Return of the War God

Chapter 1839: : Rakuhoku Emperor!

Genius remembers "" in one second.

As far as I can see, it is a statue of a tall and even stalwart young man!

Each statue is made of the spirit and true spirit left by the peerless Tianjiao who has passed the trial of a hundred refining true dragons, so each one is life-like, retaining the look, temperament, and appearance of each of them The eighty-nine is not far from ten.

This statue of a young man named by Balao has a thick purple hair, looks like a knife, handsome, handsome and tall, and can be called a beautiful man in a million!

But his aura is enough to make people easily overlook his appearance!

This statue stands still in place, but when seen from a distance, Ye Wuque seems to see a peerless **** who has come step by step from the distant ancient years!


King over the world!

This is definitely a splendid and dazzling peerless arrogant. In his young years, he is enough to contemplate the same generation, proud of the world, and is the peak true dragon that countless people of the same generation can only look up to!

Especially that pair of eyes are clearly solidified statues, but there seems to be a mysterious mist in them, as if chaotic air is spreading, and there is an illusion that the sun, moon and stars are destroyed and reborn in it!

And what is even more frightening is that in addition to these visions, there is also a kind of strange light in these eyes, which is strange and unpredictable!

If ordinary creatures see the eyes of this young man statue, they will be instantly overwhelmed, shivering, and can't help but worship him!

How terrible is this?

You know that this is just a statue. What kind of horror would it be if I were here?

However, Ye Wuque was not an ordinary creature.

This rushing, King Over the World momentum did not change his expression, and a smile with a hint of interest and even excitement emerged from the bright eyes!

"This person... is very strong! It is not just the strength of cultivation, but a kind of strength from the soul and the will of the soul. He is a real strong man who has experienced thousands of tempers and is a real dragon. [] "

Ye Wuque didn't add stingy praise in his heart. With just a glance, he deeply felt the power of this statue. It was definitely a master of generation!

But it’s no wonder that since the endless years of the Great Sect of the North Dou Dao, I don’t know how many Tianjiao admired to enter this 100-refined true dragon trial, but only thirteen people succeeded in the end, which is enough to show that these thirteen people are amazing and powerful. One is the existence of the same generation.

"That's more interesting..."

A sharp smile appeared at the corner of Ye Wuque's mouth, and he directly raised his right hand to the statue!


Following Ye Wuque’s finger, the other twelve statues immediately roared and slowly retreated, leaving only the statue selected by Ye Wuque still in place. At the same time, the cold Gula’s voice sounded again. !

"The trialer Ye Wuque chooses the statue... Luo Beihuang! The Tianjiao battle for hegemony has officially begun!"

Luo Beihuang!

This is the name of the peerless Tianjiao who left this statue!

Just listen to the moment when the cold and ancient fell, a strange sound began to be heard from the statue of the Northern Emperor Naluo, as if something was going to come out of it!

The eyes of all the monks between heaven and earth are only staring at the ancient battlefield, staring at the statues of Ye Wuque and Luo Beihuang, their eyes are full of expectation and enthusiasm, waiting for the start of this peerless battle!

One is a peerless arrogant who has gone through a hundred refining real dragon trials a long time ago and is qualified to leave his statue!

One is to start the Hundred Refined Real Dragon Trial once again and pass the first three levels perfectly and then open the last one, the enchanting man who turned out to be born!

This is exactly the big showdown between two generations of true dragons across time and space!

How can it not make people excited and look forward to it?

With black hair fluttering, Ye Wuque stood tall, with bright eyes looking at the statue of Luo Beihuang with interest. At this moment, I saw that the right arm of the statue slowly changed from the original black rock-like texture to... flesh and blood!

The statue is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at the same time an overwhelming invincible aura slowly explodes, domineering and overwhelming!

"Hiss! What a terrible aura! Only one arm was revived!"

Feeling the aura that overflowed from the statue, some monks had already begun to panic, their hearts trembled, and their tone trembled.

