will be eliminated."

On the sculpture of the pill furnace, the voice of the old woman with withered hair slowly sounded, and his muddy eyes swept across the five people on the throne.

Everyone's eyes are gathered together, and they are constantly whispering!

"Tsk tusk, these five people are the most powerful talents, but unfortunately, one more person needs to be eliminated."

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"Yeah, I don't know who has such bad luck."

Just as someone was talking about it, the remaining five famous brands above the void spun up again and drew everyone's attention!

After ten breaths, two of the brand names flew out directly, and the two names appeared directly in front of everyone!

Day tit!

Ye Wuque!

The moment he saw these two names, the atmosphere immediately became in an uproar, and his gazes turned towards Ye Wuque and Tianji, but Tianji clearly had more eyes!

"As the legendary bloodline monk, the strength of the day bird cannot be underestimated, I am afraid it is enough to pose a threat to Ye Wuwei!"

"This is the truth. Once the bloodline monk uses the bloodline power, his strength will increase instantly. You can see from this battle, no one can force the day bird to use the bloodline power."

The voices of discussion sounded, and everyone believed that the day bird was qualified to fight Ye Wuque.

On the throne, Ye Wuque put his cheek in his right hand. He came here for the Spirit Sealing Divine Sword. Whoever stood in front of him would directly defeat him. As for who it was, he didn't care at all.

However, when everyone was talking about it, Tianjiu stood up slowly, her white skirt fluttered and her face was expressionless. Just when everyone thought she was going to take the stage, Tianjiu spoke directly and said in a cold tone: "I surrender."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked!

No one would have thought that Tianji Que would directly surrender, and there was no battle even in the war, which shocked countless people's hearts, and immediately looked at Ye Wuque's eyes becoming more and more in awe!

Ye Wuque's strength has reached the point where women like Tianquan will directly choose to give in!

At the same time, many people secretly sigh that luck is really bad during the day.

However, although Shidaique chose to admit defeat, he did not leave directly like Cheng Mo, but left Danwu Square and chose a lonely mountain to stand alone, looking at the battlefield. His face was cold.

"The top four are out, Mo Xuan, Ye Wuque. Nie Long, Rong Fengduo, you four become the strongest sequence, you can all get the opportunity left by the master, but the strongest inheritance of the master can only be given to the strongest. So next, choose the strongest from the four of you!"

The voice of the old woman with withered hair resounded, Ye Wuque's expression was calm, Mo Xuan's expression was indifferent, only Nie Long and Rong Fengduo had smiles on their faces, especially Rong Fengduo, their beautiful eyes were full of joy and expectation. .


The last four famous brands flew directly, and the battle for the strongest began!

After ten breaths, two names appeared before everyone's eyes!

Mo Xuan!

Nie Long!

On the throne, Nie Long saw that his opponent was Empress Mo Xuan, his face suddenly showed a look of helplessness, and he slowly shook his head and smiled bitterly, without the slightest bit of sharpness and domineering before!

"I surrender!"

Immediately afterwards, Nie Long spoke like this, but no one felt surprised.

Nie Long flew out of Danwu Square, but also did not leave, continuing to watch the battle.

Mo Xuan was promoted directly, and now Ye Wuque and Rong Fengduo were left, so what about Rong Fengduo's choice?

On the throne, Rong Fengduo stood up, with a graceful posture, a pair of beautiful eyes on the face of the country's beauty and Tianxiang looked at Ye Wuque, and his red lips outlined a touching smile!

"Young Master Ye is unfathomable. Even my Red Luan Sky Dance Battle Array token was improved by Young Master Ye. Feng Duo naturally knows who knows himself. I will not be ashamed of this battle. I choose Give up!"

"But Feng Duo is very much looking forward to the next battle..."

After speaking with a smile, Rong Fengduo's figure flickered. He left Danwu Square and came to a lonely mountain to stand alone. He smiled and looked at Ye Wuque and Mo Xuan!

In an instant, as Rong Fengduo's words fell, the atmosphere between the whole world became boundlessly boiling!

Mo Xuan!

Ye Wuque!

These two recognized powerhouses in the Conferred Spirit Society are finally about to start a duel!

And this time, it is both superior and and death!


In the next moment, I saw a fire burst into the sky, if Vulcan came to the world, the high temperature would fill the world, the momentum would be shocking, and it would directly fall on it, and a cold and indifferent word would resounded, shaking in all directions!

"Let you live for a while, now, you should die."

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