Return of the War God

Chapter 2319: : What kind of irony is this?

The sword aura was mighty, and the dragon yin shook the sky. Looking from a distance, the silver sword light swept across, and there was a continuous burst of roar, and was suppressed by the dragon, the aura of destruction swept like a storm!


Hundreds of Bengtian sword lights hit Ye Wuque and exploded in an instant. The terrifying burst sword intent directly enveloped Ye Wuque. The roar of gold and iron strikes erupted, forcing Ye Wuque to retreat again and again, and his breath seemed to be disordered. Up!

"good chance!"

Iori dazzled with sharp eyes, stepped out in one step, his feet seemed to have stepped on two rounds of silver sun, the speed broke out in an instant, and he followed Ye Wuque!

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Ye Wuque revealed his flaws!

For a master at the level of Yashen Yao, a slight flaw is enough for him to grasp, and then Tyrant will kill, a final word!

"I said, dead dog, kneel down for me!"

The hands of the Yashen Yao burst into brilliant silver light, like two rounds of scorching sun. In one round, there is a monument evolving, and in the other round, there is a sword light shining!

He put his hands together, suppressed suddenly, and directly blasted Ye Wuque!


The void burst, the radiance was boiling, and everything was invisible!

Above the earth, Xu Kuangshi's face changed suddenly!

"Not good! Master Feng, Master Ye..."

The graceful minister stood holding a sword, hunting in white clothes, his clear and translucent eyes were looking into the void, there was light rising in it, but his handsome face was still calm.

"Be safe and not restless."

The four-character exit, the cloud is calm and gentle, and it also carries a strong confidence in his good brother.

Xu Kuangshi seemed to be infected by the attitude of the handsome minister, his old face eased a little, but his heart still clung tight!

I don't know why, Xu Kuangshi's attitude towards Ye Wuque here quietly changed!

Above the void, the vitality is boiling, roaring and bursting!

But in the next instant, the raging Yuanli dissipated, revealing two of them!

I saw Iori's arms were directly grasped by Ye Wuque's hands, and the two of them met hand-to-hand and collided!

Feeling the terrifying power surging from the two hands holding his arms, Iori was shocked, and there was a hint of incredible in his eyes!

Ye Wuque not only blocked his tenable blow, but also caught him in reverse!

The power of horror was stirring, and Iori realized that he couldn't escape at all!

The hair was turbulent, Ye Wuque's gaze was like a knife, staring at the Iori, his eyes seemed to rise as a flame, and his body exuded a kind of extreme domineering and dignity, and the breathtaking breath was transpiring, like it could shatter the sky The cold and merciless voice exploded!

"You are right, it is indeed a good opportunity, but it is not yours, but... mine!"


The moment the voice fell, Iori's pupils suddenly shrank, he felt a kind of crisis, his heart was loud, and he heard a high-pitched and sharp phoenix in his ears!

A whole body was wrapped in purple radiance, like a Divine Phoenix who had come from the Polar Region of Life and Death, born out of the sky, flying out from behind Ye Wuque!

The wings of the purple divine phoenix suddenly opened wide, the divine flame was soaring, the roots of the purple phoenix feathers fell down, the divine brilliance was surging, and the eight divine dazzles were killed!

With a squeak, the entire world was illuminated in an instant, and the purple divine phoenix used its wings as its front, and turned into a sky blade to slash out, splitting the sky, and the speed was extremely fast!

Iori Yao was dyed purple!

First issue (

"The anger burns to the nine heavens!!"

At the moment, Iori roared to the sky, and there was a blazing silver flame gushing out from all over his body. At the same time, his face became flushed, the high temperature burst, and the silver flame enveloped him, a raging anger that frightened him for nine days. combustion!

From a distance, the whole body of Yashen Yao seemed to explode, wrapped in silver flames, majestic and domineering!

In an instant, Ye Wuque felt that the strength in the Yaoshen Yao who had performed this trick doubled out of thin air, and he broke away from his hands!


But Ye Wuque was neither surprised nor angry, his expression still cold, and Samsara Undead Slash was still fiercely cut out!


Samsara Immortal Slash slammed the Yagami Yao, who had interacted with his arms in front of him, and slashed him out instantly!

A wave of air burst in the void, and the clouds were blasted away. Iori Yao flew out like a kite with a broken line, hitting several mountain peaks, and finally smashed into a piece of land, destroying that area, and smashed out a foot. There are huge pits of tens of thousands of feet!

With a squeak, Ye Wuque came to the giant pit, his dazzling icy eyes looked down at the giant pit, and his voice rang coldly: "Since you are not dead, get out!"


In the next moment, a mad laughter sounded from under the huge pit, growing louder and louder, with a madness like anger to the extreme!

The great earthquake trembled and roared endlessly, and the gravel pierced the air, and the Eight Gods Yao rushed out of the huge pit, and once again came to the void, facing Ye Wuque away!

But at this time he looked quite embarrassed!

A gorgeous martial arts robe shattered, revealing a strong upper body. It was infested by bright red, breathing was quite rapid, and the corner of his mouth was bleeding. Obviously, Ye Wuque's reincarnation slash still hurt him!

The embarrassed Iori Yao was panting, but his aura seemed undamaged, and the coercive pressure rose in his terrifying eyes, like a bruised beast, becoming even more terrifying!

"Arrogant and arrogant, this is your arrogance? You thought it was so powerful, but so!"

Ye Wuque spoke coldly, with great pressure!

"Ha ha ha ha... amazing! Really amazing! You are really proud of being able to push me to this point!"

Yashen Yao smiled and said, with a strange color in his tone and eyes!

Ye Wuque narrowed his eyes slightly, and he felt a little unusual!

This Yagami Yao is very terrifying. Although he has been injured, his aura is even more terrifying!

"I thought I could easily suppress you with little effort, but now it seems that it will take a little more time! But then, you can keep your eyes open and watch, because I will use the supreme magical power!"

Yashen Yao's tone became more and more weird!

"The invincible is never a treasure of magical powers, but a person!"

Ye Wuque responded coldly, his golden body dazzling!

"That's right, but do you know where the magical powers I will use next comes from?"

"I said before that before your father left, not only your blood was left behind, but there were also some special things that I asked the Eight Gods to hand over to you!"

"Hey! What if I tell you that this thing is a supreme magic code?"

As soon as Iori Yao said this, Ye Wuque's heart suddenly shook, and his pupils shrank slightly!

"Hahahaha! It seems that you have already guessed it! Yes, this is the supernatural power that your father left for you! But now, it has become the supreme treasure of the Eight Gods! It is truly an ancient and invincible treasure. what!"

Iori raised up to the sky and roared, with uncontrollable excitement and arrogance on his face!

"The biggest hole card your father left you is firmly in my clan's hands! What are you fighting against my Eight Gods?"

In the next moment, Iori smiled and moved instantly!

The fierce and cruel voice shook the eight wilderness!

"Ye Wuque, you are really pitiful, and even more pathetic! Because I will use your family's magical powers... to abolish you! What kind of irony is this? How interesting? Hahahahaha..."

"So, despair!!"

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