Return of the War God

Chapter 1814: : Slash the black demon with one sword!

"Be careful, benevolence! This creature is Liuyuye, the 41st place on the Qianlong list. The famous Beidou is from the six-eyed demon clan. His strength is terrifying. For the world's arrogant, benevolence must remember not to be careless!"

On the floating battleship, Hao Mu spoke with all her strength at this moment, she was reminding Ye Wuque to let Ye Wuque know the identity of Liu Yuye, so as not to be taken lightly.

Sure enough, after hearing the three words Qianlong List, Ye Wuque's icy eyes flashed slightly!

Beidou Qianlong List!

He already knew that from the Heavenly Mystery Family, it was a list recognized by the entire Big Dipper Star Territory. Anyone who can board the Big Dipper Dragon List is the most powerful creature in Longmen!

But what about this?

Qianlong Bang may have fooled others, but how can it scare Ye Wuque?

Killed is the Tianjiao of Qianlong Ranking!

"Why? Silent? Still afraid? Hey! Bullying and fearing hardship, this is the root of your human race, a lowly race, there is no commendable place, and it deserves to be arrogant in front of me? The human ants I killed are better than you. Much has passed!"

"But today I am in a good mood. You bug can have one more choice, either die or surrender to me, be my dog, seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and choose!"

Liu Yuye's indifferent face showed a kind of extreme grin, his tone was cold, with a kind of sarcasm and disdain.

"A beast is a noise, I will first catch you alive, then cut off your head, and hang your head in front of my floating warship!"

Facing Liu Yuye's ridicule, Ye Wuque said this sentence coldly, and then he didn't want to say more than one word, the only thing he wanted to do was suppress it!

Saying a thousand words and ten thousand is not as good as killing Liu Yuye directly on the spot and cutting off his head. Nothing is more convincing than this.


The black hair was agitated, and Ye Wuqian moved directly in the next instant, and the demon wings behind him flapped and exploded quickly. The whole person came out like a big dragon, clenched his five fingers, and the dragon fist was born. It was the real dragon fighting the sky!

"It seems that you have chosen to die! Hey, that's fine, your flesh and blood is worth thousands of ordinary human races. After devouring you, I am afraid that the blood streamer of the resentful demon can be directly practiced!"

There was a touch of greed and cruelty in Liu Yu Ye Liu's eyes. After saying this, the whole person was like a demon tiger at the gate and also killed Ye Wuque!


At this moment, an extremely angry beast roared in all directions. It was the black demon that was lifted off by Ye Wuque before. It recovered at this moment. A pair of fierce pupils stared at Ye Wuque's body, the size of one million feet. Flooding the world, take the lead in culling!

Suddenly, the fishy wind blows, and the evil spirit is filled, and the stars in a radius of hundreds of miles are like boiling!

The black devil's aura was shocking, his body covered the sky, and Ye Wuque's figure was reflected in the fierce pupils, carrying the ultimate anger and madness, but after this, he was a little cautious!

Because judging from the situation just now, the strength of the human monk in front of him is obviously not to be underestimated. There is an incomparably terrifying power in his body, and the black demon, as a very high-level monster, has long possessed not low wisdom, and now he is attacking again. After coming, he was inspired to be aggressive, naturally without reservation!


The roar of the beast shook the sky, and the black demon burst out with an incomparably dark light from all over his body. The one-million-meter-sized body unexpectedly began to shrink, and almost instantly only the size of a million-meter was left, but it was still extremely amazing, and finally turned into one Only a sharp claw drew towards Ye Wuque, and the entire void seemed to be cut and opened by this claw, the world was shattered and the universe was cut apart!

Liu Yuye on the other side saw a sneer at the corner of his mouth when he saw the black demon performing this trick.

The dark claw!

Cool v craftsman m & net jx first: u send √0

This is the ultimate move of the Black Demon. The Black Demon is an extremely powerful monster, the Dark Demon Leopard, whose strength is extremely terrifying. Even if the king who opened up thirty divine springs faces this trick, he will be directly torn into it. All over the sky minced meat!

