Return of the War God

Chapter 2023: : It's time for you to show your example!

All the seven-star disciples between heaven and earth stared at the light curtain carefully, and the more they looked, the more shocked they became!

"Despicable and shameless! As an elder, he used power for personal gain!"

"The sin is to be blamed! Unforgivable!"

"I remember! At the beginning, many alchemists were indeed fought with pill by the Miao Renjie from the Tiandan Palace, but they were all defeated. It turned out that the black crow was the cause of the problem!"

"That's the case! No wonder Miao Renjie provoked Ye Wuque to fight the pill at the beginning, and I am afraid he had the same idea. The notary that Miao Renjie invited was the black crow at the time! No wonder Ye Wuque's pill furnace exploded!"

"This is the detailed record of every time the Tiandan Palace bribed the black crow! Iron proof! The iron proof is like a mountain! There is no room for the black crow to argue, and it is impossible to deny it!"


No one thought that things would suddenly turn so sharply, a seven-star disciple suddenly became angry and accused the black crow!

The black crow at this moment is really a point!

"Why do you have this thing? Why?"

The whole body trembled, his face pale, and the blushing black crow stared at Ye Wuque, even if he was dead, he wanted to figure out why Ye Wuque had this thing!

Above the void, Ye Wuque still looked down at the black crow, expressionless.

"Go down and ask Hades."

However, Ye Wuque responded to him only this sentence!


At this moment, a breath of infinite horror burst out from the side, permeating all directions, it was from the elder Songgu!

That terrible aura was boiling like an endless beast, making everyone tremble!

Elder Songgu stared at the black crow expressionlessly, his eyes seemed to be looking at the dead!

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"The sect elder, Black Crow, abused his power, used his power for personal gain, and killed his disciples. From this moment on, he deprived him of his status as a sect elder, and declared his death guilty in the name of Songgu! I...;...;I will execute it myself!"

As soon as he said this, Black Crow's body trembled suddenly, with endless fear and despair in his eyes, he threw a plop and knelt down, desperately kowtow to Elder Songgu, begging for mercy frantically!

"Elder Songgu spare my life! Let me go! I don't want to die! Let me go! Let me go!"

The ugliness is overwhelming and disgusting!

"Didn't you already know my temper? Everything is based on the highest interests of the sect. Whoever dares to threaten the interests of the sect will die. Now, in order to behave like you, you deserve to die!"

Elder Songgu's icy voice sounded, falling in the ears of the black crow desperately knocking his head, making him completely desperate, and then completely...;...;crazy!

"Little beast!"


The Black Crow burst out of all cultivation bases, and directly turned into a black light soaring into the sky, with desperate madness, rushing towards Ye Wuque at a very fast speed, his posture is obviously to die with Ye Wuque!

"Die with me!!!"

The black crow roared frantically, staring at Ye Wuque, the madness and resentment in his eyes were so intense!

Knowing that there is no hope for survival, he wants to pull Ye Wuqian as a cushion.


Facing the sudden behavior of the black crow, Ye Wuque's expression still did not change in any way, and he still stood quietly in the void with his hands on his back, even his eyes did not fluctuate even for a moment!

He just spoke lightly: "It's up to you to be intimidated."

Because Ye Wuque knew that Elder Songgu had already taken action!


In the next moment, the extremely crazy, grinning Black Crow saw that a gray finger suddenly appeared between himself and Ye Wuque!

The finger didn't reach it, even showing an old age, but it stood there like an Optimus Prime, and even poked at him!

The speed seems very slow, as if it can be easily avoided, but the black crow can't avoid it at all!

In his endless fear and desperation eyes, those gray fingers lightly touched his forehead!

Immediately afterwards, the black crow's figure stopped abruptly, his face was weird, motionless, as if it had turned into a sculpture!

Only those scarlet eyes were still staring at Ye Wuque, and there was endless resentment, unwillingness, fear, and regret in them!

"Why? Why should I mess with him!"

At this moment, the black crow's heart is filled with endless regret!

Unfortunately, everything is too late.


In the next instant, the roar resounded, and the black crow completely exploded, bursting into blood fog!

So far, the black crow was killed by the elder Songgu, with no bones left, so as to behave like you!

Between heaven and earth, there is silence.

But every Seven Star disciple who witnessed this scene felt extremely happy!

The elder Zi Lei, who was watching all of this on the ground in the distance, also snorted softly at this moment. He took the blame for the black crow's end.

Above the void, after pointing to kill the black crow, Songgu looked at Ye Wuque again and smiled again.

"No shortage, thank you for finding a black sheep for the sect and getting rid of this maggot!"

"The elders are polite. Actually, there are also personal grievances between me and him. I really want him to die, and I would like to thank Elder Songgu for his fulfillment."

Ye Wuque responded with a smile without concealing it.

Elder Songgu was startled slightly, and immediately raised his head to the sky and laughed, and the eyes that looked at Ye Wuque became more satisfied and admired.

The reason why the Black Crow was killed so cleanly was that Elder Songgu was actually to let Ye Wuque breathe out a good breath, so that Ye Wuque would be able to follow his wishes in the future, and he would not care about it.

But he didn't expect that Ye Wuque would admit it so generously and frankly. On the contrary, it made him feel that Ye Wuque was open and upright and not hypocritical.

Looking at the blood mist staining the red earth, Ye Wuque pursed his mouth slightly, and finally understood the grievances in this seventh level realm.

As for his jade slip that recorded the black crow guilt, where did he come from?

It is the storage ring from Miao Renjie!

At that time, after Ye Wuque won the battle with Miao Renjie, he got everything that Miao Renjie had, including this jade slip!

Obviously this is also the back hand of Tiandan Palace, to prevent the black crow from turning his face and denying people in the future, just in case!

Who knew that Ye Wuque was cheaper in the end and became a sharp weapon in his hands.

And Ye Wuque's original plan was to wait for his cultivation to be strong enough, and then use this jade slip to expose the black crow's crimes and kill it himself, but the plan can't keep up with the changes, and all grievances will be understood today.

"Elder, since this matter has happened, then the disciple will also say goodbye. I hope the elder will take care."

Ye Wuque spoke again, holding a fist to Elder Songgu, and also holding a fist to Elder Zi Lei in a deep salute!

"Haha! No need to be polite, come on! I believe that wherever you go, you will soar into the sky, and you will become a strong sectarian generation in the future, famous for the Big Dipper!"

The elder Songgu waved his sleeve and laughed.

Right now Ye Wuque smiled softly, and after looking at the seventh-level realm again, he walked to Bo Gu's side.

"Senior Brother, let's go."

"it is good."

Immediately, the two of them walked up side by side, walked to the steps Bogu stepped on before, slowly went to the end, stepped into the light gate, and soared towards the eighth level!

Between the world and the earth, everyone was watching all this quietly, watching Ye Wuque's leaving back, his eyes filled with awe and blessings!

From now on!

There will be a mythical legend named "Ye Wuque" in the seventh realm!

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