Return of the War God

Chapter 1857: : Mysterious black robe man

In the past three months, he personally watched Ye Wuque’s three eighth-grade pill, the full name of which was so popular that he made money faster than grabbing money!

And their Bailonghui’s falling water spirit pill became uninterested. Although they could be sold, they were bought after Ye Wuque’s three eight-level pill medicines were sold out. The key price It has already plunged to the point where it makes people nasty!

The former rich and rich Bailonghui has shrunk by half in these three months!

If it weren't for Bai Lengchen's methods, he had accumulated some background in the past, and I am afraid that the entire White Dragon Association would not be able to sustain it and would be dissolved.

However, in the face of all this, Bai Lengchen found that he couldn't do anything!

At the beginning, he had planned well, he wanted to get rid of Ye Wuque in one sentence and solve the problem fundamentally.

But when he was preparing to implement the action, he realized that it was too late!

Because Ye Wuque unexpectedly reached a cooperation with the Illuminati, handing over the selling rights of the three eight-pin medicinal herbs to the Illuminati, he did not leave the house directly, and did not show up at all.

However, although this makes Bai Lengchen a little unwilling, it's fine. After all, the strength of the Bailonghui is no longer under that of the Guangminghui. Although Xia Zhong has the means, everyone is half a cat, as long as Bai Lengchen does everything. Be sure to get rid of Ye Wuque.

But what really made Bai Lengchen upset and even desperate was that the Illuminati had even attracted the four major forces of the Tiger Gang, the Xijian Pavilion, the Sirius Society, and the Sun-Moon Gang. Xu used huge profits in exchange for their support and channels.

In other words, now these five forces have formed a powerful and unmatched alliance because of Ye Wuque and his pill.

This was completely beyond Bai Lengchen's expectation, allowing him to see Xia Zhong's methods once again!

And Ye Wuque here has unsurprisingly become the most crucial center point of the Five Forces Alliance, and it has been extremely tightly protected. Outside Ye Wuque's Cave Mansion, there are good players of the Five Forces at any time, just to prevent someone from plotting wrongdoing.

As a result, Bai Lengchen was dumbfounded!

Now, let alone killing Ye Wuque, if the White Dragon Society is not accidentally dealt with, it will be directly swallowed by the five major forces!

How does this make Bai Lengchen not angry? How not to go crazy?

In the hall of the Bailonghui, Bai Lengchen sat quietly, breathing still a little fast, and the scarlet redness in his eyes did not fade at all!

In the past three months, he has no idea how many times he has done such vents, but what can he do?

I can only watch the five major forces and Ye Wuque make a fortune every day, and they can't do anything.

As for Master Na Mo Feng's alchemy in the past three months, although he has been desperately making alchemy, he wants to make alchemy break through to the eighth rank, and refine the eighth rank pill to compete with Ye Wuwei, but the effect is very small, and he can't break through.


Suddenly, a trembling voice rang out in the deadly white dragon guild hall. A member of the white dragon guild ran in from the outside, with a strange expression on his face, holding his fist and opening his mouth to Bai Lengchen.

With a quick brush, Bai Lengchen's scarlet eyes stared at the incoming person, choosing someone to eat, obviously a look that would kill you if you dare to disturb me if you can't tell the reason.

"Help... Lord! A mysterious black-robed man came outside. This person said that there is a way to... You can relieve the trouble of your heart!"

As soon as she said this, Bai Lengchen suddenly stood up, her scarlet eyes narrowed, and the craziness within it slowly subsided, replaced by Qingming and Jinggong.

"Hurry up and invite this person in!"

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Bai Lengchen spoke immediately. He didn't know who this mysterious person was, but if he could find him at this juncture, he didn't care who the other party was, only whether the other party really had a way to help him solve his troubles.

Soon, a figure wrapped in a black cloak stepped into the white dragon guild hall. He couldn't see the true face, let alone distinguish whether it was a man or a woman. Only a pair of eyes reflected from the cloak, carrying A kind of coldness.

"It's your excellency who said you can solve a certain heart problem? I wonder who your excellency is?"

