Return of the War God

Chapter 1858: : Conspiracy!

"Little beast! I said that things are just beginning, but I will also see if you can still be so proud after your ruin? Without the alchemy helper, you will only become a bereaved dog again!"

(Cool 9 craftsman net first x◇post \\

Guardian Rui sneered again and again, as if he had seen Ye Wuque's miserable appearance after his ruin, and his heart was extremely happy!

In the past three months, like Bai Lengchen, the guardian Rui, who had been paying close attention to Ye Wuque's movements, also jumped with anger, wishing to crush Ye Wuque to death.

But just as Bai Lengchen said, the five major forces in the Profound City formed an alliance, and even her white-robed law protector couldn't do anything, so she had been thinking about ways to fight, and finally let her figure out a good way.

The guardian Kerui knew that if she went out on her own, she would show off her feet. Only then did she think of Bailonghui and Bai Lengchen. After all, because of the birth of Ye Wuque, Bailong would lose a lot, and Bai Lengchen became her murderer with a sword The best object.

That's why she disguised herself and came to the door to advise Bai Lengchen and provide methods.

This alone is enough to prove that the guardian of Rui is a scheming man!

"The dog bites the dog, a hairy mouth, then it's my turn to enjoy a good show..."

In the darkroom, the sneer of Guardian Rui was endless, full of pleasure.

Three days later!

Xuancheng, Baibao Pavilion.

This Baibao Pavilion is the largest pill shop in Xuancheng. There are five major forces behind it. The popularity is surging on weekdays, and three months ago, the popularity here has become extremely terrifying!

Just because Ye Danshi’s three medicines will be shipped out in Baibao Pavilion every once in a while, countless Wangxing apprentices have been waiting here every time, just to get one of the three medicines. Kind.

Therefore, every time there will be crowding here, many apprentices who have bought the medicine will take it directly in the Baibao Pavilion, and then enter the training inn on the side, and spend the contribution points to start the practice directly, so as to avoid others grabbing the pills. The situation arises.

Today, it is the day when Baibaoge will once again ship and sell the three medicines of Ye Wuque.

"Quick! I have been waiting for a full ten days! In order to make up the contribution value of a small Luoxia Dan, I have completed three single-player missions in my life to make up!"

"This time I can definitely buy an enlightening pill!"

"Knock-off pill! I must get an empty-neck pill. With the pill, I can complete the last step of that task and solve the **** monster beast!"


A series of longing and excited self-talks resounded in the main hall of Baibao Pavilion, and a fame star apprentice stared at the front counter with fiery eyes!

And at the forefront of this group of apprentices, the famous apprentice with a pocky face did not say a word. His eyes were also fixed on the counter, but there was nothing fiery inside, but there was a sense of fierceness. Crazy!

Half a quarter of an hour later, when Baibaoge's staff finally appeared in front of the counter, all the Wangxing apprentices suddenly uttered a cheer and couldn't wait to step forward and rush to buy three medicines!

In just a few dozen breaths, all three medicines were bought by all the star watching apprentices!

Brother Mazi was also the first to bear the brunt, and he bought a small Luoxia Dan!

Looking at the little Luoxia Dan in his hand, the fierceness and craziness in the eyes of Brother Mazi became more intense. In the end, he seemed to have made a certain decision. Suddenly a black pill the size of a rice grain appeared on his right hand, and then mixed with Xiao Luoxia Dan. Swallowed together!

This scene is naturally in front of everyone, but in the eyes of those Wangxing apprentices who have not bought Xiaoluoxiadan late, it makes them beat their chests and hate them!

However, just when these star-gazing apprentices were unwilling to prepare to leave, and secretly vowed that they would arrive early next time, a horrible cry suddenly sounded in the Baibao Pavilion!

"Ah!!! My Dantian! Why is this? The pill...the pill has a problem!"

The sudden horrible howl shocked countless people. When everyone turned their eyes, they immediately saw Monk Mazi who had been lying on the ground and convulsing, and there were violent fluctuations all over him!

This is the vision that will only appear after taking Xiaoluoxiadan!

"What's the matter? There is a problem with the pill?"

"This person has just taken Xiaoluoxiadan, and suddenly he has become like this. Does he mean that Xiaoluoxiadan has a problem?"

"Impossible! Alchemy Master Ye's three pills have never had a problem, is it a coincidence?"


The entire Baibao Pavilion was suddenly upset, and countless star-gazing apprentices spoke with surprise and suspicion!

"Ah!!! Damn Ye Wuque! There is a problem with Xiaoluoxiadan!"

In the next instant, Monk Mazi let out a miserable howl again, which spread throughout the entire Baibao Pavilion!

At the same time, his dantian suddenly burst, and a faint glow came out of it. This glow fell in the eyes of countless star-watching apprentices, and their complexions suddenly changed!

Because this is the vision that will only appear after taking Xiaoluoxiadan!

But at this moment, the miserable howling of that monk Mazi is getting more and more infiltrating, and his dantian is already blurred, and he has completely turned into a useless person!

"Ye... Ye Wuque! I have no grievances with you, you actually harmed me in order to earn contribution points!!"

After uttering the last scream full of resentment and madness, Brother Mazi finally passed out completely!

In an instant, the entire Baibao Pavilion became silent!

Those apprentice Wangxing who had originally purchased Xiaoluoxiadan saw the fate of Brother Mazi at this moment, remembered what he said, and then looked at the pill in their hands. There was an endless chill in their hearts, and they lost the three major pills. medicine!

Such a thing came so suddenly, it also caused the top five forces to immediately shake, and sent people to watch.

However, this is only what happened on the first day!

The next day, the same thing happened again in another large store in Xuancheng controlled by the five major forces!

And this time, the problem was no longer Xiaoluoxia Dan, but Shen Wushen Dan!

An apprentice Wangxing subdued the Empress of Enlightening God on the spot, and the whole person became mad, bleeding from the seven orifices, and finally passed out, shaking countless people!

On the third day, it was the Kong Mian Dan that had the problem!

This time, the accident was not in the shop, but on the way out of Xuancheng. When the full three apprentices of prestigious stars returned to Xuancheng, they suddenly let out a horrible cry.

And it is said that the three of them had just taken the empty pill before!

In the days that followed, similar things kept happening, and the spearhead was directed at... Ye Wuque!

Because everyone who had problems had taken the three major pills made by Ye Wuque in front of everyone!

In other words, this was not an accident, but Ye Wuque's pill really had a problem!

At this moment, it can be regarded as arousing public outrage in the hearts of all Wangxing apprentices in the entire Xuancheng, and it has become more and more fierce under the fan of the people!

"There is a problem with the three major medicines! Ye Wuque's refined medicine is a fake medicine!"

"I just said how could there be such a miraculous pill, with such terrible sequelae, Ye Wuque actually did such a sordid thing in order to earn sect contribution points!"

"Finally know! Although this Ye Wuque is an alchemist, he has never received the grade of Pill City at all. His name is not right, he is a complete liar!"


In just a few days, the three words Ye Wuque became the object of anger for countless apprentice Wangxing within Xuancheng, and the five major forces knew that this was not right. It was very likely that someone had a conspiracy against Ye Wuque, but those The tragedy has already happened, and any explanation is no longer useful.

Even if some people still believe in Ye Wuque, they still don't dare to buy the three pill that Ye Wuque has refined because of their doubts!

Because no one can guarantee that he will become the next victim?

What if there is a problem with those pills?

In an instant, Ye Wuque's "Master Ye Pill" was in the entire Profound City. Under the conspiracy and intrigue of the hearted people, it was stinky in this way, almost...his reputation was ruined!

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