Return of the War God

Chapter 1802: : Two fires against each other

Genius remembers "" in one second.

Mo Xuan stood on the battle platform, like the **** of fire descending to the world, but more like the **** of death killed from hell, here is to harvest life and destroy everything!

The red flame turned into a wave of fire and flooded all directions, covering the entire battle platform, burning the entire void red, and the sky was shaking under this extremely terrifying high temperature!

The monks on the entire Sealed Spirit Continent instantly cracked their lips, their hair was scorched, and the sweat was so hot. They went backwards crazy, their eyes were hot, and they were full of shock and fear when they looked at the skyrocketing fire!

"Too... terrible! Is this Mo Xuan's strength? Just this flame has such power! This is definitely not a normal flame!"

Some monks were exclaiming, their voices trembling. 【】

Daytime Que, Nie Long, and Rong Fengduo each occupied a lonely mountain. At this moment, their expressions were full of fear and admiration!

"Not surprisingly, the flame that Mo Xuan controls is the spiritual fire on the legendary spiritual fire list! And the ranking is extremely high! The power is unpredictable, under these circumstances, he uses the spiritual fire to affect the surrounding environment, plus This terrifying high temperature completely occupies the huge advantage of innate invincibility. Even if Ye Wuque's strength is equally astonishing, in the face of such a situation, he suffers innately and loses half before it starts."

During the day, the sparrow whispered and her head shook slightly. As the arrogant female among the ten thousand continents, her eyesight was naturally amazing.

Not only the day bird, but Nie Long's thoughts are the same as her, looking at Ye Wuque who slowly stood up above the throne, his sharp eyes filled with compassion.

"Tsk tusk, if Ye Wuque loses the battle, I am afraid that the end will be really miserable. It will be light to be burned to coke."

On the third lonely mountain, Rong Fengduo's beautiful eyes flickered, staring at Ye Wuque as well, looking forward to the next picture.

"The entire battle arena is shrouded by Mo Xuan's flames. There is nowhere to go. If you come up, you will definitely be shrouded in flames. Ye Wuque will lose first before the battle begins!"

"Such a terrible flame, it must be the legendary spiritual fire, how should Ye Wuque respond?"

Just as countless people continued to discuss, Ye Wuque, who stood up on the throne, looked at the battlefield from the distance, but his faint voice sounded: "The power of the spiritual fire ranked in the top 20 of the spiritual fire list is indeed extraordinary."

"Are you scared? It's a pity now that even if you kneel down and beg for mercy, you can't change your destiny, a chicken dog, killing you like cutting grass."

In the center of the flame, Mo Xuan spoke coldly and indifferently. He looked down at Ye Wuque, with blazing flames in his eyes, so powerful!

"You don't have the qualifications to make me scared, but I think the spiritual fire is wonderful, but it is not human, because today it will dissipate between heaven and earth, which is a pity."

Ye Wuque spoke lightly, with a calm tone, but there was a terrible atmosphere that was transpiring, thrilling and vigorous!

Will the spiritual fire dissipate between heaven and earth?

The implication of Ye Wuque's words is clearly that Mo Xuan must die today, so the spirit fire will dissipate on its own. Faced with such a situation, Ye Wuque said so, is this a kind of confidence or a big talk?

In an instant, everyone looked at Ye Wuque's eyes with shock!

"Huh! It seems that you are really scared, otherwise you would use these ridiculous words to embolden you? My spirit fire, killing you is easy!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Mo Xuan's mouth, and he responded strongly.

"Really? Really think that Spirit Fire is invincible in the world?"

Ye Wuque asked, and immediately stopped talking nonsense. He stepped out directly, his figure disappeared from the spot, and then he appeared directly on the battle platform and stepped into the sea of ​​flames!

This scene immediately made countless people stare, a little unbelievable!

"Knowing that there was spiritual fire on the battle stage, Ye Wuque actually ran into it! It's so stupid. Is he irritated by Mo Xuan's words and desperately looking for death?"

Someone exclaimed and said what most people thought.

On the side of the battle platform, Mo Xuan watched Ye Wuque being submerged by his own spirit fire, and the sneer at the corner of his mouth thickened, and he was about to start the spirit fire to completely burn Ye Wuque to ashes, but the next moment, his eyes suddenly changed. Congeal!


The monks on the entire Sealed Spirit Continent heard a noble and majestic call instantly, shaking the gold and cracking the stone, resounding in all directions!

