Return of the War God

Chapter 2022: : What can you do with me?

Ye Wuque looked at it, and the whole world seemed to be dragged from early spring into midwinter in an instant!

Countless seven-star disciples couldn't help but shudder when they saw Ye Wuque's gaze, and an indescribable chill of fear grew from the deepest part of their hearts!

It seems to have seen the sea of ​​blood on the dead mountain, the broken star field, and the destruction of the universe!

Even if he knew that Ye Wuque was not looking at him at all!

/See the positive r version: \\Chapter.../Section ◇f on the coolsmith network_!

The eyes contained the ultimate coldness, without the slightest emotion, and some were just boiling killing intent!

For the black crow's killing intent!


The elder Black Crow, who was full of horror at the moment when Ye Wuque rose in the chaotic sea of ​​fog, felt the cold killing intent gaze of Ye Wuque from above the sky, as if thousands of thunders were exploding in his heart!

"He wants to kill me! This little beast wants me to die!"

The black crow was extremely frightened in his heart, his face was extremely stiff, his eyes fixed on the gaze cast by Ye Wuque above the void, and he felt the boiling and killing intent contained in it!

Ye Wuque wanted to kill himself, the Black Crow knew, but he never expected that Ye Wuque would not conceal his killing intent under the eyes of the public, and even preached that he would settle the account before ascending to the eighth level!

But after all, the Black Crow has been an elder of the seventh level realm for many years, and he did not speak at this moment, but stared at Ye Wuque coldly!

In fact, what he was most afraid of was Ye Wuque's small actions and secretly murdering him, but if the crowd wanted to threaten his life like this, Black Crow was not afraid.

Because he is a sect elder, there is no reason why anyone who dares to move him will violate the rules and will be punished!

Besides, there is also Elder Songgu. Elder Songgu himself has said that there is no rule to make a circle. As long as Ye Wuque dares to do anything, Elder Songgu will be the first to stop him!

Therefore, the black crow is silent and advances by retreating!

"Hi! Is it possible that Ye Wuque is ready to tear himself apart with Elder Black Crow, and is going to do it?"

"Tear your skin? You are blind! The two of them have already torn their skins. Have you forgotten how aggressive the black crow elders were and kept targeting Ye Wuque? I am afraid that Ye Wuque can't give up! "

"Huh! This black crow is used to domineering things on weekdays, do you really think that no one knows about collusion with Tiandan Palace?"

"Yes! Compared to the elder Zi Lei, the black crow is so bad that he doesn't deserve to be an elder at all!"


Countless seven-star disciples talked in low voices, their voices down to the lowest, and their eyes flickered, but they undoubtedly all pointed to the black crow!

Obviously, many Seven-Star disciples have anger and resentment in the hearts of Black Crow, but they dare not speak because of fear of their elder status.

But watching Ye Wuque, who has risen now, wants to target the Black Crow and find him to settle accounts, some people also feel happy!

Above the void.

Ye Wuque still stood, his cold gaze still staring at the black crow condescendingly, his face expressionless, but the killing intent that radiated from it became more and more boiling, and his gaze seemed to contain a mighty force, sharp. Mang, very photogenic!

After successfully clearing the tenth level of the Chaos Sea of ​​Fog, especially after the battle with the gray figure on the tenth level, Ye Wuque’s spirit and energy have once again been tempered, and the aura of the whole person has become more and more introverted, as if there is no edge. His epee, overwhelming people with power, does not work!

Even the bottleneck of the power of divine consciousness that had been stuck at the peak of the Great Soul King faintly began to loosen!

Therefore, if Ye Wuque stared at a person now, the pressure that he could bring was far beyond his strength, enough to overwhelm ten directions!

Therefore, after only a dozen breaths, the black crow, who hadn't said a word, felt the infinitely terrifying pressure in Ye Wuque's eyes, and the suffocating pressure was enough to drive him crazy!

Finally, the Black Crow couldn't help it anymore!

His eyes turned scarlet in an instant, and he sneered at Ye Wuque with a cold sneer and shouted: "Little beast! Don't you really want to kill me? Come on! Do you dare? I'm the elder of the sect, even you Ascended to the eighth realm and became a disciple of the True Seven Meridians. As long as you kill me for no reason, you will have to pay for your life! This... is the rule!"

"Of course, if you are willing to give up the infinitely bright future in order to kill me, and ruin yourself, why should I be afraid? It is a very interesting thing to be able to go on the road with a peerless Tianjiao!"

The more he talked about the back, the more confident the Black Crow became, and even after the last word was uttered, his whole person became extremely arrogant!

After being forced to the end, the Black Crow finally completely desperate, thinking that he has grasped Ye Wuque’s painful foot, thinking that Ye Wuque is hard to do, and simply began to mock Ye Wuque, otherwise his resentment and fear would really be nowhere. vent!

Countless seven-star disciples between heaven and earth looked at the arrogant and hysterical Black Crow, looking at his face, frowning, but they had to admit that the Black Crow was right.

Ye Wuque would really pay a huge price if he wanted to kill him!

Unless Ye Wuque is willing to sacrifice his own future, no one can do that!

"Hey, it seems that Ye Wuque can't help the Black Crow. At least, he can't target it in a short time. After all, there is no evidence. This is just a private complaint!"

"Yeah, Ye Wuque can only speak harshly!"

Someone is already whispering, as if they have seen the final result.

However, above the void at this moment, he had never spoken, but Ye Wuque, who was condescendingly watching the Black Crow, finally spoke.

"You are really confident, thinking that I dare not kill you in the crowd, do you?"

Ye Wuque's voice was just like the expression in his eyes, cold and trembling.

"Hey! That's right! What can you do with me?"

The Black Crow chuckled, but the look in Ye Wuque's eyes became more arrogant. The sneer on his face is unconcealed!

Elder Songgu, who stood beside Ye Wuque, had his eyebrows drooped, said nothing, the same expressionless face, no one knew what he was thinking.

But Elder Songgu's expression fell in the black crow's eyes, but it made him more assured!

Bogu stood behind Ye Wuque in an unhurried manner, still with a warm smile on his face, acting as a bystander.

In the next moment, Ye Wuque's voice sounded again!

"One thing is right. I can't kill you for no reason. Unfortunately, if you don't know what you can do, you...damn it!"

As the expressionless Ye Wuque spoke, he stretched out his right hand, a light flashed on it, and a jade slip appeared in his hand!


The moment that jade slip appeared, it suddenly turned into a light curtain, which densely recorded many messages!

"Black Crow, as a sect elder, colluded with Tiandan Palace and regularly accepted bribes from Tiandan Palace. They were even more furious and murdered a full eight seven-star disciple alchemy masters by fighting pill!"

"In the past few years, every bribe given by Tiandan Palace to you is clearly recorded in this jade slip. For such behavior, dare to ask you brothers and sisters, what should be the crime?"

The icy voice resounded through the clouds once again, and Ye Wuque's words blasted into the ears and heart of Black Crow like thunder!

He subconsciously raised his head and looked at Guangbu, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes showed incredible meaning, like **** in the day! !

"No! This is impossible! You... how could you have this thing? This is impossible!"

The chaotic black crow couldn't believe everything in front of him, he roared hysterically, and his whole body was shaking!

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