Although the human monk on the opposite side is strong, he may not be able to easily dissolve the black devil's move, and he is taking advantage of the trend, and thunder will definitely kill the opponent!

However, in the next moment, Liu Yuye heard a cold voice!

"A brute dare to eat my human race, die!"


Countless sword chants sounded between the heaven and the earth, and thousands of sword lights gleamed. The golden sword light pierced the sky, and it was unparalleled, as if from the future and the past!

In the end, the sword light roared, and the void evolved into a magnificent golden picture!

The golden scroll slowly unfolded, spreading out the world, like finely carved gold, it is clearly empty, but it is so beautiful and moving, it seems to encompass thousands of miles of country!

This magnificent scene shocked everyone, and the faces of the human monks on the floating battleship showed boundless incredible meaning.

The little face of Hao'er who was guarded by his mother lit up at this moment, and the magnificent golden scroll was reflected in her big eyes, and Ye Wuque was also reflected, slowly revealing a touch of reverence and longing!

Thousands of miles are picturesque!

At this moment, Ye Wuque directly displayed the Wuming Sword Art!

His current cultivation base is advancing by leaps and bounds, and his combat power is soaring. The power of this unknown sword art passed down from the Golden Lightning Man is also advancing by leaps and bounds. Now it is displayed again, and its power is truly earth-shattering!

Ye Wuque's killing intent was in his heart, and he couldn't tolerate his shot, and he directly wanted to forcefully kill the black beast!


The golden picture scroll is soaring in the sky, directly suppressing the Dark Leopard!


A kind of humanized fear and disbelief flashed through the black demon's fierce pupils. Even its dark claws didn't have time to explode any power, and it felt like the sky revolved in an instant, and the eyes were black!

Liu Yuye's complexion suddenly changed, and a scene where all six eyes burst into anger!

The black devil's ten-foot-long body disappeared after being brushed by the golden scroll, and it turned into a scene and appeared in the golden scroll!

How incredible is this?

In the next instant, the golden picture scroll burst out with thousands of sword lights, and the black demon in the picture shook frantically, as if struggling, but immediately burst into a cloud of blood, dyeing the entire picture scroll!

Ye Wuque’s black hair stirred, stepping out, the golden scroll slowly disappeared, and a blood-stained corpse inside it fell down. It was millions of feet in size and hit the meteorite community in the distance with a huge roar. !

The rain of blood sprinkled, and the black demon who was brutally and cruelly devouring the human race had turned into a corpse at this moment, and was smashed by Ye Wuque's sword, shocking everyone!

The speed of Ye Wuque's sword was so fast that everyone did not react, including Liu Yuye.

"Yun Gong is so amazing!"

Inside the floating battleship, the faces of all the races showed excitement and surprise, and Hao'er's little face was flushed with excitement, clapping his hands vigorously, and making milky mouth!

In the starry sky, Ye Wuque walked along, bathing in the blood of the beast, if the God of War came to the world, his face was expressionless, but his killing intent was above the sky!

"After solving this black beast, now it's your turn to be a six-eyed beast!"

The cold words exploded, Ye Wuque's eyes were like a knife, and he stepped out in one step, his right fist was like a dragon, and his fist was like a landslide, directly blasting towards Liu Yuye!

"You humble ant dare to kill my mount? I will chop you into sludge and be buried with the black demon! Before you die, I will peel the ants in the two search floating warships in front of you. Cramps, let you watch them die one by one!"

The Black Demon's Fu Zhu finally made Liu Yuye angry, and his tone was harsh!

He actually watched his mount be beheaded by Ye Wuque in one piece, which was a naked insult and face slap to him!

Liu Yuye’s eyes reflected terrifying light, as if six lightning bolts were rushing, and the body like a devil crossed the void, the gray energy exploded all over his body, and the air was covered in all directions. The same right hand squeezed the fist imprint, facing Ye Wuqian frontally. on!


A huge roar exploded, endless vitality surging, and the surrounding meteorite community was shaken by the terrifying force, the rocks pierced through the sky, and the terrifying scene appeared. Even the two floating warships in the distance were affected, and they made a click. After the roar, he flew out directly!

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