Return of the War God

Chapter 1838: : Thirteen statues!

It is indeed impossible to kill the Golden Armored Soldier in a few breaths, but Ye Wuque needs only a dozen breaths!

"Look! A total of seven or eight golden light spots are surrounding you! Tsk tsk, Ye Wuque encountered a siege!"

Just when many people hadn't recovered, some people exclaimed loudly!

Above the light curtain, the cyan light spot represented by Ye Wuque was completely surrounded by seven or eight golden light spots, which means that Ye Wuque was surrounded by a full eight soldiers!

At this moment, everyone's hearts were raised immediately!

The time of three hours was getting closer and closer, and this time Ye Wuque seemed to have finally fallen into a crisis.

At the same time, at the location of the first pass, the time for the magical enlightenment of the Yan Zong trio and Oxichen is approaching!

However, just when the last ten breaths were left in the world three hours away, an incredible scene happened!

Above the light curtain of the third level!

The eight golden light spots disappeared three at this moment!

After five breaths!

Two disappeared again!

According to the trial conditions, Ye Wuque had completed the fourth trial!

But just at the last breath that was about to end in three hours, the remaining three light spots disappeared in an instant!

Only the only cyan light spot remained on the entire light!

In other words, the entire illusory battlefield was directly cleared by Ye Wuque, regardless of whether your silver armor or golden armor was killed by Ye Wuque!


The huge light curtain before the fourth level trembles, as soon as the streamer lasses from it and rushes into Ye Wuque's body, the next moment, his closed eyes suddenly open!

At the same time, four earth-shattering roars erupted at the location of the first pass. It was Yan Zongheng, Yu Qiongru, Wu Suowei, and Ou Xichen who started the detection of supernatural powers!

"Do not!!"

Only heard a voice full of unwillingness and despair resounding, Wu Suowei was struck by the thunder on top of his head, and screamed and was driven out of Bailianfeng directly!

In front of him, only one of the five stone pillars was broken. Within three hours, he had realized the supernatural powers of the stars only to the point of infancy. If he did not reach the standard, he would fail!

And for the remaining three people, three of the pillars in front of them were broken, all of them reached the realm of great success, and they passed the grades.

"The tester Wu Suowei was unqualified and was thundered and expelled from the test. The tester Yan Zongheng, Yu Qiongru, and Oxichen comprehended the supernatural powers of the stars to the realm of Dacheng within three hours. Through the enlightenment of supernatural powers, there is Qualify to enter the second level."

With the icy ancient voice resounding, the first level results of Yan Zongheng, Yu Qiongru, and Ou Xichen were announced.

Ou Xichen and Yu Qiongru were okay, but at this moment, Yan Zongheng's expression was gloomy and severe, his fists clenched, and his eyes were full of extreme unwillingness and fierceness!

He did his best to pass the enlightenment of supernatural powers, but it is obvious that compared with the previous results of Ye Wuque, he is more than one way behind!

At this moment, the second cold and ancient voice resounded from the place where Bailian Peak was higher than the third stage trial, echoing between heaven and earth!

"Trial Ye Wuque killed ninety-nine silver armored soldiers and eight gold armored soldiers within three hours, passing the third level perfectly!"

"Trial Ye Wuque perfectly passed the first three levels and is eligible to open the final level of the Hundred Refined True Dragon Trial...Tianjiao strives for hegemony!"

As soon as the two words of the cold ancient voice came out, all the cultivators sighed deeply, looking at the back of Ye Wuque who was slowly walking towards the last pass, his eyes were full of surprise!

Before the first level, Yan Zongheng's gloomy face instantly became as black as the bottom of a pot after hearing these two sentences, his teeth clenched, and bloodshot eyes spread out in his eyes!

Many people turned their eyes to Yan Zongheng, Yu Qiongru, and Ou Xichen, and they also sighed deeply, shaking their heads slightly!

Originally, Ye Wuque drove through the barriers alone, although his performance was amazing and shocking, but now with the appearance of the three of Yan Zongong, the results are in sharp contrast, this difference is immediately revealed, and it brings a more impactful one. Shocked!

Wu Suowei was eliminated, and the three of Yan Zongheng, Yu Qiongru, and Ou Xichen could only meet the conditions to pass.

There is no comparison, there is no harm!

The face of the white-robed old woman at the moment is ten times more ugly than Yan Zongheng!

She loves her great-grandson, and her hatred for Ye Wuque is so strong that it can't be added!

The much-anticipated Ye Wuque can't care what others think. He looks at the top of Bailian Peak, the position of the dragon head of the bronze dragon at his feet, where the brilliance is shining, as if there is a special world, but there is a spirit in his eyes. Passing by!

