Return of the War God

Chapter 1810: : Supernatural powers... Ten Transformation Divine Shadows!

After more than a dozen breaths, the radiant brilliance slowly faded, and immediately after Ye Wuque saw the behemoth that appeared in front of him, his eyes suddenly brightened!

"Tsk tusk, you won't lose money just for this look!"

The Tianwai Yinying that appeared in front of Ye Wuque's eyes at this moment was no longer the same as before, and the entire shape had undergone a huge change!

The original Tianwai Yinying, as its name suggests, was silver in its entire body and extremely splendid, but after fusion with the mysterious silver beads, the Tianwai Yinying was no longer just a single silver, but a touch of noble and domineering gold!

The evolved silver eagle is not only more powerful than the past, but also more overbearing like a king!

The silver feathers cover the surface, like a divine sword, gorgeous and colorful, but each feather is shrouded in golden brilliance, like a golden rim, with large wings, like wings hanging from the sky, There is an ancient and noble aura on the whole body!

What is even more bizarre is that the two pupils of the silver eagle originally appeared silver, but now they have become golden, and there is a mysterious imprint on its forehead, as if inlaid with a mysterious golden bead, it seems like the same wheel Lieyang!

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If you look at it from a distance, you will no longer even think that it is a flying eagle of a sage, more like a golden winged roc, full of visual impact.

"It seems that the mysterious silver bead really caused the Tianwai Yinying to undergo essential evolution. With its current shape and appearance, it is more appropriate to call the Tianwai Shenying. The speed of evolution will not disappoint me..."

Ye Wuque's eyes were filled with joy and expectant smiles. With a thought in his heart, he couldn't wait to step towards the Heavenly Eagle!

In an instant, the blazing sun-like imprint on the forehead of the divine eagle from the sky suddenly reflected a radiance that enveloped Ye Wuque, and then Ye Wuque's figure disappeared.

"The internal space has become nearly ten times larger, and it is more stable. The vision can also be shared, and it has been greatly increased, which is not bad."

Standing among the heavenly eagles, Ye Wuque’s expression of satisfaction is even stronger. As long as his mind moves, his vision can be united and shared with the heavenly eagle’s vision, making his vision infinitely wide and easy to look into the distance. shortage.

"Then next is the most important speed!"

Ye Wuque sat down, his eyes gleaming, and his heart moved!


Suddenly a loud and noble eagle resounded between the heavens and the earth, and the wings of the heavenly eagle spread out in an instant, one on the spot!


The divine eagle outside the sky instantly turned into a golden streamer and rose into the sky, piercing the sky, and disappeared at the end of the sky almost in the blink of an eye!

"Haha! The speed is also ten times higher than in the past! This speed has surpassed all floating warships, even the top floating warships can't compare!"

Ye Wuque, who shared the vision of the Tianwai Shenying, had a surprise in his eyes at this moment. The Tianwai Shenying's speed was even more astonishing than he had imagined, and it was almost reaching the limit.

"In this way, at the current speed and calculated based on the route map given to me by Balao, after I arrive in the Southern Star Region, the selection of the disciples of the North Dou Dao Extreme Sect should not have started yet. There is enough information, after all, Balao just summarized it."

Sitting cross-legged in the heavenly eagle, Ye Wuque's eyes flickered, and he already had a plan in his heart.

However, he understood that even though Balo had told him something about the Great Sect of the Beidou Dao, Ye Wuque understood that some of Balao had not said all of it, but he understood that perhaps he had to wait until he was worshipping Beidou. Only after Daojizong can we know more.

Immediately, Ye Wuque stopped thinking about it any more, with a move with his right hand, a large number of low-grade primordial marrow appeared in front of him, exuding incomparable heaven and earth power.

People with high aptitude and understanding are not terrible. What is horrible is people who are not only high aptitude and understanding, but also extremely diligent and hardworking!

