Return of the War God

Chapter 1850: : Completely crazy!

"No response yet? It's probably not effective!"

"Yes! A pill to open up a divine spring? It's impossible!"


Gradually, the surrounding crowd began to whisper disdainfully, and even some people were already impatiently preparing to leave.

However, Ye Wuque still sat cross-legged quietly, without the slightest worry.


At this moment, Xiong Laosan, who had been keeping his eyes closed and motionless, suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a cloud-like red color inside, and the whole person let out a painful and pleasant roar, scaring everyone!

"What kind of situation should I rely on? Youngest Xiong looks painful! Is it really poison?"

"Selling poison in broad daylight? Isn't Ye Wuque looking for death?"

Xiong Laosan's low roar continued for several breaths and then stopped abruptly, and then a shocking and incredible scene happened to everyone!


I saw all the divine springs behind Xiong Lao San suddenly manifested, and the whole body was surging with a strong and incomparable aura, and finally all the 29 gods evolved!

But in the next moment, among the twenty-nine divine springs, there appeared... the thirtieth divine spring!


Thirty divine springs were surging together, and the aura of Xiong Lao San's whole body instantly increased several times, and the coercion permeated all directions!

"I'm going! It's a breakthrough! Laosan Xiong really broke through!"

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"The thirtieth sacred spring! How is this possible? Xiong Laosan really opened up the thirtieth sacred spring!"

"God pill! It's really a pill!"

The entire surrounding crowd suddenly boiled, and shocking screams resounded from all directions, and all the Apprentice Wangxing who were present had their eyes widened!

Immediately, every gaze suddenly became like a hungry wolf, and they all looked at the three small jade bottles in front of Ye Wuque, full of greed and passion!

Xiong Lao San had also opened his eyes at this moment, feeling the surging dream power in his body. He couldn't help but burst into laughter. He immediately seemed to think of something, and rushed directly to Ye Wuque and shouted: "This pill What's the name? It has such an effect! I want it all!"

As soon as these words came out, it was as if an oil drum was lit up, and all the star-gazing apprentices from all directions couldn't help but flock to Ye Wuque. The momentum was shocking, and he was almost trampled to death!

One pill can open up a divine spring!

This Nima is not a **** pill, what is a **** pill?


However, in the next instant, a faint humming sound suddenly sounded, making all the faces of everyone who had been almost crazy, and their bodies were frozen in cold sweat!

"Ye was originally here to sell these three medicines today. The medicine he took just now was named Xiaoluoxiadan, and there were two other medicines, Wushen medicine and Kongmai medicine, both of which are eight grade medicines. The effect is different, but the effect is not below Xiaoluoxiadan."

"Once taken, the enlightening pill can make people's spirits clear and clear, and even increase their comprehension by 30% within a quarter of an hour. It is a wonderful pill for practicing and understanding magical powers!"

"Kong Mie Dan is a kind of existence similar to a forbidden drug. After taking it, the surging power of the drug can double in an instant even if it is around thirty-two divine springs. The most important thing is that there is no too irreversible sequelae. , It’s just a day off."

"There are five Xiaoluoxia Pills left, eight Shen Enlightening Pills, and nine Air Destruction Pills."

"Each pill can only be taken once within three months. Xiaoluoxiadan is not unlimited. After taking it once, resistance will develop. The effect of the medicine will be reduced to 30% for the king of the 35 gods above. People king masters above forty divine springs have no effect."

"You want it, but you have to buy it according to the rules. Who dares to be presumptuous is at your own risk! And no one believes in the efficacy of the pill that I refined. Now the price has increased, and the contribution value of a thousand sects is!"

Ye Wuque spoke faintly, and the people around immediately retreated as if they had become good babies, but their expressions suddenly changed again, and the eyes looking at the other two small jade bottles became extremely hot!

Obviously Wu Shen Dan and Kong Mi Dan have also aroused the desire of countless people!

Not to mention the price increase to 1,000 sect contribution value, even if it is 1,500, you have to buy it!

As for resistance and restriction?

That's not a big deal, which kind of pill does not have? Anyway, there are apprentices below thirty-five divine springs!

And now, no one suspects that Ye Wuque is selling fake drugs anymore, and they want to buy them all.

After Ye Wuque's voice fell, Laosan Xiong immediately shouted, "What's a thousand? Xiaoluoxiadan, I want it all!"

Immediately after Xiong Lao San stepped forward, took out his identity token and directly transferred it to Ye Wuque’s five thousand sect contribution points, and immediately left with five small Luoxia Dan offering treasures under the envy and hatred of countless people. Up!

He has eliminated a full five thousand sect contribution points, naturally it is not his own, it is the forces behind him, but Xiong Lao San understands that his unauthorized squandering will not cause punishment, but will be rewarded!

Xiong Laosan's first step made countless people beat their chests and feet, and hate that they are too slow to act!

"I want all the Pill of Wushen!"

"Go away! Who dares to grab me? I bought them all!"

"Give me the empty miracle pill! I want as much as I want!"

The next apprentice Wangxing all squeezed forward like crazy, completely mad, waving their own identity tokens in their hands, crying like fathers and mothers, rushing to buy the two remaining pills of Ye Wuque.

However, within a few breaths, eight Enlightenment Pills and nine Kong Mie Pills were bought completely.

Sitting cross-legged, Ye Wuque looked at the extra 22,000 sect contribution points on his identity token. His expression was still calm, but there was a hint of enthusiasm and joy from the depths of his bright eyes!

Immediately he stood up and looked at the star-gazing apprentices staring at him in all directions, and said lightly: "Today's pills have been sold, and these three pills are all made by myself. After ten days, they still In this place, Ye Mou will come back, and he will bring more pills. If you want to, come then..."

After leaving these words, Ye Wuque floated away, leaving only the apprentice Wangxing who had been reluctant to leave for a long time.

After a while, Ye Wuque, who had earned a full 22,000 sect contribution points, returned to the Dong Mansion, and directly bought the right to use the Dong Mansion for ten days, which was only one thousand.

After entering the cave, Ye Wuque sat down cross-legged, and couldn't help but laugh!

"The effect is better than I imagined! I made a fortune! According to the rules of the Beidou Dao Extreme Sect, if you want to ascend to the first level of the Star Sea, you must have 150,000 sect contribution points to start the promotion battle. Originally thought it was an astronomical figure, but now it seems that as long as I refining enough pills, the 150,000 sect contribution value is not enough?"

As soon as he thought of this, Ye Wuque's bright eyes filled with deep desire and enthusiasm!

There is no doubt that the next ten days Ye Wuque will devote himself to the great cause of alchemy!

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