Return of the War God

Chapter 1811: : Southern Star


In the next instant, the two Ye Wuques on the left and right suddenly flashed, and flashed continuously throughout the cabin, extremely fast and dazzled!

The only standing Ye Wuque is naturally the deity, and the two constantly moving Ye Wuque are the divine shadow clones conjured by the supernatural powers of the "Ten Transformation Divine Shadow"!


The Ten Transformation God Shadow inherited from General Fengling is a set of mysterious supernatural powers that can differentiate into one's own clone!

At this moment, Ye Wuque had a very strange feeling that he could easily control the two divine shadow avatars, and even if he wanted to, he could also attach a trace of wisdom to the two divine shadow avatars and remotely control them.

About a quarter of an hour later, one of the divine shadow clones dissipated out of thin air, and then half a quarter of an hour later, the remaining divine shadow clones also dissipated.

^Positive p; First release 6

"Although I have initially developed the Ten Transformation Divine Shadow supernatural powers, with my current cultivation base, I can only condense two divine shadow clones. If one is released, it will last for about two quarters of an hour. If both are released together, It can only last for less than a quarter of an hour."

"The more the Shenying clone is condensed, the more difficult it is, and the more amazing it consumes itself!"

Ye Wuque stood up long, his eyes flickering, summing up what he had gained.

"According to the records of the jade slip, at the peak of the Fengling General, he was able to distinguish six ghost shadow clones, and the strength of each **** shadow clone has a quarter of the strength of the body! If the six changes are combined into one, the avatars of the six divine shadows merge into one, and the strength that they can burst out is exactly the same as the deity! It is equivalent to creating another self out of thin air!"

A touch of brilliance and scorch burst into Ye Wuque's eyes instantly!

Undoubtedly, the power of this Ten Transformation God Shadow is amazing, and it is a great help to him!

But immediately, Ye Wuque frowned slightly, looking at the jade slip in his hand, and muttering to himself: "It's a pity, according to the message left by General Feng Ling, these ten transformations of the shadows and magical powers were obtained by chance. It is not complete. It is called the ten changes. In fact, it can only be practiced into six changes at most. The remaining four most important and powerful changes are not, but they are incomplete.

"Furthermore, according to the general Fengling’s speculation, if one can obtain the complete ten-change magical shadow supernatural powers and practice to the Great Perfection realm, a full ten shadows can be separated under one thought. If the ten changes are combined in one by ten Dao Shen Ying clones into two Dao, both Dao have the same strength as the main body!"

"What's even more incredible is that at this moment, with blood as the medium, the body can perfectly blend with these two **** shadow clones, so you can instantly increase your own strength by twice in an instant!"

Thinking of this, Ye Wuwei was naturally a little eager, but then he shook his head and smiled helplessly: "Unfortunately, it's just the speculation of the General Feng, and the Ten Transformations in my hand are only incomplete. Forget it, the human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant. Too greedy."

Turning the right hand, the three jade slips were directly put away by Ye Wuque. Immediately after his heart moved, he immediately shared the vision of the heavenly eagle. Looking at all directions, the magnificence of the starry sky was immediately before his eyes!

"Magnificence, eternity, silence, and silence, these are the characteristics of the starry sky, looking down on the eternity, carrying the years"

Looking at the beautiful scenery in the starry sky, Ye Wuque's mind seemed to calm down.

He has been practicing assiduously for this month, and now he has finally left the free paradise and entered the fringe territory of the Big Dipper Star Territory. He also needs to relax.

"According to Balao's map instructions, I should have just entered the territory of the Southern Star Territory, and the Northern Star Sect is located in the center of the Southern Star Territory. At my speed, it will take almost half a month to reach the nine stars of the Southern Star Territory. The God Burying Star Realm in the realm can resist the central area of ​​the Southern Star Region through the teleportation array from the God Burying Star Realm."

"There is still one month left for the selection of the disciples of the Great Northern Dou Dao Sect, which is more than enough for me."

While looking at the starry sky, Ye Wuque thought silently.

At the same time, he saw that there were not only floating meteorite communities in the distant starry sky, but small stars standing up, and in some places vortexes flashed away, covering all directions!

Seeing the whirlpool, Ye Wuque's heart was slightly stunned!

Because he knew that the Southern Star Region was the most powerful star region among the Big Dipper's four major star regions, and its vast territory also topped the Big Dipper. Similarly, there were countless dangers in the Southern Star Region!

For example, the vortexes that Ye Wuque saw at this moment were called Riot Vortex, and they were one of the most famous dangers in the Southern Star Region!

Riot Star Swirl itself does not have any offensive power, but it exudes terrifying suction power, whether it is stars, meteorites, creatures, and floating warships, all of them will be inhaled, and once inhaled, then the trouble will be big!

Because the Riot Star Swirl is connected to the space crack, even if the star meteorite is sucked into it, it will be completely broken. Needless to say, the living beings will be completely lost in the space crack even if they are not dead. Life is better than death.

So at the moment when he discovered the Riot Star Swirl, Ye Wuque controlled the Heavenly Eagle and avoided it far away.

"Well, there are two floating warships"

Sharing with Tianwai Yinying’s vision, Ye Wuque’s long-distance vision was extremely wide, and soon he found two huge floating warships slowly approaching from another direction, each of which was a few dozen miles in size and had exactly the same shape. There are so many windows in the crowd, it is obviously not a private floating warship, but a carrier used by a certain force to make money.

The two floating warships were full of creatures from the Southern Star Territory, and they were moving towards a certain destination at extremely fast speeds, but they were still far behind when compared with the Heavenly Eagles.

"If I don't have the Heavenly Eagle, I am afraid there is only this way to come to this Southern Star Territory, but in that case, the speed will be too slow."

Looking at the two floating warships that seemed to be in the same direction as him, Ye Wuque smiled slightly, Xuan even withdrew his gaze, exited the state of shared vision, sat cross-legged again, closed his eyes, and started a new round of training.

But at this moment, if Ye Wuque continues to push his vision forward ten miles, he will find a meteorite community there, and within one of the meteorites sits a young man like a demon god!

And under this young man, there was a huge black shadow sitting cross-legged, constantly rising and falling, it was clearly a monster!


Suddenly, a beast roared loudly, with a cruel and bloodthirsty, as if reminding the young man, brushing it, as if cold and electric, the young man opened his eyes!

"Hey, is there finally another goal? It really made me wait long enough"

A sneered voice sounded, as if the blades were colliding, giving people a kind of extreme domineering and awe-inspiring!

Immediately with a move from the man's right hand, a strong blood burst into the entire meteorite space!

I saw a blood curtain suddenly appeared on his right hand. If you look closely, you will find that it is a blood streamer!

The blood streamer exudes a terrifying wave, which obviously contains unimaginable power, but it gives people a sense of brokenness that has not been completed, and it is obviously not completely successful.

At the same time, if you look closely on the blood pan, you will find that there are distorted faces roaring up and down every moment, full of resentment and blood!

"The last 10,000 celebrity flesh-and-blood masters taught me the blood streamer of the Resentful Demon I can be thoroughly trained. By that time, I will be able to get an unimaginable increase with this blood streamer. , I will find you a shame soon!"

The intense **** brilliance illuminates everything around him, and also makes the face of the young man with a sneer appear completely. He looks like a human monk, quite handsome, and exudes an unpredictable tiger-wolf power from all over his body. It makes people feel trembling!

But this person has three pairs of six eyes in total!

This alone is enough to prove that young men are not humans at all!

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