Ye Wuque had already deeply understood this truth, so as long as he had time, he would directly enter the training, single-mindedly, never wasting a single bit of time.


The eagle shook the sky, resounding through the sky, and almost immediately alarmed countless monks on the Earth Dragon Continent. They all raised their heads and looked at the sky with a trace of doubt and shock, but they only had time to see a flash of gold. Glorious, and then there was nothing to see!

Under the speed of the divine eagle outside the sky, the continents were constantly being thrown behind him at a speed almost visible to the naked eye. In this way, Ye Wuque began his journey across the free heaven.

Time passed quickly, and soon a month passed.

This is a mist covering the heavens and the earth, showing a faint purple, extremely rich, and it feels very mysterious and unpredictable.

And this piece of mist is called the Purple Mist Corridor, which is a natural barrier on the extreme north edge of Freedom Paradise. Once it arrives here, it means that it will leave the territory of Freedom Paradise.

call out!

At a certain moment, a golden streamer suddenly rushed out of the Purple Mist Corridor. The speed was extremely fast, and there were even more eagles resounding. In a blink of an eye, it completely rushed out of the Purple Mist Corridor.

"There are no years of practice, and one month has passed, have you finally left the free paradise..."

Inside the heavenly eagle, Ye Wuque, who had been sitting cross-legged for a full month, had already opened his eyes, and there was a deep and calm expression in it, and there was a large pile of marrow residues that had been broken into powder in front of him. , And in front of him there are also three jade slips of different colors, which are radiant.

This month has been quite fruitful for Ye Wuque!

In addition to continuing to comprehend the True Dragon Emperor Art, he also sorted out and polished his own cultivation. For example, the reincarnation immortal slash he just created was constantly improving. In addition, the yin and yang domain combined with the inverse chaos demon was the first The second ultimate move has also taken shape.

Not only that, Ye Wuque began to comprehend the inheritance of the Fengling General after he was lacking in polishing and repairing.

And the inheritance that Feng Ling left behind was recorded in two jade slips, one of which recorded Feng Ling's efforts to sum up the way of alchemy, and the name was Feng Ling Pill Sutra!

Coupled with the Mo Ling Pill Sutra that Ye Wuque had obtained before, the two great pill sutras were combined, and supplemented by the Book of Heavens, the speed of Ye Wuque's enlightenment of alchemy was almost leaps and bounds.

"The alchemy one recorded in the treasure book of the heavens is too deep, and it is prepared for the real alchemist. Fortunately, we have obtained the two great alchemy scriptures, the Sealing Spirit and the Mo Ling, which contain detailed records of the basis of the alchemy. Let me progress step by step and lay a solid foundation. Can I be considered an alchemist now?"

Ye Wuque picked up the jade slips of the two great alchemy slips in front of him, smiled slightly, and then put them down again, looking at the remaining piece of jade slips, and a hint of light flashed in his eyes.

"The strongest inheritance of the Fengling General has three magical powers in addition to the Sealing Pills! The other two are okay. They give me some more attack methods, but this magical power called the'Ten Changeable Shadows' is wonderful. Wushuang, I'm afraid it should be the killer of General Fengling in his lifetime!"

Holding the last piece of the jade slip that recorded the inheritance of the supernatural powers of the Great Feng Ling, Ye Wuque whispered to himself, with a hint of expectation in his tone.

In the next instant, Ye Wuque's figure stood up from the spot, and with a flick of his right hand, two drops of blood were suddenly ejected from his fingertips, and immediately stepped out!


A magical scene happened!

I saw that the two drops of blood that were ejected from his body immediately bloomed with a faint brilliance, and then began to wriggle extremely fast, and continue to grow bigger, like the rebirth of flesh and blood, and finally turned into two figures!

And these two daos actually looked exactly the same as Ye Wuque, one standing on the left and the other on the right, the three figures resembling a character shape, they were clearly three Ye Wuque.

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