Above the void, Elder Hong Tao's old eyes were also staring at the resurrected statue, but there was a strange glow in it, and there was a sense of fear if nothing happened!

"Luo Beihuang..."

These three words slowly sounded from the mouth of Elder Hong Tao, and then stopped abruptly, as if this name represents a taboo and should not be easily uttered!

After more than a dozen breaths, the statue of Luo Beihuang has recovered halfway, only the waist and legs are left. His figure is already tall and stalwart. Now that he is transformed from a statue to a flesh and blood body, that kind of extreme dominance over the world The momentum is as endless as the Yangtze River, conquering the world!

But at this moment, there was a rage full of extreme unwillingness and pain resounding in all directions, breaking the quiet atmosphere, and it came from the second level of the bronze dragon, which immediately attracted countless people's attention!

"Hold on to me!"

That was the voice of... Yan Zongheng!

On the stone platform, his arms are trembling all over, his face is distorted, his eyes are full of craziness and scarlet!

Above his hands, two Primordial Moyue phantoms were suppressed, and the second one was just dropped!

In the previous four tests, Yan Zongheng tried his best to resist the suppression of the nine-fold stars and won the Ninth Rank of Perseverance. But now when the second Taigu Demon Mountain phantom came, he finally realized it. What is despair!

A full eighteen layers of stars!

Even if the energy of breastfeeding is used, the flesh is torn wildly, and the pores have sprayed bleeding mist, but Yan Zongheng still desperately finds that it is impossible to carry the two Primordial Moyue phantoms, but he remembered just now in his mind Ye Wuque held Wu Yue's back in his hand, and the unwillingness and despair in his heart seemed to have turned into a sharp blade in his heart!

But what can I do if I am unwilling?

"Do not!!!"

Finally, Yan Zongheng reached his limit and let out a hoarse and desperate roar. The whole person was crushed by the two Primordial Demon Yue phantoms, and he flew upside down. The void blood spurted wildly, and the whole body was stained as if it was split apart. Red, fell to the ground!

"The tester Yan Zongheng failed the challenge! Suffered by a hundred thousand thunderstorms, expelled the trial!"


The cold and ancient voice resounded, and then a terrifying thunder light was cut from the black cloud floating above Yan Zongheng's head, and it hit him directly!


In the disciple selection, Yan Zongheng, who should have been added with endless glory, was struck by thunder, and sent a desperate howl. He was directly smashed out of Bailian Peak. He was scorched and smashed to the ground, fainting. Past!

Countless monks between heaven and earth have grown up mouths, and the more than 10,000 new disciples of the Great Northern Dou Dao Sect in front of the huge city are all trembling, their faces are frightened, desperate, and defeated, and some even have legs. Soft!

The hope in their hearts, Yan Zong, who ranked first, will have such a miserable end!

They didn't know how ridiculous their previous thoughts were until now!

Only at this moment did they know how terrifying the trial of the 100-refined true dragon was, and how powerful and terrifying Ye Wuque was!


The white robe old woman seemed to be dripping blood in her heart, her teeth were almost broken, a heart was picked up, her face became distorted, and she wanted to rush to Yan Zongheng's side immediately!

But she can't do this!

Can only desperately suppress!

Otherwise, if this happens, her relationship with Yan Zongheng will inevitably be questioned and investigated. If it is found out, then Yan Zongheng's future will be over!

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Because the white-robed old woman had repeatedly embezzled the resources of the Beidou Dao Extreme Sect to cultivate Yan Zongzong in secret, this is absolutely not permitted by the rules of the clan, once discovered, she will definitely be punished severely.

"Little bastard! Little beast! It's you who killed me! I want you to die! I must have you pay thousands of times!"

The eyes of the white-robed old woman were scarlet, and she stared at the back of Ye Wuque on the ancient battlefield on the top of Bailian Peak, and blamed all of this on Ye Wuque!

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