Return of the War God

Chapter 1822: : Space Origin

Obviously, the world in the cracks in this space is far more dangerous than he imagined. This is only one place, and God knows what other places are dangerous!

"Do you really want to be stuck here? Waiting for Balao's awakening?"

A dignified look flashed in Ye Wuque's eyes. This was the last resort, but he didn't want to, because no one knew when Balao would wake up.


Lifting his head again, Ye Wuque looked at the world beyond Heifeng. The chaotic and undercurrents of space never stop, surging, and do not know where they come from or where they are going, with a kind of eternal loneliness and mystery!

"This breath? So strong! Mysterious and misty! Could it be the original fluctuation of space?"

Suddenly, Ye Wuque's gaze condensed, and the spirit within him flickered!

He suddenly discovered that within the chaotic undercurrent of this space, there are not only destruction and tearing, but also a strong and incomparable spatial origin fluctuation, mysterious and misty, extremely rare!

In an instant, Ye Wuque's thoughts churned, and immediately his thoughts moved, the extinct immortal pupil in his forehead evolved, and the power of the spirit of the Great Soul King came out, slowly approaching that spatial chaotic undercurrent!


Immediately afterwards, Ye Wuque felt a kind of extreme mistiness and nothingness, filled with mystery, with an aura that was as close to the horizon!

Perceived by the power of divine mind, this kind of spatial fluctuation has been increased several times!


At this moment, a crane suddenly resounded, breaking the dead silence!

A dark golden figure evolves from behind Ye Wuque, with its two wings wide open, the monster is unique, it is the **** against chaos!

Obviously this Niluantian demon was aroused by this incomparable spatial origin fluctuation. After all, as the natural king of the space, the heavenly demon is extremely sensitive to this.

But this scene made Ye Wuque's eyes flashed with profound and wise meaning, and he suddenly realized a situation!

"Originally, I thought it was because of my luck that I fell into the black peak depression after being sucked into the Riot Star Swirl. Now it seems that this is not the case, but because of the Tiantian Demon!"

Ye Wuque's eyes were burning, and he suddenly realized it.

"Although it is extremely dangerous in this space crack, countless creatures that have fallen into it have fallen through the ages, but no one knows how rich the origin of the space here is! I am afraid that everyone who knows has already left their lives here..."

"And Niluantian demon is the king who controls the space together. If I can take this opportunity to realize the power of the space together, and cooperate with the innate ability of Niluantian demon, I may be able to get rid of the current predicament, and I envision it. The ultimate move formed by the fusion of the Yin-Yang domain and the Niluantian Demon also seems to have a clear direction, and it is no longer just a prototype!"

"It's really not broken or standing! For me, the immediate environment has become a chance!"

Following this mumbling, Ye Wuque's eyes became brighter and brighter, and in the end it was like turning into a little spark, burning up!

In short, Ye Wuque sat down again, the extinct fairy pupil in his forehead bloomed with golden brilliance, and the power of the great soul king spread out without reservation, in order to contact the chaos of space. Undercurrent, draw the original fluctuation of space from it!

Suddenly, a breath full of mystery, mistiness, and nothingness was transmitted to Ye Wuque's heart through the power of divine consciousness, causing him to receive a great impact!

Space is respect, time is king!

This is a supreme truth in the circulation of the heavens and the world, which is enough to witness the unpredictability and mystery of the power of space and time!

Once you control one of them, it means you control a strong force!

And a cultivating creature is only qualified to touch the origin of a space in the human king realm, but even a monk in the human king realm is only qualified to truly understand the origin of space if there is no one in the world and the precious talent of space. .

For example, Zhen Lan of the Snow Cherry Empire in the Canglan Realm is such a genius. If one day she can advance to the Human King Realm, she will be qualified to understand the original power of the space together. If she can completely control it, her future achievements are unimaginable.

Of course, this is an extremely difficult process, and the success may be less than one in a million!

So what is the origin of space? How can we comprehend it?

This is also the question Ye Wuque is thinking about at this moment.

He undergoes the washing and baptism of the original fluctuation of the space, and his mind gradually becomes empty, which makes him relax and start to try to contact and understand.


At this moment, the Niluantian demon behind him sent out a cheerful crane roar, and the **** and devil's demon wings suddenly opened wide, and a powerful force of space was swept from it!

Immediately, the heavenly demon wings of the gods and demons closed together and wrapped Ye Wuque in them, as if forming a dark golden feather cocoon.

I have to say that Ye Wuque's chance is too bad!

He fell into the crack of space but was lucky to survive, so he had the opportunity to draw the origin of space from the chaotic undercurrent of space and observe the power of space at close range. This in itself is an unimaginable big opportunity and big opportunity!

Second, he merged with Niluantian demon, and Niluantian demon, as the king of the space, was born with affinity and control the origin of space. Now this huge and terrifying foundation has been directly transferred to Ye Wuque's body, making him understand The space origin is like standing on the shoulders of giants, it is easier.

Any of the above two great opportunities are beyond the reach of the heavens and the creatures of the world!

All appearing on Ye Wuque now, coupled with his original talent and extraordinary intellect, making him understand the origin of space at an unimaginable terrifying speed!

The dead silence within the Void Black Peak seemed to be restored once again, but another mysterious wave was slowly gestating, becoming more and more intense!

Time passed and disappeared little by little, and in this dim space crack, there was nothing but chaos.


Until a certain moment, a bright but not dazzling light suddenly appeared in the depression!

At the moment this light appeared, the originally irregular spatial chaos and undercurrents outside the Void Black Peak suddenly surging, as if there was a spirit, it actually slowly stagnated, as if to rush into it, and a strange resonance occurred!


Crane shook the sky, and the gods and devil's demon wings slowly re-spread, and the voice of the gods against chaos was full of excitement and joy!

I saw Ye Wuque's figure emerge from it, a mysterious radiance surging from his body, and a mysterious movement that was inexplicable and unclear!

Suddenly, a voice with an ethereal aura slowly sounded, it was from Ye Wuque's mouth!

"While the edge of all things...resolve the conflicts of all things...coordinating the brilliance of all things...mix the dust of all things...but your body is always empty...eternal existence..."

"Space... Circulates in the heavens and worlds, mysterious and ethereal, but in fact it is everywhere, omnipresent, the avenue is simple, this is the origin of space!"


The moment the words fell, Ye Wuque’s eyes suddenly opened, and then his whole person disappeared from where he was. The next moment he appeared ten feet away, and then disappeared again, reappeared again, flashing like this, making The entire Heifeng depression was filled with Ye Wuque's ethereal figure!

"Wherever the mind arrives, the body also arrives. I am in harmony with space, space resonates with me, and light and dust, regardless of each other, if we can reach the limit, where the void passes, close to the end of the world, only I will exist forever!"

Suddenly stood still, Ye Wuque stood with his hands in his hands, with fluttering black hair and a faint smile on his face. He seemed to be washed out of lead, with a mysterious and misty breath all over his body. He stood there obviously, but But it is as far away as the sky.

Just a short distance away is this charm.

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