Return of the War God

Chapter 2318: : You are looking for death!

"Cover the sky with one hand!"

When the sky and the earth broke, the void shattered, and five terrifying and hideous cracks were torn in the sky. A silver giant finger was protruded from it, and a big silver hand was instantly formed, and the silver flame burned and emitted. Out of a kind of domineering and sonorous!

As if this hand is out, there is nothing to be crushed, no creatures to be killed!

All things and all souls must surrender under the giant silver palm!

Cover the sky with one hand!

One of the battle magical powers of the Eight Gods, pay attention to one force to drop ten guilds, mighty, and overwhelm people with general momentum!

The giant palm descended and collapsed into the void. The peaks of the entire Baisui Mountain were cracking and collapsed. The ground in front of the valley was trembling. The cracks spread and the sky was turned upside down. The scene was terrifying to the extreme!

Bang bang bang...

Xu Jiayou's guard flew out in an instant, and it was just a trace of the breath overflowing from the action of Yashen Yao, which was not something they could resist!


Xu Tianhu screamed, full of vitality, and trembling, leading the Xu family guard to retreat, staying here is simply looking for death!

Xu Kuangshi's age is amazing, and his cultivation is vast and pure, but at this moment, he is also trembling. He can only stay still, but he may be overturned at any time!

The handsome minister's white robe flicked, his hair fluttered, and he didn't move. The clear and luminous eyes flashed with sharp edges. Looking at the Iori above the void, he whispered a long sword in his hand!

"Old style, let me come! I must take this battle!"

However, Ye Wuque stepped out in one step, coldly looking at the silver giant palm that came from the suppression, his tone was sharp, and his hair was agitated!

Hearing this, the style minister gently nodded, the long sword returned to its sheath, and stepped back, leaving the battlefield like a teleport, choosing to watch.

He knew the importance of this battle to Ye Wuque, such a rebellious slave should be won by Ye Wuque himself!

"Killing one punch!"

The fighting spirit is boiling, the golden brilliance is like blazing sunlight overflowing everywhere, the fist that destroys all vitality rolls into the void, like the Yangtze River is surging, and the fist is raging!

Ye Wuque stepped on the ground, took root on the ground, punching like a landslide!


Brilliant fists turned out, violent and majestic, upside down, crushing ten directions!

The palms of the fists were scorched, roaring and cracking, the entire sky was like thousands of drums beating, everything was broken, the golden and silver brilliance entangled each other, intertwined into a brilliant light curtain!

call out!

Ye Wuque soared into the sky in one step, like a golden dragon roaring into the void, rushing straight into the void, trying to suppress Iori!

"Dead dog! The way you struggle is really funny!"

Iori Yao opened his mouth, his body's vitality rushed, and the silver brilliance poured out like a vast galaxy. He looked at the killed Ye Wuque and smiled without anger.

"Dog minion, you have too much nonsense!"

Ye Wuque's physical body instantly became golden, as if it were made of gold, the golden blood in his body gushed out of his body, like a golden ocean, the terrifying high temperature transpired, and the entire void was shaking!

The speed reached the limit, Ye Wuque instantly deceived Iori Yao within ten feet of his body, and a clean and tidy punch of killing and one punch!

"A half-dead rubbish! I dare to be fierce? My Eight Gods are aloof, the gods in the clan are like clouds, and any one of them can kill you like a dog. You anger me. Before you abolish you, I will tear your mouth first! "

The dazzling look of the Iori became extremely resentful, and the three words "dog minion" were too harsh, but they hit the weakness of him and the entire Iori tribe!

Just as Ye Wuque said, their amazing talent, Zhenyi ancestor of the ZTE Eight Gods tribe is a general under the seat of Ye father, surrendering to Ye father!

In front of Ye Wuque, the entire Eight Gods tribe is not just a dog slave?

"Bashen Town Tianbei!"

Iori Yao drank low, he was still standing in the void like a mountain, pinching the Yin Jue with both hands, and instantly an ancient, vigorous and fierce aura burst, and the silver vitality was boiling, surging like a wave!

In the next moment, in front of Yashen Yao, there was an ancient silver stele that evolved out of it. It was ten thousand meters in size and roared for nine days, as if there was a divine sound!


The silver ancient stele smashed into the void directly, suppressing it towards Ye Wuque, and directly resisted the punch he blasted, and the entire void resounded with a brilliant heavenly sound, as if a **** was chanting a curse!

This is another powerful battle magical power of the Eight Gods, more terrifying than covering the sky with one hand!

The violent breath of the soul rushed towards the face, and the body of Ye Wuque who was blowing was clamoring, the silver ancient stele contained unimaginable terrible power, just like the ancient Demon Mountain, even a peerless beast can instantly suppress it!

But the expressionless Ye Wuque was not afraid at all. He raised his right arm and then made a right fist!