"The first three levels must be perfected to open the last level, which is really a bit curious..."

At this moment, Ye Wuque could not see Balao's body, who had been sitting quietly in his soul space, was trembling slightly. The eyes under the black iron mask were filled with anger, sadness, resentment, sneer, and madness. And so many complicated emotions!

With his body flashing, Ye Wuque directly climbed to the top of Bailian Peak and came to the dragon head of the bronze dragon!

And the eyes of all the cultivators in the whole world moved with Ye Wuque's movement. Obviously, everyone was full of curiosity about the final trial that must be completed in the first three stages.

Of course, a small number of people focused their eyes on the three of Yan Zongheng, Yu Qiongru, and Ou Xichen, and the three of them also began to enter the second stage of the trial.

Above the void in the distance, Elder Hong Tao looked at Ye Wuque who stepped onto the top of Bailian Peak, and then at the shining brilliance between the dragon's head, his old eyes were filled with wonder!

The first three levels of the Hundred Refined True Dragon Trials are all completed!

How long have you not encountered such a stunning seedling?

How long has the last level in the legend of the Hundred Refined True Dragon Trials been unopened?

"This child...must be accepted!"

This is the thought surging in Elder Hong Tao's heart at this moment!

Before the second trial.

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A terrifying sharp light surged in Yan Zongheng's eyes. He stepped directly on the stone platform without any hesitation!


The phantom of the Primordial Moyue is here!

Before the final trial!

When Ye Wuque came here, the shining brilliance spread out and enveloped him.

After more than a dozen breaths, an ancient, mottled, time-filled battlefield appeared in front of Ye Wuque, and also in front of everyone.

In that ancient battlefield, on the top of Bailian Peak, opposite Ye Wuque, a total of 13 statues of the same height stood!

These 13 statues are male and female, and they are all very young. Even after years of scouring, there is still no weathering and damage. Each statue exudes a completely different atmosphere, either sturdy, elegant, heavy, or strange. ...

But the same is that there is a kind of soaring momentum!

This is... invincible momentum!

Thirteen invincible forces rose to the sky, shaking the hearts of all the cultivators between heaven and earth!

Everyone felt that from every sculpture exuded an aura of determination to rule the world, and I am invincible!

It seems to have seen thirteen peerless talents standing at the top in different years!

No one thought that there would be thirteen statues on the top of Bailian Peak!

In an instant, the same doubts came to everyone's heart!

So what exactly do these thirteen sculptures represent?

Why would you stand on top of Bailian Peak?

Above the void, the elder Hong Tao, who has been silent, suddenly spoke: "Those who are qualified to leave a statue of themselves on the top of Bailian Peak are a manifestation of glory and achievement. They have successfully passed Bailian since endless years. Thirteen peerless talents who joined the Great Sect of the Beidou Dao after the True Dragon Trial!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole room was boiling!

"In addition to being a kind of glory and achievement, this sculpture also embodies the strength of these thirteen peerless talents when they broke through!"

Elder Hong Tao continued to speak, shaking in all directions.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard this sentence, and a sudden realization broke out in their eyes!

"So the content of the final level of this 100-refined true dragon trial is..."

A monk exclaimed, as if he had already thought of something.

Huh huh!

Countless eyes instantly condensed on Ye Wuque, who was standing on the ancient battlefield facing 13 statues far away!

At the same time, the cold ancient voice finally resounded again!

"The specific content of the final stage of the "Tianjiao Contend for Hegemony" of the Hundred Refined True Dragon Trial...The tester Ye Wuque chose a statue to confront him.

On the ancient battlefield, after hearing these words, Ye Wuque, with black hair and fluttering hair, suddenly burst into light in his eyes!

"Do these thirteen statues represent the thirteen peerless arrogances who have gone through the trials of a hundred refining real dragons in the endless years? Then this battle will be a bit interesting, but who should I choose... Right."

Just when Ye Wuque was about to choose one at random, Balao's voice in the Divine Soul Space suddenly sounded, even if he desperately suppressed it, Ye Wuque could still hear a tremor in Balao's tone!

"Ye Xiaozi! Please one thing!"

The words of Balao made Ye Wuque's eyes flash. He had never heard the word "beg" in Balao's words, and immediately said: "Please say, Balao."

"Choose the third statue on the right! Give it to me... smashed into pieces, shattered and ashes!!!"

The last eight characters of Balao almost roared out, and there was a monstrous hatred in his tone, and a trace of sorrow that could not be concealed!

After Balao said this, Ye Wuque nodded without hesitation and said: "Okay!"

Immediately, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the statue Barao said!

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