Return of the War God

Chapter 1834: : Trial difficulty of **** level!

"Hi! It's unimaginable! Is there really a Qianlong here?"

Listening to the cold ancient voice, he saw Ye Wuque stepping into the bronze giant gate through detection. There were monks in amazement, and countless people's eyes widened!

"How could this happen! This little bastard... unexpectedly..."

The white-robed old woman was really trembling with anger at this moment. She was still scorning Ye Wuqian endlessly before, thinking that Ye Wuqian didn’t know the heights of the earth, but she was only insulting herself, but the result of Ye Wuqian’s test at this moment is undoubtedly like a round Just slap her old face fiercely!

Finally, the white robe old woman calmed down the anger in her heart. She knew that she was powerless to change at this moment, so she could only watch Ye Wuque start the trial of the true dragon, but immediately there was another sneer on her face!

"Even if you pass the test, what about? This is just the beginning. I don't believe that you, a little bastard, can really pass the trial of a hundred refining true dragons! At least you can save your life, and at the worst, you will die! I have to see how you died!"

At this moment, Gao Fei's whole person stepped backwards three steps, his face was full of despair, his eyes were full of gloom and gray colors, there was a kind of unwillingness in his heart, and a kind of grief!

Anyone who came out had a better aptitude than him, which made him accept incompetence.

But what can I do?

If you don't accept it, you have to accept it!

The top ten Tianjiao were all expressionless at this moment, they were still calm and calm, their eyes were all staring at Bailian Peak, a kind of proud, and their hearts were even more curious about the trial of the Bailian Dragon. heart!

"The first level of the 100-refined true dragon trial... the enlightenment of supernatural powers!"

At this moment, the cold and ancient voice finally sounded again, immediately shocking everyone's hearts, and the real good show in their hearts finally began!

The black hair was fluttering, and his complexion was calm. At this moment, Ye Wuque was standing on the bronze dragon. He had already escaped from the position of the dragon's tail and reached the position corresponding to the last two dragon claws.

Obviously, this 100-refined true dragon trial will continue to advance on the bronze dragon as one level is created. The ultimate goal is the location of the top of the 100-refined peak where the dragon's head is located. Once you set foot there, The representative passed the trial.


In front of Ye Wuque's body, the blue light gleamed, and then there was a huge stone platform. Five stone pillars were erected on the stone platform, which seemed to represent five levels.

"The content of the enlightenment of supernatural powers...the tester is given a set of star-level supernatural powers. According to the level of proficiency, these supernatural powers are divided into the five realms of beginning, small, great, pinnacle, and perfection, corresponding to the five stone pillars."

"The tester is required to comprehend this supernatural power to at least the realm of great success within three hours, relying on breaking the stone pillars. If it does not meet the standard, the test will be expelled after being bombarded by thousands of thunder."


When the icy ancient voice uttered the content and requirements of the magical enlightenment of the first stage of the Hundred Refining True Dragon Trial, the entire world instantly seemed to have thousands of active volcanoes erupting at the same time, and everyone's expressions changed dramatically. Fry the pan!

"I... I heard you right? A set of constellation-level supernatural powers can be realized to the realm of Dacheng within three hours? How is this possible!

"Even if the stars are the lowest level among the small magical powers, it is impossible to realize the realm of great achievement in only three hours! Even those geniuses with super-savvy abilities need at least ten and a half days to be possible! Normal! It takes months or even years for the monks to do it gradually!"

"Three hours! Not to mention the completion, even if it is impossible to start in Chengdu! This... who can do this? Crazy! This is the trial of the 100-refined true dragon? It's too abnormal! It's **** level. Difficulty!"

Unbelievable voices sounded one after another, and almost every monk seemed to have a mountain exploding in his heart. They were so shocked that they thought they had auditory hallucinations.

At this moment, even among the top ten disciples selected by Tianjiao, several of them changed color and their eyelids jumped wildly!

Obviously even if it is replaced by them, they think they can't do this step at all!

Only the top three Yan Zongheng, Yu Qiongru, and Wu Suowei were still expressionless, but the eyes that looked towards Bailianfeng became more intense!

"Is this the difficulty of the 100-refined true dragon trial? Interesting..."

Yan stood with his arms crossed, his eyes pulsing like electricity, and his blue hair was windless, full of a powerful and unpredictable feeling!

Above the void, Elder Hong Tao carried his hands on his back, and the pair of Canglong eyes looked at Bailian Peak, but there was a strange nostalgia in it.

