Return of the War God

Chapter 1836: : Hold Moyue with one hand!

"This is the Primordial Moyue phantom? My God! This is clearly composed of nine layers of stars! And the nine layers of stars are the test of perseverance in disciple selection!"

"During the selection of disciples, the person who can resist the triple stars is the third rank of perseverance, the one who has surpassed the five stars is the fifth rank of perseverance, the one who has surpassed the seventh stars is the seventh rank of perseverance, and the eighth stars are the eighth rank, and the highest nine All resistance is the nine ranks of perseverance! But now a Primordial Demon Mountain is composed of nine layers of stars! Doesn't it mean...;...;"

"This means that the foundation of the level of'Prime Moyue Town Spirit Flesh' is that the performance of resisting one Primordial Demon Mountain is comparable to the Ninth Rank of Perseverance! But if you want to pass the level, you must resist three Primordial Demon Yue Xu. Shadow, that's twenty-seven stars! My God! Who can hold it? I'm afraid it will be squashed!"

Someone in the crowd kept exclaiming, full of incredible and unbelievable!

Yan Zongheng, who was standing with his arms folded, suddenly dropped his arms, and a deep shock appeared in his eyes!

In the perseverance test, he resisted the nine-fold stars and obtained the nine-tier perseverance, but because of this, he knew the terribleness of the nine-fold stars. At that time, he almost tore his body and collapsed!

But now in the trial of Primordial Moyue Town's soul and flesh, if you want to pass the level, you need to resist the twenty-seven stars, which is three times more!

Who can do such terrible conditions?

The face of the old woman in the white robe was equally unbelievable, but she was immediately replaced by a wild laugh!

"Twenty-seven stars! Hahahaha...;...;This little **** will be directly crushed into flesh!"

Just when countless people felt grief and thought that the second level of the 100-refined real dragon trial was too bad for the sky, Ye Wuque on the bronze dragon moved!

The black hair was stirring, Ye Wuque did not hesitate, his figure appeared directly on the stone platform!


When Ye Wuque stood still, the phantom of the Primordial Moyue above his head suddenly roared, and the nine black stars on it all gleamed with black magic light, directly suppressing Ye Wuque, and all the voids were shaking. , Seems to be unable to bear this terrifying pressure at all!

However, at this time, Ye Wuque raised his head slightly, his bright eyes looked at the suppressed Taigu Moyue phantom, his face was calm, without any strangeness.

In the next moment, everyone saw that Ye Wuque raised a hand, palm up, and opened his five fingers in a gesture of lifting. However, there was no more!

Ye Wuque suddenly raised only one right hand, and his left hand was behind his back. He didn't want to raise it in the same way!

"Damn! Is this Ye Wuque crazy? Is it possible that he just wants to use one hand to use the nine-layer stars? Is he looking for death?"

Someone exclaimed immediately, and the tone was shaking!


A huge roar resounded, and I saw that the madly falling Primordial Demon Yue shadow stopped suddenly!

On the stone platform, Ye Wuque held up the sky with one hand, and with just one hand he held the phantom of the Primordial Demon Mountain composed of nine-layer stars!

Ye Wuque's complexion was still calm, and the bottom was as steady as a rock, without the slightest tremor and effort, as if he was holding a piece of tofu instead of a phantom of the ancient magic mountain!


When everyone saw this scene, there seemed to be thousands of mountains exploded in their hearts, buzzing in their heads, and their hearts roaring, like a ghost in the day!

Hold Moyue in one hand!

It is as simple as eating and drinking water if the face is not flushed or short of breath!

Is this Nima really a dream?


Yan Zongzong's fists clenched in an instant, and the knuckles rubbed violently and made a sound!

"I lifted a Primordial Demon Mountain so easily! How could it be possible?"

An uncontrollable horror overflowed from the bottom of Yan Zongheng's heart. He has been calm, calm and calm, and stormy waves have appeared in such an instant!


But then, the second roar suddenly resounded, and the second Taigu Moyue phantom immediately followed, and directly suppressed it!


With a roar, the second Taikoo Moyue phantom was superimposed on the first Taikoo Moyue phantom. The dust was soaring, and the terrifying force swept across all directions, and the entire Bailian Peak trembled slightly!

But what is jaw-dropping is that under the suppression of two Primordial Demon Mountain with 18 stars, Ye Wuque's state here is no different from before, there is no change at all!

Still supporting the sky with one hand, his complexion is calm, not the slightest embarrassment and strangeness!

The whole world has already become deadly silent, and countless people’s breathing is stagnant, and they can’t say anything, just like a puppet, they subconsciously look at the third Primordial Demon Yue phantom that appears above the void. !


After a total of three Primordial Demon Yue phantoms and a full twenty-seven stars were suppressed on Ye Wuque's body, a scene where people were about to faint with horror happened!

Ye Wuque still held the sky with one hand, and one right hand held up three Primordial Moyue phantoms, standing on the stone platform like a golden God of War, motionless!

"What the hell!"

Countless monks groaned tremblingly, staring blankly as Ye Wuque held up three Primordial Moyues with his hand, like twenty-seven stars, his breathing became rapid, and even his legs fell soft and fell on the ground. Ground!

At this moment, whether it was Yan Zongheng, Yu Qiongru or Wu Suowei, the expressions of the three people became extremely exciting and funny!

Especially Yan Zongheng, his arms were trembling, he stared at Ye Wuque, his eyes were full of shock, incredible, and unwillingness!

"What a monster!"

Yu Qiongru, who was fluttering in white, spoke lightly, her beautiful eyes watched Ye Wuque's interior surging with a faint splendor, and her red lips had a slight curve.

Wu Suowei couldn't say a word. He seemed to be struck by lightning, motionless, just looking at Ye Wuque stupidly.

The white-robed old woman couldn't say a word at this moment, her old face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and finally there was a deep horror and unbelievable expression in her eyes!

"How can this little **** be so terrible? What is his origin? Where did the freak pop out of! Damn! Damn!"

Even if she wanted to insult Ye Wuque, the old woman in the white robe couldn't find any words, she could only jump so pale, because the facts in front of her were too shocking, which made her feel bitter, and the look in Ye Wuque's eyes became more and more bitter stand up!

No surprise, no matter what the final result will be, all the limelight and glory of her great-grandson Yan has been completely wiped out by Ye Wuque's spear, and nothing is left!


At this moment, the fourth and fifth Primordial Demon Yue phantoms manifested simultaneously, floating above the void, and then they were suppressed at the same time!

After two roars, the five Primordial Demon Mountain, a total of forty-five stars were added together, and they were suppressed on Ye Wuque's body!

And Ye Wuque here still pays

Whether the face is not red or breathless, still...;...;One hand!

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Hold the five mountains in one hand!

The cultivators in the entire world seemed to have lost their voices, and everything became deadly silent. Even the elder Hong Tao above the void had a deep sense of shock in his old eyes at this moment!

Because everyone can see that for Ye Wuque, holding the five mountains in one hand is far from the ultimate limit!

At the same moment!

There are already many figures in the first, second and third levels of the nine-layer realm above the star sea in the distance, and there are more eyes swept down, seeming to have noticed what happened here!

"The tester Ye Wuque picked up the five Primordial Moyue phantoms, passed the second level perfectly, and qualified to enter the third level trial!"

The sudden cold ancient voice sounded, awakened countless people, and infinitely amplified the glory of Ye Wuque here!

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