Return of the War God

Chapter 1812: : Six-eyed fierce spirit!

And the blood streamer in his hand is the secret treasure of the evil way, and it needs to swallow a whole ninety-nine thousand ninety-nine million people when it is refined to this point!

In other words, he has completely killed nine hundred and ninety-nine million people!

How **** and brutal is this?

He has committed a heinous sin!


The six-eyed man slowly stood up, with a cruel sneer on his face, and what was reflected in the six eyes were the two floating warships in the distant starry sky!

At the same time, the monster beast carrying him also revealed its true face. It was a black leopard with a body cast in iron and exuding the same terrifying waves. At this moment, the two fierce pupils are also looking into the air. The battleship, which revealed bloodthirsty and cruelty, licked its scarlet tongue, as if reminiscing the delicacy of human flesh and blood!

"In my eyes, the human race is a group of lowly creatures, weak and pitiful, only worthy of being the object of enslavement. It is your supreme glory to be a part of my grieving demon blood streamer!"

"Let's go black demon, let me swallow the human races on these two floating warships, you can also have a good meal! Hahahaha..."


The six-eyed man sneered, and immediately the black panther under him uttered a roar full of excitement and bloodthirsty!

With a click, the meteorite was shaken away, and the black devil's limbs stomped into the sky, and his body suddenly grew bigger, a full one million feet in size, and quickly roared toward the two floating warships!

The six-eyed man stood on the black devil's head, his six eyes gleamed with palpitating light, and a sneer at the corner of his mouth!


The two floating warships dozens of miles away were still flying smoothly and quickly, and they were full of human monks, one by one, leisurely or training, it seemed that they did not realize that the great crisis had arrived!

"Mother, is this your hometown Southern Star Territory? What a beautiful starry sky!"

At this moment, in front of a window of a floating warship, there is a boy about six or seven years old lying on the window. His innocent eyes reflect the beautiful starry sky, and his crisp opening, with a hint of curiosity and joy in his tone, asking At the mother beside him.

"Yeah, Hao'er, this is the hometown of my mother, and also your hometown. When I come back this time, I will take you to Grandpa. From then on, we will live with Grandpa and stay with you to grow up, OK?"

The young and beautiful mother opened her mouth kindly, stroking her son's hair with her right hand, her eyes full of petting.

"Okay! I don't know if Grandpa likes Hao'er, but don't worry, mother, Haoer will listen to her mother, and if she listens to Grandpa, she will be obedient!"

The little boy first opened his mouth, and then there was a firm look on his face, which was extremely cute.

But in the next moment, the little boy’s cute face suddenly flashed a trace of doubt, he even rubbed his big eyes, looked out the window, and said: "Mother, Haoer seems to have seen a big, **** leopard. There is such a big hand!"

The little boy's words immediately made his mother's face stunned, and immediately raised her eyes subconsciously to look out of the window, and his face suddenly changed, and he said sternly!

"Haoer be careful!"

Click! Click!

Two earth-shattering roars rang out, and saw that the original two floating warships that were traveling smoothly and fast were caught by a big dark hand that turned out to be!

The horrible wave exploded, stirring the starry sky, and the two floating battleships were thrown around like toys, and countless howls full of anger and misery were emitted inside them!

"Be careful!"

"Oh no!!"


The two floating warships have been turned into hell. Tens of thousands of celebrity monks are enveloped by terrifying power, they can't move a single move, they are terrified!

"I don't know which expert is here. This is the floating battleship that buried the Bai clan in the Southern Star Territory. Please also exalt your honor!"

At this moment, an old man covered in white robe finally jumped out of the floating battleship, behind him the Shenquan manifested, there are a full 28!

The old man roared, with a trace of anxiety and embarrassment!

The rest of the people in the floating battleship stared at the old white runner, shivering, with a strong sense of expectation in their eyes!

They hope to save their lives with the help of the name of the Bai clan!

"The humble human race is only worthy to be food and slaves, the black demon, swallow him!"

A **** voice resounded, and the white runner's face instantly turned pale. He had already seen the black panther roaring at the size of a million feet, and he had also seen the six-eyed man standing on the black panther's head!

And at the moment when he saw the six-eyed man, the body of the white runner suddenly trembled, his eyes showed endless fear and despair!

"Born with six eyes, and a black panther under his side! are Liuyuye, a six-eyed evil spirit!!!!"

The white running old man let out a roar, his tone stern!

In an instant, the human monks in the two floating warships all had the same despair and fear on their faces!

"Liu Yuye... how could it be him?"

"It's over! Is the sky going to kill me?"

"I don't want to die!"

A celebrity monk sat down in despair, shivering.

"Mother, you are injured, who is this bad guy?"

The little boy was hiding in the arms of the young mother. At this moment, the mother was injured and her left shoulder was stained with blood. After hearing her son's words, the paleness on the woman's face became more and more intense, and the six-eyed man's eyes were full of despair!

Liu Yu Ye!

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It is said to be the only bloodline of the six-eyed demon clan that has been exterminated in the starry sky. At a young age, it is cruel, committed heinous crimes, and caused countless killings. It has long been wanted by countless forces in the Southern Star Territory. !

And the reason why he is always at ease is because he has another identity!

That is Liu Yu Ye Nai is a member of the Beidou Qianlong list!

The Beidou Qianlong List is published by the Heavenly Secret Family. There are a total of 9,981 creatures on the list, representing 9,981 Qianlong, and 9,980, the strongest Dragon Gate realm in the Beidou Star Territory. With the half-step man Wang Jing Tianjiao!

Among them, Liu Yuye, ranked 41st in the Qianlong list, is called the Six-Eyed Fierce Spirit, which shows his terrifying and invincible strength!

Liu Yuye stepped on the black panther, six eyes looked down at the shivering and desperate human monk in the two floating battleships, the cruelty and sorrow in his eyes was unconcealed.


The black panther underneath him has a big mouth, already sucking the old white runner out of thin air, directly crushing it and swallowing his stomach, blood and fleshy still remain in its mouth, dripping into the void, extremely bloody!

Just when Liu Yuye was about to start his hand, his eyes flashed slightly, and he looked in another far away direction, even if he found an extraordinary condor flying!

"There is also a floating warship? The quality is extremely high, almost missed, hey, not bad, black devil, you go get it, the human monk inside, let you devour it!"

Liu Yuye spoke suddenly, and the dark demon under his feet immediately let out a low roar of excitement, and immediately struck the sky with his limbs. The body of one million feet in size roared towards the condor flying battleship like a black storm, almost at speed. A dozen breaths have arrived!


A huge panther claw turned out to be born, threw out a fierce cold light, and directly grabbed the condor!

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