Return of the War God

Chapter 1835: : Primordial Moyue Town Spirit Flesh!

"Tsk tusk, I'm going to be struck by lightning! Too miserable!"

"I hope this Ye Wuque can save his life!"

"It's not easy to say, maybe you'll be killed by bad luck!"

The white robe old woman kept sneering, her eyes widened as well, she didn't want to miss any of the next pictures, her mind was already chopped into coke in the phantom leaf!

"Little bastard! You can't do it yourself! You want to die by yourself! Hahahaha..."

At this moment, Ye Wuque, who had been sitting quietly cross-legged, opened his eyes, and his inside was deep and calm. He immediately stood up, and the corner of his mouth slowly outlined a smile, but no one looked at it. To.

"Boy, there are so many people waiting to see you making a fool of yourself!"

In the Soul Space, Balo smiled and spoke.

"Look at me making a fool of yourself? That might disappoint them!"

Ye Wuque smiled faintly in his heart, and his eyes suddenly burst into light, looking at the five standing stone pillars in the distance, his right hand clenched into a fist, and he stepped out!

Ye Wuque's move immediately caused countless people's expressions to change!

"I'll go! He really shot?"

"Young man! You always have to fight to the death in the end!"

Just when many monks shook their heads and sighed, thinking that Ye Wuque was not reconciled, they suddenly heard waves of mighty sounds that seemed to be raging into the sky, as if they were suddenly placed in front of an endless ocean, making them trance!

"What's the matter? What happened?"

Suddenly someone exclaimed!

But the next moment...


I saw that on the stone platform, as Ye Wuque blasted out with a punch, the phantom of the angry wave was born, turning into a huge fist and trembling, sweeping away one after another, bursting in all directions, and it was swept in an instant. Those five stone pillars!

Boom boom boom boom!

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Five successive roars resounded, and the five stone pillars were blasted to pieces in an instant!

The huge fist intent has not disappeared even after smashing the five stone pillars, the void roars, and the constant shaking one after another, the full strength of the punch is clearly visible, and it shows the meaning of completion!

The moment countless people saw this scene, their expressions solidified almost at the same time, their whole bodies trembling, a pair of eyeballs opened in an instant, their breathing was stagnant, and the corners of their eyes almost burst open!

Ten punches!

This is a situation that can only occur when the tenfold rage wave fist is comprehended to the perfect state!

What is the realm of great accomplishment, within three hours, Ye Wuque actually realized this set of celestial supernatural powers to the highest realm of perfection!

"The tester will complete the realm of comprehension of the stars' supernatural powers within three hours, pass the realisation of supernatural powers perfectly, and be eligible to enter the second level!"

The cold ancient voice resounded loudly, echoing in all directions, and the black cloud floating above Ye Wuque's head also directly dispersed!

At this moment, there is a dead silence between the whole world!

Everyone stayed!



How is this possible?

Only these five words continued to explode in everyone's hearts, and their heads were about to explode!

Those new disciples of the Beidou Dao Extreme Sect who were gloating and ready to watch Ye Wuque's good show at this moment all looked funny and ridiculous!

Some opened their mouths wide, as if swallowing hundreds of flies!

Some were pale and their eyes were shaking!

Some even pinch themselves subconsciously, as if they don't believe all this is true at all!

However, like the results of the four previous tests of Ye Wuque, the cold and ancient voice tells everyone that all of this is true!

Ye Wuque not only comprehended a set of supernatural powers within three hours, but also comprehended the highest level of Consummation!

This is simply an incredible miracle!

The Tianjiao among the top ten disciples selected at this moment is no longer calm and calm, even the top three Yan Zongheng, Yu Qiongru, and Wu Suowei are shocked!

The light in Yan Zongzong's eyes became very terrifying, staring at Ye Wuque's back, his whole body exuded a terrifying aura!

"It's just amazing insight, I don't believe that his next trial can still be so earth-shattering!"

Wu Suowei, who ranked third, finally couldn't help but speak. He admitted that Ye Wuque was very savvy, but he didn't think that Ye Wuque was also strong in other aspects. Even if all four tests were eighth rank, what if his savvy reached nine?

The same is true for him, one of which has also reached the highest rank Nine!

Wu Suo's opening fell in the ears of many cultivators who had recovered from the shock, and it also made them feel somewhat reasonable.

"Perhaps Ye Wuque is really just a 9th-Rank with amazing comprehension, and the enlightenment of supernatural powers in the first level of this 100-refined true dragon is exactly what he is good at?"

"Even if this is the case, isn't it scary enough?"

"It's hard to say now, just pass the first level with comprehension ability, surely the next trial will no longer be comprehension, right? Just look down!"

A famous cultivator was whispering, after all, Ye Wuque had only passed the first level in the trial of the 100-refined true dragon, and it was just the beginning.

Kaka Kaka...

This is the sound made by clenching her fists after violently rubbing the knuckles because of excessive force. It was from the hands of the old woman in the white robe. Although she was wearing a wide white robe at this moment, her body was trembling unceasingly!

That was caused by Ye Wu's gas!

"Consummation! Why is this? Is it possible that this little **** is truly talented? No! I don't believe it! No one can be better than the aspect! Absolutely impossible! This little **** is just pure and highly savvy!"

The white robe old woman was trying desperately to convince herself, but her eyes were staring at Ye Wuque, and there was a lot of resentment in her!

Elder Hong Tao above the void stared at Ye Wuque as well, but there was a faint light of approval flashing away.

But at this moment, Ye Wuque had already taken a step forward, and he came to the position in the middle of the bronze dragon body, where he heard the cold ancient voice again!

"The second level of the Hundred Refining True Dragon Trial... Primordial Moyue Town Spirit Flesh!"

The icy and ancient voice quickly made the world become quiet, so people immediately looked at the Bailian Peak attentively, wanting to know what the content of the second trial was.

A stone platform appeared again in front of Ye Wuque. He was stopped and stood upright, listening quietly.

"The spirit and flesh content of the Primordial Moyue Town... The phantom of the Primordial Moyue suppresses the mind, will and the flesh of the tester. After surpassing one of the Primordial Moyue, the second one will be added up, one by one. Moyue phantom, the tester must overcome three Primordial Moyue phantoms to pass the second level. If they can’t resist, they will be driven out after 100,000 thunderstorms.

Trial. "

When the content of the second level trial resounded through the world with the cold and ancient voice, a strong doubt and incomprehension came out of everyone's hearts!

The content of this test is obviously related to the mind and will and the body, but what is this Primordial Demon Mountain that suppresses the body and soul?

In front of the stone platform, Ye Wuque's black hair was fluttering and his complexion was calm. From beginning to end, he didn't have any tension in his heart, but rather an expectation.

In his eyes, the Hundred Refinement True Dragon Trial is not so much a trial, but a disguised tempering that can make him stronger.


At this moment, a roar that seemed to reverberate from the ancient times suddenly appeared in the world, with an extreme echo and depth, and emerged from the sky. It was a huge black phantom. That Primordial Moyue phantom!

It is shaped like a huge peak in the sky, and the whole body is pitch black, but it is actually condensed from nine black and lacquered ancient stars, lying above the void, as if it can suppress nine heavens and ten earth!


When everyone saw the true appearance of this Primordial Moyue phantom, a series of unbelievable and even air-conditioned voices continued to explode in all directions!

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