Return of the War God

Chapter 1823: :If one survives, there will be future fortunes!

"It seems that I have a deep blessing and a deep understanding of the origin of space, but the space is vast, profound, and mysterious. I am only just looking at the doorway, and there are still many ways to go."

Ye Wuque spoke like this, but a faint joy of power surged in his eyes immediately.

"And not only did I understand the origin of the space, but I also completely created the ultimate move of the Tiantian Demon and the Yin-Yang domain. This time the harvest is too great! It is really a blessing to survive a catastrophe..."

"If this is the case, then give it a try! If it succeeds, it will be my opportunity to leave the power!"

Ye Wuque lifted his eyes, looking beyond the black peak, the light within it flickered!

With a thought, Ye Wuque's whole body space fluctuated, and his whole body exuded a kind of mysterious brilliance, which was not compelling, but it was full of ethereal and mysterious!


The crane roar reappeared, and the dark golden Tiantian Demon was born out of the sky, spreading its wings, and its body soared to the size of a hundred meters. The demon aura seemed to sweep the world!

Immediately, Ye Wuque stepped out, his body disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had already reached the head of the sky demon crane. He immediately sank and completely came into the head of the demon crane, as if he was driving a demon crane, perfectly blending with it!

"Get up!"

With an order, the demon wings of the heavenly demon gods spread, and the demon crane rose into the sky in an instant, rushing into the chaotic undercurrent of the space with a strong spatial force!


The space chaos and undercurrent immediately launched an attack on this sudden anomaly, and the terrifying destruction and tearing force burst out, turning Ye Wuque into nothingness!


However, in the next moment, a strong spatial force surged from the body of the Tiantian Demon whose size was a hundred meters, Dao exhausted the original power of the space and blended with the chaotic undercurrent of the space!

A mysterious scene happened!

The chaotic undercurrent of the space that was originally full of destruction seemed to be calmed down as if it had encountered the strangeness of the same kind, and became docile again, as if two tributaries merged and merged into one!

In an instant, the Niluantian demon crossed along the mighty space chaotic undercurrent, like a boat crossing the river.

"Haha! It really succeeded! The hard work was not in vain!"

Within the head of the crane, he felt a touch of joy in the eyes of a calm Ye Wuque, he knew he had succeeded!

Comprehending the origin of space, coupled with the Tiantian Demon's original control of space, Ye Wuque finally did what countless creatures in the heavens and the world could not do...crossing the cracks in space!

If this scene is seen by creatures from the outside world, everyone will be shocked to stare out of their eyes!

The speed of the Niluantian demon was extremely fast, and soon he took Ye Wuque across a long distance.

"Found a way to cross the gap in space, then the next step is to find a way out and return to this world!"

"I hope I haven't lost too much time, but based on the speed and time I entered the Southern Star Territory before, I should be able to catch up with the disciple selection of the North Dou Dao Extreme Sect!"

Ye Wuque's eyes were burning. He knew that the space crevice extended in all directions. As long as he followed the chaotic undercurrent of space, coupled with careful perception, he would be able to find a channel connected to the world, such as Riot Star Swirl, so that he could pass through it and return to the world. .

It's just that the chaos here doesn't know the years, and Ye Wuque can't calculate exactly how long it has passed, so he must hurry up.

The demon crane flapped its wings and crossed continuously. The place it passed was filled with nothingness and darkness. Only by relying on the light of the chaotic undercurrent of the space, Ye Wuqian, could he slightly see the scene in the cracks in this space.

Soon he saw black peaks of nothingness, and on them there were bones of various shapes, clearly from different races. I don’t know how many years have been asleep here, obviously they are endless years. The creatures who have fallen into the cracks in the space, they are not as lucky as Ye Wuque, they are buried here forever.

Ye Wuque sighed in his heart, but there was a touch of tenacity in his eyes!

After this life-and-death crisis, his mind was tempered again, becoming stronger and calmer!

The journey of cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. It is also full of life and death crisis. If you are not careful, you will die, and even die in a corner that no one knows.

However, there was a flash of chill and harshness in Ye Wuque's eyes immediately!

"Giant-faced creatures...I will definitely avenge this grudge!"

Ye Wuque's eyes were cold, and he couldn't forget the "rich gift" of the giant face creatures, and naturally he wanted revenge.

Moreover, Ye Wuque also understood that it was not difficult to know the true identity of the giant face creature, after all Liu Yu Ye was a Qianlong on the Beidou Qianlong list, famous Beidou.

All the information behind such a Tianjiao must have been deeply investigated by countless forces. Since the giant-faced creature is his master, even the hidden rebirth can be traced, and it can be found!

But now it is estimated that in the eyes of the giant face creature, Ye Wuque is already a dead person, so he has become Ye Wuque in the dark, he is in the light, everything has changed.

The Niluantian demon kept crossing, Ye Wuque was not impatient at all, the power of divine thought spread out, carefully perceiving the surrounding situation.

After a few hours, Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly condensed!

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"This feeling... is an exit!"

Ye Wuque's gaze immediately turned, and at the same time he also found that the chaotic undercurrent of space had reached here and diverted away, heading in that direction!

This made Ye Wuque overjoyed, and the Tiantian Demon immediately followed!

"found it!"

A quarter of an hour later, the Niluantian demon stopped, and a hint of surprise came out of Ye Wuque's face!

At the end of his line of sight, a dazzling light source was shining endlessly, brilliantly, and the chaotic and undercurrent of the space surging there constantly, as if rushing out of it!

Obviously, the light source is a channel to the outside world!

Without any pause, Ye Wuque immediately rushed towards the light source!

Soon he came to the light source, looking at the light source, Ye Wuque breathed a sigh of relief, and finally found the exit.

However, just when Ye Wuque was about to step into the light source and leave, his gaze suddenly condensed!

Because he suddenly discovered that there was another weird thing under the light source, it seemed like hole!

This black hole looked so terrifying and terrifying against the light source, like a peerless beast with its head entrenched there, with its big mouth open waiting for the appearance of food, and it exudes a strange and extreme atmosphere. Danger!

But feeling the aura from the black hole, Ye Wuque's eyes flickered, and a touch of hesitation and weirdness gushed out of it, as if he was certain of something.

Immediately afterwards, the huge Tian Tian demon changed its direction, swooped down, and slowly approached the black hole!

About ten miles away from the black hole, the Niluantian demon stopped, and at this moment, its inner leafless body was bursting out of thin air with bright stars!

A vision appeared behind him, and meteors slid down, magnificent waves!

This is exactly the situation that only appears after the eternal immortal body is used, but now Ye Wuque has not used it, but the eternal immortal body suddenly starts to work!

But this made Ye Wuque not shocked and rejoiced. He stared at the terrifying black hole, and even closed his eyes to feel it again. When his eyes were opened again, there was a hint of surprise in him!

"It seems that this time I really have a blessing if I survive a catastrophe, and there will be more than one blessing!"

"The interstellar stepped on the sky, walked through the sky without dying, and the eternity is boundless! I never expected that I would encounter the opportunity to make the eternal immortal body break through to the last level of the black hole!

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