Return of the War God

Chapter 2317: : Dog minion!

"Although the clan has always believed that the ancestors will return one day, with the passage of time, this hope becomes more and more diminished, leading to despair!"

"But just eighteen years ago! The ancestor Shinichi returned! Not only did he return, but three other people came together!"

Having said that, the eyes of the purple-haired youth staring at Ye Wuque became ferocious, and the spitefulness in his eyes became more and more intense!

"What makes my clan unimaginable is that Shinichi Patriarch was very respectful to one of the men, that man, that man..."

As if thinking of some terrible memory, the voice of the purple-haired youth suddenly trembled, and an indescribable fear and awe appeared in his eyes, which seemed to be imprinted in the depths of his soul and blood!

"He is your...father!"

As soon as the conversation turned, the purple-haired youth stared at Ye Wuque, his face slightly distorted!


But Ye Wuque's heart roared instantly and his head buzzed!

"Father, father..."

Muttering to himself, Ye Wuque's mind came up with that tall and tall hidden figure, and after opening the letter left by Fu Bo, he traveled through time and space to the past, and saw his father's back and lying on the altar. Come on, young self!

"A total of three people came, one of them is your father, the other is similar to Shinichi ancestor, and is very respectful to your father, and the other!"

"You...dead you!"

Hearing that, Ye Wuque's heart was shocked again!

"Hey, don't you know! You have been to my Eight Gods before! It's just your corpse!"

The purple-haired youth sneered, but it was hard to calm down!

Obviously, speaking of this deeply memorable past that was told by the elders of the clan since he was a child, the youth with purple hair was also very excited. He originally thought it was just an illusory legend, but now it is really happening!

"Except for me and my father, the other person should be Fu Bo..."

Ye Wuque's eyes trembled, but four words appeared in his mind, the same four words Fubo told him!

Fight, fight, eight, waste!


Ye Wuque's father has four major players!

Huangfuhuang is the representative of Fubo, because Fubo's real name is... Huangfuhuang!

"Then the "eight" is not surprisingly Shinichi Iori!"

Ye Wuque figured out the key in an instant!

"Your father came here for the inheritance treasure of my Eight Gods, the Three Life Stone, and wants to use it to... revive you!"

The purple-haired youth spoke again and revealed another secret!

"For this, your father worked so hard and made countless deductions, he didn't hesitate to hurt his origin. He is really a good father! Unfortunately, he failed in the end!"

"That day, your father was horrified, the world was crying, the blood rained down, the terrifying vision came, and the world fell apart!"

"Huh! How can the dead be resurrected?"

The tone of the purple-haired youth became more and more gloomy!

"Your father stayed in my Eight Gods for a period of time. Indeed, during this period, he gave me great benefits to the Eight Gods, and helped my tribe through many crises and saved my tribe. Finally, before leaving, I even left an exhortation!"

Ye Wuqian's breathing suddenly stagnated!

"Hey! He left your blood and traces of you, which is convenient for us to distinguish, and also left me many benefits for the Eight Gods. In addition, there are some other things, let us pass it on to you. At the same time, he left a prophecy of "Sooner or later, my son will come here again"!"

"Your father asked me the Eight Gods to wait for your arrival. Although I have not said it before, but that attitude is clearly to let us the Eight Gods... to treat you as the young master!"

"Hahahahaha...respect you as the young master? Hahahaha..."

The purple-haired youth suddenly laughed wildly, and in the laughter there was an extreme resentment and resentment!

"What a big joke! Treat you as the young master?"

"Why? What are you? Just a dead dog that survived by chance!"

"My Eight Gods have a long history, a long history, and a noble blood. I am a born king in this world. How can you regard you as the young master if the dragon is in the deep? It's just a dream!"

"Now, you finally show up!"

"When I capture you back, break the forbidden curse that is hanging on the head of the Eight Gods, and water my Eight Gods with your blood. After that, my Eight Gods will rise completely, break the shackles of heaven and earth, descend into the outer heavens, and fight all directions. Shine the heavens and worlds!"

"Have endured for eighteen years! Finally, hope comes! Waiting for this golden opportunity!"

The emotions of the purple-haired youth were extremely agitated. He was laughing wildly and yelling. The arrogance and arrogance made his scalp numb!

"That's it... So it's so..."

Ye Wuque stood still, his eyes closed, muttering to himself!

In the next instant, his eyes suddenly opened, and they were cold inside, as if there was a peerless edge shining!

Lifting his eyes, Ye Wuque looked at the purple-haired youth above the void again, his expression was extremely cold!

"Noble blood? A natural king? You really have enough money to put gold on your face! In my opinion, you are just a group of unfamiliar white-eyed wolves!"

"Dare you bark your teeth while my father is here?"

"Now that the years are changing, what would your ancestor really feel if he knew that his descendants had nasty thoughts that they shouldn't have, and would avenge revenge, not ashamed, but proud instead?"

"He is just a warrior under my father's seat! What do you Eight Gods count?"

"Reverse behavior, regardless of respect and inferiority, commit the following crimes, in my eyes, you are just a group of bold dog minions!"

Ye Wuque's words and words are like knives, and the sound trembles nine times, like a thousand thunders!

"To shut up!!!"

Above the void, the purple-haired youth roared, the expression on his face twisted and ferocious!

Obviously, Ye Wuque's words hit him, or rather, hit the weakness of the entire Eight Gods race, hit the nail on the head, every word was like a knife, and knocked him back to his original shape from the state of arrogance and arrogance just now, resentful attack!

But immediately, the purple-haired youth's complexion suddenly became calm, and his breath became smooth and perfect, like the tip of an iceberg exposed on the sea, with unimaginable horror and grandeur hidden in it!

The purple-haired young man once again recovered his previous indifference and ruthlessness, standing high, looking down at Ye Wuque, and coldly said: "This is your last chance to bark, cherish it, after you abolish you, capture my Eight Gods and take you. The blood in the body breaks the curse of our race, everything should end!"

"Remember my name, my name is Yagami Yao! The one who abolished you!"

"Now, kneel down for me!"


In the next instant, the entire Baisui Mountain shook violently, the void shattered, the sky broke and the earth cracked, and a terrifying coercion turned out, crushing ten directions, like the end of the day!

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