Longyin shakes the sky, unparalleled domineering!

True Dragon Fist!

Ye Wuque's right arm directly turned into a golden dragon, and it blasted straight out!

In terms of fierceness, force, and dominance, which of these secret magical powers can be compared to True Dragon Emperor Art?


I saw that Ye Wuque’s dragon fist blasted the silver ancient stele to pieces in an instant. He transformed into a dragon and jumped out. The dragon fist blasted away from the Eight Gods, wherever the fist passed. Everything is shattering!

Facing Ye Wuque's domineering and majestic punch, the Void Iori Yao who had been standing up all the time finally moved. He was stepping back, Yinhui fiercely, as if temporarily avoiding his sharp edge!

But his face is always cold, his eyes are surging with killing intent, his hands are pinching fast to the limit, and his hands are pressed together, slapped into the void!


A tingling scene appeared, and I saw that above the void, one side after another silver ancient steles appeared, densely all over the world, lined up in rows and rows, and the ancient and majestic aura suddenly increased tenfold!

In the end, ninety-nine town monuments evolved into the world, sealing all Ye Wuque's routes!

"Huh! Dead dog, ninety-nine Tianbei Town, how many can you smash?"

Iori Yao spoke proudly, and Yinhui gurgled!

Ninety-nine Tiantian Monuments were filled with terrifying coercion, almost squeezing the void, and they all came directly to Ye Wuque's suppression. This time the pressure was more than ten times higher than before!

Feeling the terrible pressure, the golden body roared, and Ye Wuque's heart also filled with awe-inspiring meaning!

From the moment of the fight, Ye Wuque understood that this Yaoshen Yao was a super master, and his combat power was as high as the top generals, and he was not inferior to him!

This is only one of the younger generation of the Eight Gods, and it is completely imaginable how terrifying the entire Eight Gods is!

With the endless years of reigning in this world, the foundation of the Eight Gods is completely terrifying to the point of indescribability!


How is that?

After learning the truth eighteen years ago and the idea of ​​the Eight Gods' rebelliousness, Ye Wuque's anger could not be calmed down, and there was only one thought left in his mind!

Since the slave is so rebellious and daring to bark his teeth and wants to eat the Lord, then he must suppress it!

"Father, today I will clean up the door for you. He is only the first one, and I will not let the entire Eight Gods tribe!"

After the extreme anger is a kind of calmness, but Ye Wuque's eyes are astonishingly bright, and the whole person burst out a kind of madness and arrogance!

"Drive me!"


Ye Wuque yelled loudly, his divine brilliance surpassed the sky, his whole person turned into a golden dragon, roaring for nine days!

True Dragon Fighting Heaven!

Fists, feet, palms, fingers... All parts of Ye Wuque's body turned into sharp weapons for offensive, sweeping across all directions, the dragons shook the sky, and constantly shattered the Tiantian monument that was suppressed from side to side!

Sparks splash, clanging roar!

Ye Wuque was violent and ferocious to the limit. Within a dozen breaths, he smashed all the ninety-nine town monuments, not leaving one!

In the distance, the eyelids of the Iori who saw this scene jumped, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes!

Obviously Ye Wuque's strength was beyond his imagination!

"I have to admit that you are stronger than I expected. You deserve to be the son of that man! Very good, it makes me even more excited. The stronger you are, the more meaningful it will be to suppress you!"

"In the eyes of my Eight Gods, you are nothing but..."

"Dog minion, noisy!"

Before the words of Yashen Yao were finished, he was interrupted by Ye Wuque directly. Under the real dragon fighting the sky, he shuttled through the void and came to kill!

"True dragon waving its tail!"


Behind Ye Wuque, a golden tail emerged from the sky, evolving in all directions. It was surrounded by raging golden flames, with a kind of extreme domineering, swaying in the void, tearing the sky, it was a dragon tail!

The dragon yin exploded, Ye Wuque's whole person turned over, and the golden dragon tail descended from the sky with an indescribable great power, swinging into the void and sweeping away everything!

"You are looking for death!"

Iori was completely angry, and the anger in his heart was almost coming out of his chest!

Ye Wuque called him a "dog minion" with a mouthful, it was like a naked slap in the face, a snap!

"The Eight Gods Bengtian Sword!"

With a loud roar, Iori Yaoyao shined with silver light all over his body, and shot out silver brilliance from it, like a brilliant galaxy rising into the sky, turning into brilliant sword light!

This sword of light is full of brilliance, one transforms ten, ten transforms a hundred, hundreds of thousands, and thousands of thousands. In an instant, more than one hundred thousand swords have been transformed, sweeping the wasteland, and the sky!

Each sword light carries a violent weather aura. Once it hits the target, the hidden bursting sword intent will burst instantly, forming an unimaginable power, enough to destroy all enemies!

This piece of emptiness instantly becomes a bright, coercive!

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