Return of the War God

Chapter 2013: : Chaos Realm!

This is a man who looks less than forty years old. He wears a black robe and hunts in the wind. He has no expression on his face. He looks like plain and ordinary, but if you look at it, you will think he is this world. The only protagonist in between!

With just this dignity and power, this person surpassed the other five deacons!

Seeing Nangong descending from the sky, there was a touch of emotion in Elder Songgu's eyes.

Perhaps the only one in front of him who can make the other five deacons so troublesome and jealous!

Nangong Wang!

The external deacon of Tianshu, the head of the Seven Veins of the True Legend of Beidou Dao Jizong!

"Songgu, you have been working hard all these years"

Deacon Nangong nodded to the elder Songgu and spoke softly.

"Haha! What hard work and not hard work is all for the sect. What is all the hard work?"

Elder Songgu chuckled and waved his hand slightly.

The Elder Zi Lei and Elder Gong, who were watching all this in front of them, were honest, well-mannered, and well-behaved like a lamb, but seeing that the six deacons were so familiar with Elder Songgu, they were shocked!

Although there has always been news that Elder Songgu came from the eighth level realm, it has not been really confirmed, but now everything in front of us has made Elder Zi Lei and the others suddenly realize!

Elder Songgu not only really came from the eighth realm, but also had an unusual relationship with these six aloof deacons!

"I didn't expect a little guy who broke through the seventh level of the Chaos Mist Sea in your seventh level realm. It is indeed a good seedling, so I am here, so"

Deacon Nangong spoke again, and then he paused, turned around slightly, looked at the other five deacons, and continued: "You needn't fight for your five channels, this son should be in my Tianshu line!"

simple! overbearing!

Nangong looked at this opening, and the faces of the other five people changed all at once!

"Oh! Nangong, Nangong! Don't you be so overbearing? You see us old guys finally get together, you just ask for someone when you come up, how boring!"

After all, the Five Soul Deacon was old ginger, and he spoke with a smile.

"Yes! I'm on duty today, this son should be in my veins!"

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Deacon Dayan said immediately, as if you weren't following the rules, but your eyes kept rolling.

"Your Tianshu line has indeed become the head of the line, but it doesn't mean that all good seedlings will belong to you."

Deacon Yufeng stretched his waist and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Hehe, I'm here to watch the excitement, but I have a task to bring this little guy back to Yuheng, and none of you can fight with me!"

The fairy-like Deacon Youmeng said with a grin, and that charming posture made countless Seven-Star disciples flushed directly, and looked dumbfounded!

In the distance, there was a figure trembling, shaking, and full of grief and indignation, listening to the words of the six deacons. It was Baili Fenghuo!

"Why! Why! Ye Wuque! You stole my glory! You **** it!"

The six deacons opened their mouths and they were all Ye Wuque. No one mentioned him Baili Beacon. You must know that he is also a person who has just passed through the fifth level of the Chaos Mist Sea and is qualified to ascend to the eighth level!

But no matter how unwilling, no matter how sorrow and anger, Baili Fenghuo can only endure, and dare not even say a word.

On the other side, Elder Songgu looked at the six deacons who were tit-for-tat in front of him, with a wry smile on his face again, but then he moved his gaze and glanced at the sky. He seemed to think of something and asked: "That boy Bogu really doesn’t coming?"

Elder Songgu's words immediately made the eyes of the six deacons flashed with different expressions.

At the same time.

Chaos Fog Sea, the eighth floor, Chaos Bridge.

This place has long been submerged by a thick and incomparable chaotic fog, and nothing can be seen clearly, only the gray figure still stands in the center of the chaotic bridge, motionless.

Until a certain moment, the sky full of chaotic fog suddenly shook, and then a huge gray cocoon was revealed from it, with gray light shining on it!

Click! Click!

In the next instant, the giant gray cocoon suddenly began to crack, and a ray of gray light shot out from it, flooding all directions!

When the giant gray cocoon was completely split, a figure shrouded in gray air current appeared, and it was Ye Wuque!

At this moment, Ye Wuque's body was shrouded in gray air currents, nine times, like nine gray divine dragons, it was the air of chaos!

In an instant, Ye Wuque overflowed with a primitive wild aura that seemed to be the beginning of the world, and everything was chaotic. He seemed to have become a **** who is about to open up the world and evolve into thousands of great worlds!


Immediately afterwards, Ye Wuque's closed eyes suddenly opened, and there were also gray areas inside, and he shouted in a low voice: "Open!"


With his drink, a domineering real dragon roar resounded through the sky, and a golden brilliance emerged from behind Ye Wuque. A real dragon bathed in it, and it was the Golden Emperor Dragon!

The nine gray air currents and the golden emperor dragon suddenly rose up into the sky as if they were **, intertwined with each other, bursting out with an incomparable brilliance, as if an incredible fusion had begun!

Ye Wuque stood on the Chaos Bridge, his eyes bright!

Chi Chi Chi Chi

After a dozen or so breaths, the dazzling brilliance slowly dissipated, and behind Ye Wuque's back there seemed to be an indescribable great power!

"Success or failure in one fell swoop! Chaos Realm! Condensate me!"

With a loud roar, Ye Wuque's black hair danced wildly, and the sacred way of fighting all over his body erupted vigorously, as if he had transformed into a golden **** of war, and he swarmed behind him!


An earth-shattering dragon roar resounded, and in the next moment behind Ye Wuque, the golden emperor dragon roared in the direction of chaos, exuding endless perfection, and finally turned into an independent small gray world!

mysterious! original! Wild! Unruly!

The gray radiance shines all over the ten directions, and wherever it passes, everything seems to return to the most primitive state, as if the world has begun to open, chaos!

Feeling the new mysterious and great power surging behind him, Ye Wuque finally showed a deep smile on his face!

The last chaos realm among the three infinite realms has become!

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