But the white-robed old woman's eyes were full of delightful sneers at this time!

"Sure enough, I expected! The difficulty of the 100-refined real dragon trial is even more terrifying than I imagined! Little bastard, little bastard! Comprehend the supernatural powers of the stars to the realm of great achievement in three hours? Hahahaha! I want to see How do you do it! If you fail to do it, you will not only be expelled from the trial, but also be bombarded with thunder! I am looking forward to it!"

The white-robed old woman can't wait to see Ye Wuque's appearance after being smashed into coke by thousands of thunderbolts!

On the Bronze Dragon Stone Platform, Ye Wuque stood tall, and after hearing the cold and ancient voice, a sharp smile came out of his bright eyes!

"Ba Lao, you didn't tell me that the trial of the 100-refined true dragon is so abnormal! Are you afraid that I might not be able to handle it?"

Facing the almost desperate situation of outsiders, Ye Wuque was still in the mood to talk and laugh with Balao.

"Hey! Kid, don't pretend to be here, hurry up and start, I can wait for a good show!"

Balao in the soul space let out a grin, and spoke like this.

Ye Wuque shook his head and smiled, and immediately stopped hesitating and stepped directly on the stone platform!

Immediately afterwards, a futon appeared on the stone platform, and a piece of jade slip fell from the sky and fell into Ye Wuque's hands.

Sitting cross-legged, he put the jade slip between his forehead, Ye Wuque started the trial of magical enlightenment!

At the same time, a light curtain lit up from the stone platform, and it was the brief introduction of the set of supernatural powers that Ye Wuque had enlightened.

Ten anger waves fist!

Taking the waves of anger hits the sky, the mighty, endless meaning, condenses the power of the sea of ​​anger, and turns into ten-fold punching strength, step by step, when the strength is fully opened, the ten-fold punching strength bursts, enough to turn the river and the sea. , Quan Zhen Jianghe!

At the beginning of the stage, two punches are gathered!

The realm of Xiaocheng, condenses four punches!

The realm of great success, condenses six punches!

The peak realm, condenses the eightfold punch!

The realm of consummation, gather ten punches!

When everyone clearly saw the contents of the Ten Raging Wave Fist, all of them slapped their tongues and shook their heads constantly, looking at Ye Wuque who had already begun to comprehend, pity and sighs came out of their eyes!

too difficult!

Even if the real Peerless Tianjiao came, I am afraid it would not be possible at all.

You don’t see the peerless heavenly arrogance who died in the trial of a hundred refining real dragons, and countless people have fallen through this level, and they were directly destroyed by thousands of thunder!

A little bit of time passed, Ye Wuque always sat cross-legged, his eyes closed slightly, like a sculpture, and two hours passed quickly.

I don't know when, a black cloud appeared in the void above Ye Wuque's head, and within it there was thunder light surging, exuding a terrifying aura!

Obviously once Ye Wuque fails, the thunder light in the dark cloud will directly fall down!

"This trial of a hundred refining true dragons is too cruel! Once you enter it, you won't even have the chance to give up. Now the cotyledon Wuqian is probably going to hate it!"

"Yeah! You see that he doesn't move, how can he have the slightest understanding of supernatural powers? Have you ever seen anyone who comprehend the supernatural powers of battle but does not use them desperately, then finds out the shortcomings and errors and then summarizes? I think he has given up!"

There were constant whispers between the world and the earth, and there were still some cultivators who had hoped for Ye Wuque also shook their heads secretly at this moment and sighed.

At this moment, many of the new disciples of the 19,000 fate of the Great Sect of the North Dou Dao in front of the huge city were smirking.

The appearance of Bailian True Dragon Trial and Ye Wuque undoubtedly slapped them in the face!

And now as long as Ye Wuque failed, they would naturally feel better and happier.

As long as you are unsuccessful, it is my success!

Oxichen, who was always standing next to Bailian Peak with a gun, stared at Ye Wuque with piercing eyes at this moment. For some reason, he intuitively told him that this black-robed boy who was born in the sky would not be an ordinary person.

Finally, under countless people's disapproval, three hours of time slowly passed away!

"Time is up! Give the tester ten breaths to rehearse the results!"

When the cold and ancient voice resounded once again, it resounded together and there was also the sound of thunderous waves!

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Everyone in the world suddenly opened their eyes and looked at Ye Wuque, wanting to see the final result!

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