Return of the War God

Chapter 2024: :Kaiyangxing

At this moment, Ye Wuque's eyes were shining brilliantly, and he kept walking along the stairs below his feet, but the only thing he could see clearly was the third senior brother Bogu beside him.

After dozens of breaths, the dazzling brilliance around him suddenly disappeared, and then Ye Wuque's eyes were dark, and then suddenly bright!

Ye Wuque seems to have come to a whole new world here!

" the eighth realm?"

Seeing everything in front of him, Ye Wuque spoke slowly, his eyes burning, with a touch of shock in his tone!

At this time, what appeared before his eyes was an endless starry sky!

Ancient, vast, mysterious, majestic!

The depth of this pavement made Ye Wuque once again feel the expanse of the starry sky and realize his own insignificance!

At the same time, Ye Wuque also saw the seven stars that lay in this endless starry sky!

Each of these seven stars has a different color, and each one is so huge that it is awe-inspiring. They are immovable in ancient times, lined up with each other, hanging above the starry sky, like a spoon!

One star represents one vein!

This is the Big Dipper seven stars located in the eighth level realm... the true seven veins!

"Look at Wucai, that is our home... Kaiyang Star!"

Bo Gu, who was standing next to Ye Wuque, raised his finger at the moment, pointed at the huge red star in the starry sky and said with a smile.


Following the gaze of the third brother, Ye Wuque saw the red star, and a smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.


Immediately, Senior Brother Three took Ye Wuque's arm and stepped out, and the two turned into streamers and flew towards Kaiyang Star.

After dozens of breaths, Ye Wuque finally entered the Kaiyang Star!

Above the sky!

Ye Wuque's figure appeared, and he looked down, looking at all directions, as far as he could see, the entire Kaiyang Star was in his eyes.

This is a star full of life!

The mountains in the distance are undulating, vast and vast, and there are more clear lakes and clear spirits!

Everywhere is filled with refreshing breath of life, everything is so beautiful, as if you have come to a paradise!

But this is only half of the Kaiyang Star!

And in the other half of Kaiyang Star!

Ye Wuque couldn't see anything, the only thing he could see was the red flame soaring to the sky, blazing, enveloping the other half of Kaiyang Star!

Half is like a paradise, and half is like a **** of flame!

This is Kaiyang Star!

Weird and mysterious!

In an instant, Ye Wuque was full of curiosity!

"Are you curious in your heart? I think Kaiyang Star is weird? Don't worry, you will know later, go, go home with me first!"

Senior Brother San once again pulled Ye Wuque's arm towards Kaiyang Star, half of Xanadu, and fell!

But in this process, Ye Wuque keenly discovered one thing!

He felt that the fluctuations in the cultivation level emanating from the third senior brother Bogu were extremely weak, as if it was just the Great Perfection of the Heavenly Soul, and even his journey from the sky was relying on the power emitted by the beads entwined around his arm.

This made Ye Wuque's eyes flicker, and he felt a trace of contradiction!

Because when I first met Senior Brother San, the unfathomable aura in his body was real. He originally thought that Senior Brother San’s cultivation base was above him, but now it does not seem to be the case.

But this idea was immediately suppressed by Ye Wuque, because following the third senior brother Bogu, they stopped in front of a beautiful valley!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Wuque saw a huge human-shaped sculpture standing in front of the valley!

This sculpture is tall and handsome with his hands behind his back, with sharp eyebrows, and his eyes slightly raised. It seems to be looking up at the sky, but his eyes are very cold. It seems that a big star collapses and the starry sky is broken!

The style is compelling, the bearing is extraordinary, the mysterious and high-miao, at first glance, it is an absolute power under the starry sky!

"Brother San, this statue is..."

Ye Wuque asked, but for some reason, after seeing the cold eyes of the sculpture, he felt a faint sense of familiarity, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

"To be honest, I don't know who this statue is, but our master once said that every true disciple who joins the Kaiyang line needs to bow to this sculpture!"

Bogu looked up at the sculpture and said, with a touch of emotion in his tone.


The master mentioned in Bogu's words immediately made Ye Wuque's eyes flash.

But at this moment, Ye Wuque didn't know that in the Soul Space, the eyes under the Balao mask, who had been sitting quietly, stared at the statue blankly. A touch of surprise and surprise flowed from within, but immediately Replaced by a touch of deep complexity.

Under Senior Brother San's smiling eyes, Ye Wuque slowly walked up to the statue, his face solemn, and bowed his fist deeply!

"Okay! Enter me to open the sun and worship the statue. Wuwei, you are really stepping into the open-yang line. Go, brother will take you into the valley to meet your brothers and sisters.

"Senior brother and sister? Third brother, how many senior brothers and sisters do I have?"

The two walked side by side, and under the leadership of Bo Gu, Ye Wuque entered this beautiful and picturesque valley.

"There are a total of eight brothers and sisters in our Kaiyang lineage, all of whom were selected one by one by the master and his elders, but during the relatively long years, due to many reasons, four people have fallen, but even if they fall, They are still our senior brothers and sisters, they are still in the sequence, and have never been forgotten. Now, including me, you have a total of three senior brothers and one senior sister."

"From now on..."

Speaking of this, Bogu paused slightly and stopped, his warm eyes looked at Ye Wuque, and a warm smile of joy came out of his face, and said: "Wuqi, you are the smallest Kaiyang pulse. The younger brother, ranked ninth, we can also call you the ninth."

Feeling the warm and joyful sincere gaze of the third brother, Ye Wuque nodded lightly and accepted this identity.

"Haha! Old nine, take you to see the big brother first!"

Speaking of being led by Bogu, the two walked towards the valley side, and soon, a strange stone house appeared at the end of his eyes!

This is a stone house embedded in the mountain wall. It has long been submerged by various vines. Only one door and one window can be seen vaguely, but it has also been stained with dust. It has not been opened for many years. Up.

Quiet, even dead!

Before the stone house on the mountain wall, Bogu told Ye Wuque to stop first. He stepped forward and walked to the dark window with a smile: "Big brother, I’m telling you a happy news. Starting today, we have one more person. Little Junior Brother, his name is Ye Wuque, and I specially brought him to see you!"

Ye Wuque stood quietly, looking at the stone house on the mountain wall.

After the third brother's words fell, the mountain wall stone house remained silent, without any response.

"Oh, yes! Old nine, I forgot to tell you that the senior brother has been in retreat for a long, long time. I am afraid that only the master and the old man know how long it is. When I first entered the Kaiyang line, the second brother had not fallen. I was brought by the second senior brother to meet the senior brother like you today!"

"Don't worry, the senior brother may have entered a deep retreat again. He hasn't heard me for the time being, but he will hear it soon."

"In fact, in our hearts, big brothers are like fathers like brothers. Many times when the master is away, we will ask the big brothers if we have any questions."

The soft words rang in Ye Wuque's ears, which immediately shocked his heart, and his eyes changed when he looked at the mountain wall stone house!

Is this the big brother?

Stayed in this stone room for a long time and never showed up!

It's hard to imagine!

However, in the next moment, only a man's voice suddenly sounded, with a kind of extreme warmth, and a kind of loneliness that seemed to penetrate the years!

"Old Nine..."

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