Return of the War God

Chapter 2012: : It's lively now

The moment the white-robed middle-aged man appeared, the Deacon Dayan’s face suddenly changed, and the steps he had taken out were also a little bit, but he still smiled and said, "Oh! Isn’t this Deacon Baihe? What kind of wind? Are you here? I am on duty today!"

Deacon Baihe, it is the name of this middle-aged man in white robe, from the line of Tianxuan among the true seven veins!

"Huh! Don't come to this one, so what if you are on duty? Don't think I don't know what you are thinking!"

Deacon Baihe snorted coldly, staring at Deacon Dayan as if he was guarding against a wolf.

"Wow! You old white bird is too disgusting!"

"Old bald head, shut up!"

In an instant, the two deacons quarreled with big eyes and small eyes!

This scene immediately made countless seven-star disciples dumbfounded, and their expressions became infinitely weird, and the illusion of the eighth-level realm filled with sacredness in their hearts seemed to collapse in half!

The two who are arguing with each other are really foreign deacons from the eighth realm?

What about the superior demeanor? What about senior demeanor?

Elder Songgu on the side saw this scene and suddenly showed a look of helplessness. He just wanted to step forward to dissuade him, but his face changed again!

Because at this moment, a third vast wave overflowed from the sky above the sky!

"Hahahaha! It's better to come too early! You two old things are all aside! If such a good seedling enters your two lines, it will be a waste! Entering my heavenly line is the right way!"

Hearing this long laugh, Elder Songgu immediately patted his forehead, looked at the seven-layer elders who had been completely stupid behind him, and slowly shook his head and smiled bitterly and said to himself: "It's lively now."

The third figure descended from the sky and landed within the seventh-level realm. It was a small old man, less than five feet tall, but standing there, it seemed that the sky was still tall and straight!

This old man is called the Five Souls, and he is the external deacon of the Tianquan line among the seven true channels.

At this moment, it was natural to hear the edict, and he entered the seventh realm.

At this point, the true seven veins of the eighth level realm have come to the three veins of Yaoguang, Tianxuan, and Tianquan, all for the purpose of competing for Ye Wuque!

"Old devil! What are you doing for fun?"

Deacon Dayan and Deacon Baihe had big eyes and small eyes, but now they saw the arrival of the Five Soul Deacons, they shouted together!

It's just that before the Deacon of the Five Souls could speak, the sky overflowed with terrifying waves once again!

And this time, there are two full!

Two huge black holes appeared above the sky, and a figure flashed within each, falling from the sky!

"I know you guys can't sit still! Humph! This time, if I let go of such a good seed, I can't afford to sell all of you!"

"Tsk tusk! It's so lively!"

Two consecutive sounds exploded, resounding through the sky!

Obviously there are two external deacons here, one man and one woman!

Two figures fell to the ground first. Among them, the man was tall and looked only in his thirties. He looked handsome, as if he was only in his thirties. He looked very good!

After that woman arrived, she immediately became the focus of the audience!

Because this is a woman who is enchanting like a fox, with a bumpy and hot body, she looks even more like a thirty mistress, exuding an incomparable deadly temptation, and she is free from a goblin who is a disaster for the country and the people!

"Dead Saobao! Vixen! Even you guys are here! Good! This time is really lively!"

Deacon Baihe and Deacon Dayan saw the three people who were there one after the other, knowing that it would be meaningless to keep up with each other, and Deacon Dayan muttered immediately.

The Deacon Yufeng from the line of Tian Ji is called the Death Sao Bao!

And that enchanting woman is the Deacon Youmeng from Yuheng's line!

"Seven meridians are coming to six meridians! One by one, the dragons are always invisible, but now they all pop up! They are as annoying as cats that smell fishy!"

Deacon Bai He looked at the bunch of old guys who had known him for so many years, and said coldly.

"Shut up, old white bird! Haha, Songku! Long time no see, you are still very awkward and in good spirits!"

Deacon Yufeng seemed to have skipped Deacon Baihe, and smiled directly to greet Elder Songgu.

"Elder Songgu."

Deacon Youmeng also smiled charmingly, and walked to Elder Songgu.

From the first Deacon Dayan who appeared to the Deacon Youmeng at this moment, everyone could hear a hint of respect in the five people's words when they greeted Elder Songgu.

"My seventh realm hasn't been so lively for a long time! It is true that the seven meridians have come to six meridians. I am really happy to see my old friend again. Now that you are here, Nangong, don't come here!"

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Elder Songgu seemed to be in a very good mood at the moment, saying hello to the five people in front of him, but then he raised his eyes, looked above the sky, and said this sentence.

When the word "Nangong" rang from the mouth of the elder Songgu, the faces of the five deacons present suddenly changed slightly, and there was a sense of shock and helplessness in their eyes, all looking at the sky.

"Unexpectedly, even Nangong would come!"

"This is a bit tricky!"

The five deacons spoke to each other, seeming to attach great importance and fear to this Nangong.

The Deacon Dayan kept turning his eyes, his gaze swept towards the seventh layer of the chaotic sea of ​​fog, and said in his heart: "Even Nangong is here! This kid is really popular! I'm the first one to come. After being snatched away by these old guys, that face was lost! No! You have to act by chance, just grab this kid and leave!"


Above the sky, an aura that was more vast than the five waves just before overflowed in all directions, and the sixth black hole appeared, and a figure with hands on its back stepped out of it, slowly falling downward.

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