Return of the War God

Chapter 1815: : Six eyes cracking heavenly power!

After a while, the earth and the mountains shook, the two floating warships regained their calm. The human monks in it finally stabilized one by one, even if they found that they were one or two miles away from the battlefield, this was a collision. Fierce!

"Gong, come on!"

"We must win, my dear father!"

A celebrity monk clenched his fists, staring at the battlefield in the distance, his ears kept ringing like a muffled thunderous roar, muttering to himself in prayer.

At this moment, in the hearts of thousands of human monks in these two floating warships, Ye Wuque has become their only savior!

But everyone's heart was still tugging fiercely, worrying about Ye Wuque!

They can’t help but worry about Ye Wuque. After all, his opponent is Liuyuye, the six-eyed fierce spirit, a Qianlong on the Big Dipper Qianlong list. He is so fierce and has a brilliant record. The young talent who once fell in the hands of Liuyuye. There are too many to count!

Whoever is qualified to be on the list of Beidou Qianlong is not the bones of people of thousands of peers? Cut down countless outstanding people?

Liu Yuye is ranked 41st on the Big Dipper Qianlong List, among the eighty-one Qianlong Dragons ranking in the middle. His strength is earth-shattering and terrifying, enough to look at the same generation!

Facing such an enemy, how could they not worry about Ye Wuque?

Even if Ye Wuque had just exploded in his power and slashed the black demon with a single sword, it was only Liu Yuye's mount after all!

"You humble ants, I have killed countless so-called geniuses of your human race, and I have my head off and crushed them into slag, listening to their wailing and enjoying their death, you are no exception!"

Liu Yuye danced wildly with dark purple hair. His voice was high up, with extreme contempt and conceit. At the same time he opened his mouth, his fists enveloped the gray power, and there was lightning rushing, constantly rushing towards Ye Wuque!

Although the Six-Eyed Demon Race has been annihilated, Liuyuye is the only remaining bloodline, but this does not mean that the Six-Eyed Demon Race is not strong, but it is a race with a strong bloodline!

It is said that the people of this clan are born with six eyes, and the body is very mysterious, but not only that, what is really terrifying is that every member of the six-eyed demon clan is almost a double cultivation of law and martial arts!

Not only has the terrifying natural bloodline supernatural powers, but the body is also powerful, and melee combat is enough to rule the roost!

This is the power of the Six-Eyed Demon Race from blood!

Bang bang bang!

The two figures collided violently!

Ye Wuque's face was cold and he didn't mean to say anything. He didn't want to talk nonsense, he just wanted to kill the six-eyed creature on the opposite side.


A true dragon roar suddenly resounded, shaking the earth, and the dragon is coming!

Ye Wuque's whole body was surging with the golden holy way of war, and the golden blood was burning like a flame, enveloping him, making him look like a **** of war bathed in golden sacred fire, killed from the world!

Like a big dragon across the sky, Ye Wuque simulates a real dragon, with unparalleled killing power erupted with one punch and one kick. The power of the physical body has already been activated, and the melee combat power erupts!

Stardust is flying in the starry sky, and the meteorite group in the distance is constantly shaking by the shock, the scene is terrifying!

Liu Yuye's originally conceited and indifferent face was now a touch of surprise, six eyes flashed with terrible light, and a touch of surprise came from the depths!

After a series of melee battles, Liu Yuye suddenly realized that he had gradually fallen into a disadvantage!

Melee combat has always been his advantage. I don't know how many human geniuses have been crushed, but today he was suppressed by a human!

He felt the oppression of a domineering, unparalleled and terrifying aura from Ye Wuque, this aura made Liu Yuye a kind of trembling!

"Dragon breath! Don't you actually have a dragon secret technique?"

The two fists clashed together, like a shattering horror, the thunder blasted, and the divine brilliance was surging, flooding Liuhe and Bahuang!

Liu Yuye burst back and retreated a full tens of thousands of feet and then spoke like this, hitting the nail on the nail with six eyes like a knife, staring at Ye Wuque closely, the terrifying light flowing, making people feel trembling.

Ye Wuque didn't say a word, he stepped out directly, the sky demon wings spread out behind him, and he burst out quickly. In the blink of an eye, he reached Liu Yuye's front. He stretched his right arm, turned his fist into his palm, and suddenly gave a sharp and unparalleled breath. Surging and open!

The right arm is the sword body, the right palm is the sword blade, and the whole body is the sword hilt. The dragon is so powerful that it can cut the heavens!

