Return of the War God

Chapter 1849: :question

The so-called Yilitong Bailitong, the success of an enlightening **** pill greatly increased Ye Wuque's confidence, and he must take advantage of the victory, continue to refine medicine, and continuously deepen his proficiency.

In this world, there is nothing that can be successful casually, you must put in effort and sweat.

As a result, the long and boring alchemy began, but Ye Wuque was happily enjoying it.

Soon, two days passed!

"Get up!"

Inside the cave, Ye Wuque's seal of the spirit seal was printed, and the colorful flames in the Taixu Refining Heavenly Cauldron surging again, and then extinguished, and immediately a thumb the size of it, as if clouds of beautiful and unusual pill flew out from it, and fell on In Ye Wuque's hands!

"Eight-level pill... Xiaoluoxiadan!"

There was a hint of joy in his eyes, a hint of exhaustion, and bloodshot spread, but Ye Wuque's spirit was very excited.

Immediately after his thoughts moved, the three small jade bottles in front of him were opened together, and several pills flew out of them. In an instant, a strong fragrance of medicine filled the whole cave, refreshing the heart!

"Eight Pills of Wushen Pills, 9 Pills of Air Extinguishment, 6 Pills of Xiaoluoxia Pill, a total of 23 Pills of Eight-Rank, enough! The hard work of these two days has not been wasted!"

Ye Wuque murmured to himself, and a touch of brilliance came out of his bloodshot eyes!

"Then it's time for a blockbuster!"

Throwing an elixir into his mouth, Ye Wuque resumed his consumption during the two days and collected the 23 elixir, then left the cave and headed to Freedom Square.

Liberty Square is still full of voices and popularity!

Ye Wuque found a corner and sat down, but three small jade bottles were placed in front of him, and immediately with his right hand, a light curtain of Yuanli was born suddenly, with golden light shining, and a line of colors appeared on it. Strong, big characters with great visual impact!

"Eight-Rank God Pill, one to open up one Shenquan!"

After the golden characters appeared, they immediately attracted countless people, and many people gathered directly, with doubts, disdain, and shock in their eyes, and they kept talking.

"It's a big breath! Although an eight-level pill is indeed precious, one can open up a sacred spring? This is simply a dream!"

"It is probably grandstanding, this guy does not have the white robe of the alchemist granted by the city of pill, and he is not a grade alchemist at all, he is definitely here to kill people!"

"Not necessarily, if it is true? Maybe this guy really got this pill?"

"You are stupid! I really have this kind of pill that I have taken by myself for a long time, and will be sold? It is auctioned for a reserve price of 800 contribution value, it is almost unknown!"

In just half an hour, the people here are accumulating more and more, but doubtful people account for the vast majority, and no one really buys it. This price is too expensive, but many people are excited, but still hesitate.

Ye Wuque kept his eyes closed and rested, not rushing or impatient, refining the medicine in his body, waiting quietly.

"Get out of the way! One pill can open up a divine spring? Master Mo Fengdan dare not boast such a Haikou! Who is such a big breath?"

A burly and mighty figure suddenly appeared in the crowd, dashing like an iron tower, pushed a group of people away, and walked to the front with a hint of suspicion.

"Hi! It's Mr. Xiong!"

"It's really him. It is said that his cultivation level has been stuck in the twenty-nine divine springs for several years, and there has been no way to break through!"

The people around have recognized the person who is a member of a force in the city, known as Xiong Lao San!

"Hmm! I know you, Ye Wuque! But you are so awesome, and a pill opens up a divine spring? Aren't you afraid that the wind will flash your tongue? Even the one-leaf grass alchemist granted by Pill City can do it No, can you have this kind of pill? It's just a big joke!"

Laosan Xiong looked at Ye Wuque and hummed, his eyes filled with a hint of coldness, but there was a hint of longing deep down there.

"Believe it or not, just buy one and try it."

Ye Wuque spoke slightly, but his eyes were still slightly closed.

s watch for free, small/o says

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of everyone around him changed slightly!

Because they could see that Ye Wuque was extremely calm and calm, with no guilty conscience and fear at all.

This posture is either that the pill is really so powerful, or it is a lunatic!

"Huh! Eight hundred sects' contribution is worth buying your sensational medicinal pill? You think I'm stupid! But since you are so big, then I will give you a chance to take out one for me to take it. It's useful, everything is easy to say, if it's useless... Humph! Even if you are a Tianjiao who has passed the trial of a hundred refining real dragons, you can't ask for it today!"

Older Xiong sneered and opened his mouth, looking scheming.


As soon as he said this, Ye Wuque's eyes on Weibo opened, and his calm eyes looked towards Xiong Lao San!


The originally sneer Xiong Lao San's expression changed in an instant, his face filled with a hint of horror, as if there was a sense of fear that the mountain was overwhelming, as if facing their leader!

In an instant, the old man Xiong understood that the black robe boy in his eyes was definitely an unfathomable master!

Just when the youngest Xiong was in fear, Ye Wuque's eyes drooped down, making him amnesty, but then he heard Ye Wuque's faint voice sound.

"Your luck is really good, but I also need you as a test subject."

Immediately, Ye Wuque flicked his fingers, and a beautiful pill that Ruo Yunxia flew towards the old man Xiong, and he immediately grabbed it in his hand. It was Xiao Luoxia Dan!

In an instant, the eyes of countless people around were on the pill in the hands of Old Man Xiong!

"The appearance is good, but it's hard to say whether the effect will work!"

Xiong Laosan grabbed this little Luoxia Pill and sniffed the man's strange pill incense, feeling that the vitality in his body seemed to be surging, but he was still stiff.

However, when he thought of Ye Wuque being in full view, how could he dare not give himself a poison, at best, the effect was not good.

Immediately, Laosan Xiong's eyes condensed, and he opened his mouth and swallowed the Xiaoluoxiadan directly.

As the pill entered his abdomen, Oldest Xiong's eyes closed, his face expressionless, as if he was feeling something.

A little bit of time passed, everyone was waiting for Xiong Laosan's changes, but a full quarter of an hour passed, Xiong Laosan still stood in place like an iron tower, motionless!

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