I saw Ye Wuque's figure reappeared in the red spirit fire of the battle platform, not only that, but Mo Xuan's spirit fire was directly forced away!

Because at this moment, Ye Wuque's body is also burning with a kind of flame!

The flame is as gorgeous as a red glow, and at the same time there are ten divine phoenixes flying in the red glow of his body, and the phoenix is ​​shaking the sky!

The Chixia Divine Fire flared up and spread directly, confronting Mo Xuan's spirit fire head-on, and it was not in the slightest!

After just a few breaths, the entire battlefield became distinct, and the two flames continued to confront each other, dividing the battlefield into two, each occupying the same common ground!

This sudden scene caused countless people to lose their voices, and their hearts roared!

"My God! Ye Wuque actually controlled a kind of flame! Moreover, it confronts Mo Xuan's spirit fire head-on without distinction of Xuanzhen! Is it also a kind of extremely powerful spirit fire?"

"This is really interesting! I didn't expect Ye Wuque to hide such a hole card here!"

Ye Wuque was bathed in the Chixia Divine Fire, his face was calm, his eyes were bright, what he used to fight against Mo Xuan's spiritual fire was from the Ten Phoenix Nirvana divine power... the Divine Phoenix Immortal Fire!

This fire is the companion fire of the emperor's undead Divine Phoenix. It is unparalleled and infinite in power. It has also become even more terrifying with the improvement of Ye Wuque's strength!

Mo Xuan stared at Ye Wuque's Divine Phoenix Immortal Fire, the flames rushing in his eyes, but his heart was not calm.

He could naturally feel the extraordinaryness of Ye Wuque's red flames, and he could directly oppose his spirit fire!

You must know that the spiritual fire he cast is the nineteenth place on the spiritual fire list...burning the sun and the sky!

But it was actually blocked by Ye Wuque's Chixia Divine Fire, and according to Mo Xuan's perception, the flame that Ye Wuque released was not a spiritual fire, but another mysterious flame.

This also made Mo Xuan finally understand the meaning of Ye Wuque's phrase "I really thought that the Spirit Fire was invincible".

But... so what?

He, Mo Xuan, rose from the main star of Scarlet Fire, and became famous as a free paradise in ten thousand continents. He swept the invincible hands of his peers. He had never feared anyone?

"If I want you to die, you can't live!"

Mo Xuan's icy voice exploded, and the surrounding burning sun and sky fire instantly surged, all gathered in Mo Xuan's body, contracted extremely quickly, and turned into a flame armor made of spirit fire!

The majestic and majestic, the fire waves soar to the sky!

Achieving this step shows that Mo Xuan's control of Burning Sun and Sky Fire has reached an extreme, fully opening up the power of Burning Sun and Sky Fire, and using his town to kill the enemy!

"Fentian God Fist!"


Mo Xuan was in trouble directly, with a punch, the magical powers blended with the spiritual fire, the flame giant fist burned, struck all directions, burned Liuhe, the entire void seemed to be broken, and the overflowing breath made countless cultivators tremble between heaven and earth. Trembling, rushed towards Ye Wuque!

Under this fist, the limit of the combat power of the thirty gods of spring has erupted!

"Only you? It's too far!"

Ye Wuque’s eyes are like a knife, and he is incomparably cold. He does not dodge or avoid, the immortal body is opened, the real dragon fights the sky, the power of the flesh erupts, swings his right fist, hits the yellow dragon, and blows away all vitality. !

"Killing is one!"

Choosing Mo Xuan's face-to-face toughness, Ye Wuque exploded with a killing fist, punching the sky and hitting Huanglong!


The roar that made people’s eardrums shattered in all directions, the entire Danwu Square was trembling crazily, and the vitality was rushing!

If it were not for the withered old woman to directly intervene in the first time to maintain stability, at this moment, I am afraid that the radius of tens of miles will be earth-shaking and completely destroyed!

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The old woman with withered hair intervened, but the diffuse breath was enough to make all the cultivators in the world tremble, their heads buzzing, and gold stars in their eyes, and felt a kind of extreme fear!

Even Tianquan, Nie Long, and Rong Fengduo were the same, they all kept shaking their heads, showing a wry smile.

On the battle platform, Yuan Li ransacked, and the two figures retreated a hundred feet and then stopped, once again facing each other, staring at each other!

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