Dragon supernatural power...Emperor Dragon Sacred Sword!


The true dragon yin reappeared, and the mighty dragon, Ye Wuque displayed the Emperor Dragon Sacred Sword at this moment. He already possessed the complete True Dragon Sage Art. Now the power of the Emperor Dragon Sacred Sword was naturally pushed to the limit, and it could be crushed. Void, nothing can stop the edge of this sword!

Suddenly, Liuyu's night pupils were condensed, and he did not expect Ye Wuque's speed to be so terrifying, and even his body was chilling, feeling the horror of this blow, and a crisis in his heart!

But after all, he is a Qianlong on the Big Dipper Qianlong list. He has a peerless talent and a powerful bloodline. He has experienced many battles, and his fighting instinct is inherently terrifying. Two of the six eyes are instantly lit up!

The whole world seemed to dim suddenly, as if not even the sun was visible, and into the darkness, the only thing that could be seen were two pupils lying in the void!

The pupils were pitch black, like hiding two boundless hells!


In the next instant, I saw a bolt of lightning burst out of the sky, bursting from the two pupils, and it turned out to be a strange black color, with a kind of destruction and killing, just like the devil's regret!

"Dark demon flashes!"

Liu Yu yelled loudly and danced wildly. The whole person turned into eternal darkness like an eternal darkness, blending with the pitch black lightning, blasting towards Ye Wuque!

The pitch black lightning and the Emperor Dragon Sacred Sword collided head-on, and there was a wave of extinction, shaking the earth!

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This piece of void exploded directly!

The space was torn apart, the dark radiance and the golden brilliance surging against each other, constantly contending, the sharpness and destruction appeared together, the starry sky was exploding, the meteorite group was lifted off, the rocks hit the air, directly hit the small stars, and sank Continent within!

In the endless divine glory, the two figures tore through the rays of light and withdrew tens of thousands of feet, and finally stopped, facing each other, staring at each other!

Ye Wuque's face was cold, his eyes glowing like electricity, his black hair fluttering, and his martial robes were hunting, but the corners of his clothes were broken, but he still seemed to be domineering and unfathomable!

On the other side, Liu Yuye stood upright like a demon, with the same expressionless face, but the two of his six eyes were stained with blood, and there was a blood stain on his right shoulder!

Liu Yu Ye was injured!

"A humble ant can actually hurt me. How long has it not happened?"

Liu Yuye spoke slowly, with a cold tone without any emotion.

There was a terrible light flowing in the six eyes, and the blood stained him made him look very harsh. He stared at Ye Wuque directly, and a sneer appeared on his face immediately!

"A lowly human race can unleash the dragon's might and control the dragon's secrets. Very good. After I abolish you and swallow you with the blood streamer, all the secrets of you will belong to me! The dragon's secrets Ah, a rare bumper harvest!"

Liu Yuye said like this, and in his words, it seemed that Ye Wuque was already the lamb to be slaughtered in his hands. He didn't put him in the eyes at all, and he was completely conceited!

There is more passion and desire in his heart!

Dragon secrets!

What a chance this is against the sky?

As the pinnacle bloodline in the eternal starry sky, the dragon clan has endless legends and endless details. Even the secret method of only a scale and a claw is enough to make countless creatures crazy!

Liu Yuye was trembling almost excitedly!

This is undoubtedly very strange, why is he?

You must know that in the collision just now, he had been injured by Ye Wuque and fell into an absolute disadvantage.

"You seem to be very confident, thinking that you will kill me? It seems that you still have some cards that you haven't revealed. Hurry up, the Beidou Qianlong list is on the list, just these two?"

Ye Wuque spoke coldly, expressionless, his dazzling eyes seemed to have infinite sharp gleams, his posture was calm and captivating, and a silent oppression was permeating!

"Hey! You are proud enough to let me use real power!"

Liu Yu Ye drank low, and the six eyes on his forehead lit up at the moment the voice fell, bursting out with earth-shattering light, as if six small suns released extremely terrifying fluctuations!


The void within hundreds of miles was trembling, and the light was replaced by darkness. Liu Yuye stood here like the incarnation of the Dark Night Demon God, and all the six eyes in the forehead disappeared and appeared behind him, turning into six Huge terrifying pupils, cold and silent, looking down on the heavens and the world!

"Six Eyes Cracking Heaven Skill! Open it for me!"

With a burst of shout, the first of the six eyes behind Liu Yuye suddenly lit up, and a terrifying demonic splendor burst out of it, as if a great demon was roaring, shocking the world!

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