Bai Lengchen stared at the black-robed man with his eyes narrowed, and said so with a calm tone, with a touch of undisguised doubt and anxiety.

The black-robed man remained silent after hearing Bai Lengchen's words, and did not speak, but his cold eyes swept around, which meant it was self-evident.

With a flash of gaze, Bai Lengchen waved his hand directly: "You go back first."

In an instant, the high-level cadres of the White Dragon Club all walked away cleanly, and only Bai Lengchen and the black robe were left in the lobby of Nuo Da.

Of course, high-level cadres are waiting outside the hall, and will rush in if something goes wrong.

"Your Excellency is so mysterious, and he doesn't dare to show his true colors. It seems that his identity is quite sensitive. This makes Bai deeply doubt that you are not sure whether you are an enemy or a friend."

Bai Lengchen sat down again, and his expression became indifferent. After all, he was the leader of a big power. The city government's methods were much stronger than ordinary people. At this moment, he felt quite deterrent after calming down.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that you and I share a common enemy! And I also know the current situation of your gang, so this is why I condescend to come and wish President Bai a helping hand."

With a hoarse and strange voice, it was obvious that the voice of the black-robed man was also disguised, unable to distinguish between men and women.

"Common enemy? You mean... Ye Wuque!"

The words of the black-robed man immediately made Bai Lengchen's eyes flash, and he said this sentence, hitting the nail on the head.

"President Bai knows it, the enemy's enemy is a friend, so can Yuriko believe me now?"

There was a touch of coldness and coldness in the eyes under the cloak, as if as long as he heard the three words "Ye Wuque", there was an uncontrollable resentment in his heart.

Slowly exhaled, Bai Lengchen slightly straightened his body and stared at the black robe humane: "If you believe it or not, I would like to hear how your Excellency can pick me up. Dilemma."

"You must know that now because of Ye Wuque and his medicine, the five forces of the Illuminati, the Tiger Gang, the Xijian Pavilion, the Sirius Society, and the Sun Moon Gang have formed an alliance. You don't know how terrible their forces are superimposed. Under such circumstances, is there any way to kill that Ye Wuque? It's impossible! And if you can't kill him, there will be no way to solve the problem from the root!"

As soon as he mentioned this, Bai Lengchen gritted his teeth and his eyes filled with unwillingness.

"The combined strength of the five forces is indeed terrifying, but who said that only by killing Ye Wuque can solve the problem?"

The black-robed man spoke like this, with a sneer in his hoarse and strange voice, and his words were amazing!

As soon as he said this, Bai Lengchen's body suddenly shook, and immediately said, "Your Excellency, please tell me more specifically!"

"The reason why Ye Wuque can sit so big now, and even gather the strength of the five major forces, is because of the three eight-rank pill that he refined, or because of his alchemy."

"Killing him is certainly the best way, but it is clearly impossible to do it now, so it's better to go back to the next best... for the pill and alchemy he has developed! Let him become a pill and defeat him! "

"In the final analysis, the method is actually very simple. You must know that although Ye Wuque is an alchemy master, he has never received the grade of Pill City at all. His innate name is not righteous. This is his biggest weakness, so as long as he... What do you say will happen next?"


The black robe man's words with a sneer immediately made Bai Lengchen's heart roar, as if lightning flashed through his mind!

"As for the specific method, I have already thought out for Chairman Bai..."

Immediately afterwards, with Bai Lengchen's expression of excitement, he began a close conversation with the black robe man.

After half an hour.

A figure in a black robe quietly emerged from the Bailonghui resident, flashing, extremely concealed, and disappeared to the corner in an instant without being noticed by anyone.

In the dark corner, the black-robed man moved forward slowly, apparently very familiar with Xuancheng's route. When he walked in front of a darkroom, his figure immediately escaped into it.

In the darkroom, the figure of the black-robed man appeared, and the black cloak that had been covering his body suddenly disappeared. It was lifted off, revealing an old figure with a sneer on his face, and his eyes were full of chill. It was... ...The white robe old woman Rui protector!

With a sneer and contentment on his face, Protector Rui sat down again, as if he had never left.

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